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Spoiler Knight Missions

Dec 23, 2009
Wait, but I don't think there will even be "knight missions" judging from the interview. I expect the knight school could be a place to learn new skills as people have said before, but tons of side quests that are coming from the same place seems un-zelda like, or maybe I'm just too new to the series.

Kind of like in MC with the man that taught you moves. But I think you will have missions, to different places in Skyloft. They probably won't have any major effects on the story, just extra skills and side quests.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Wait, but I don't think there will even be "knight missions" judging from the interview. I expect the knight school could be a place to learn new skills as people have said before, but tons of side quests that are coming from the same place seems un-zelda like, or maybe I'm just too new to the series.
I see where you're coming from, going to a hub world to get missions is different than what you usually do in a Zelda game. But, the knight missions don't have to be canon, they could be sidequests upon completion, you get skills and/or rupees for them. And I'd love for those sidequests to engross all aspects of items and the sword for maximum effect, so the sidequests could be hard and enjoyable for example...require a couple of items but disable the sword so you would have to use your head. And that could be applicable not only in Knight Missions but in regular missions as well. : D


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Maybe there'll be missions (or in our eyes, sidequests!) that'll come from the Knight Academy. It would be kind of cool to be bidden to destroy or Bokoblin camp or retrieve a Skyloftian somehow taken captive. :)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Maybe there'll be missions to retrieve a Skyloftian taken captive.

Seriously, this NEEDS to happen. Repeatable tasks such as these that give you rupees, extra items, rare materials, the like! They could scale in difficulty as you gain more items! You could be sent with only your sword to prove you know your way around a blade! Different? Yes. Freaking awesome in concept? DEFINITELY!!!

Triforce King

Pathfinder for life
Jul 10, 2011
Yeah, I like to see that too Thareous:D

I will really like to do all of that in the game. Yeah, it will be a good idea if the side quests/missions was harder, and have you heard, when you complete a side quest/mission. You get a point for it. but what I want to know is what will it be use for VanitasXII. What do you think?:hmm:

Well you just got to give it chance, the series changing, it could surprise you.
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