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The Mightiest Mario
Mar 27, 2020
Elmer Fudd, driving his Ford Model T jalopy to a Conga beat, makes his way to Jellostone National Park (a pun on Yellowstone National Park) while looking forward to getting some rest. Elmer sets up his campsite by setting a campfire, and hanging a mirror on a tree and, beneath it, a washbasin on a table, hanging a hammock, and pitching his tent. The tent is positioned directly over Bugs Bunny's rabbit hole (just as Elmer had arrived, Bugs had posted a sign next to his hole saying 'Camp Here', then had retreated into the lair, covering it with grass as he went). From down there, Bugs breaks down the tent and drags it inside. Elmer reaches in and, in spite of resistance from below, retrieves the tent which is tied in knots. Bugs pops up, welcomes Elmer to Jellostone ("a restful retreat. Oh brudda!") and pulls Elmer's hat over his eyes. Elmer reaches in again and tries to yank Bugs out. After several attempts, Elmer pulls his hands out to find that his fingers are tied together. He nails a board over the hole ("that'll hold 'em alwhight, heh-heh-heh-heh-heh"). However, Bugs simply pushes it open, steps out and mimics Elmer. Bugs balloons up to Elmer's size and repeats what Elmer had said, labeling it "phooey". Elmer then settles into his hammock and quickly falls fast asleep, muttering to himself.

Bugs places a pair of glasses on Elmer's face, paints the lenses black and sets the alarm clock to go off at noon. When it wakes Elmer, he thinks it is nighttime because everything seems dark. He goes to his tent, takes off his day clothes to reveal night clothes underneath, and goes to bed. Bugs then removes the glasses from Elmer and crows like a rooster, awakening Elmer who believes it is the next morning.

Elmer washes his face but cannot reach his towel because it is hanging on a branch that Bugs keeps at a steady, short distance from him. Elmer blindly follows the towel ("I do this kind of stuff to him all through the picture", Bugs confides to the audience). He causes Elmer to step off a cliff edge. Elmer looks at the miraculous view of the Grand Canyon, but suddenly realizes he is in midair. He runs back to safety and holds on to Bugs for dear life. Bugs then confesses that he is the one pulling these gags and runs off, with a furious Elmer giving chase after retrieving a gun from his tent. However, he runs into a black bear. The bear starts growling, and so Elmer turns to a wildlife handbook for advice, which directs him to play dead.

The bear soon gives up (after sniffing Elmer's "B.O." – his feet), but Bugs climbs onto Elmer and starts growling exactly like the bear. He misbehaves in various ways to keep Elmer on the ground with his eyes shut, but just as he starts biting Elmer's foot, Elmer sees what is going on and grabs his shotgun. The bear returns and Bugs runs away just as Elmer swings the gun, clobbering the bear rather than the rabbit. A chase ensues with Elmer and the bear running through the trees to the tune of the "William Tell Overture." Finally, the bear freaks Elmer out by riding on top of him.

When the bear is knocked off him after hitting a tree branch, Elmer gives up and packs everything into his car (almost including a huge tree). He passes the welcome sign at the gate on his way out, backs up and reads it again. He declares the promise of "a restful retreat" to be "bawoney!" and, to teach the park not to give false advertisement, he chops the sign to bits with an ax and stomps on the pieces while calling the park's "peace and wewaxation" promises "wubbish!" A ranger (along with Bugs) appears, and has an angry expression on his face. Elmer is arrested for the destruction of government property, and from his jail cell window he tells us that "anyway" he is "wid of that gwizzwy bear and scwewy wabbit! West and wewaxation at wast!" Unfortunately, he turns to find out that somehow he is sharing his cell with both Bugs and the black bear. They both ask how long he has in jail ("Pardon me but, how long ya in for, doc?" they ask).


and thus comes the end of an era
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Jun 16, 2020
Crossbell State


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Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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casual reminder that buggs bunny coined the slang "nimrod" to mean a stupid person. nimrod is the name of a skilled biblical hunter, and buggs used it sarcastically against elmer fudd and most of the audience interpreted it as a synonym to "moron" instead
I've always wondered how that happened, how it went from meaning a great hunter to an idiot

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