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It's not really Ganondorf


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I have discovered something tragic.

This... isn't Ganondorf...

I know that sounds crazy.
"He's adorned with Gerudo symbols, has red hair, and he is called Ganon by the Hylians. Who else could it be?"

Well... the answer is tragic for a reason. This entity we are supposed to fight against... is the Hero from 10,000 years ago.

See? Sounds crazy. But it isn't and here is how.

Notice the garb he is wearing. A skirted tunic with his left-side covered and his right side exposed in a sort of half-toga robe. Now... where did we see this before? Ahhh right...
The E3 Trailer for BotW 2.

Now... what can we notice here?
Link, for some reason, is wearing the same outfit as "Ganondorf" in the above image. A kilt-skirt with a half-toga and some straps to hold it all together.
Simple attire change right?

Notice the hair? In the same trailer, we see Link in his more traditional Champions Tunic garb gliding around on the surface. And he has medium hair like he did in Breath of the Wild. But in this trailer in the scenes where Link is running around in the Sky, we see him with longer and far more wild hair.

And do you know who else has long and wild hair in their depictions?
The Hero from 10,000 years ago!
And do you know what I see strange about the Hero in the tapestry?
Notice how half of his torso has a green color to it rather than the blue color? The strange golden etchings on the arm that is weilding the sword? And more importantly, the long and wild flowing CRIMSON hair?

Here is my theory :

The Hero of 10,000 years ago is the Link we see in those sky-region parts of the trailer.
During his battle with the ancient Calamity, he was struck and tainted by Malice from the Calamity Ganon, hence why his right arm was afflicted and turned to it's blackened state.
The Calamity is slowly turning Link INTO Ganondorf !!
Either the Sheikah or the Zonai, possibly both working together; constructed the arm banding he wears to slow the progression of his transformation into Ganondorf reborn.
What we see of the sky sections of the game are Link from 10,000 years ago trying to desperately search for a means to halt the progression of this Curse of Malice... but ultimately he fails.
Knowing that he will succumb to the Malice and become Ganondorf reborn in HIS flesh, this incarnation of Link willing enters that Zonai temple and lets his arm-band enact a spell to perform a sealing ritual as he is finally turning into Ganondorf. His very soul is likely in the arm band itself.
Eons later, Link and Zelda from Breath of the Wild venture down into that cavern.
We see Link get Malice covering his right arm.

This sudden attack of Malice directly onto Link is likely something that saps away at his life force.
We ended Breath of the Wild with A LOT of Hearts.
The Mummified Link/Ganondorf saps away at our hearts, slowly draining ourselves and allowing itself to become strong enough to break the seal that has held him at bay for so long.
(this also would serve a gameplay reason as to why we would start off at 3 hearts once more)
And thus, Mummified Link/Ganondorf is awakened and the seal is broken!
The Golden Arm Bangle that sealed him LIKELY has what remains of Link from 10,000 years ago's soul within it and has autonomy.
Hence why the green power surges into Link's affected arm and the bangle affixes itself onto Link's arm - it is doing what it was meant to do and automatically latches onto Link to prevent him from ALSO becoming a reincarnation of Ganondorf!


(Notice how once the thing is on Link's arm, his fingernails are now sinisterly sharp? The transformation had already begun and the device slows it down!)
Since the spirit of the Hero from 10,000 years ago is within the arm, he might act like a guide for Link.
We essentially are getting two time-periods to play this game in.
Link is searching for a way to cure his affliction of this Curse of Malice, while also searching for Zelda and a means to defeat this resurrection of Ganondorf. And we get gameplay segments in the past RATHER than memories as Link is slowly merging his soul with that of his previous incarnation from 10,000 years ago that still lives within the arm bangle.
As a result, we get to see the events of the Hero from 10,000 years ago struggle and fail to save himself; being forced to seal himself away in order to prevent Ganondorf from being resurrected in his body in the hopes that a future hero could bring him down.

Link's goals in this game are to search for answers in his past life on the possibilities of a cure for the curse, to find Zelda, and to slay Ganondorf once again; hopefully once and for all this time.

I rest my case!

The Ganondorf we are seeing in Breath of the Wild 2 is ACTUALLY using the body of the previous Link that clashed with the Calamity. A Link who saved us from the initial calamity, but was afflicted with a curse that slowly turned him into a new host for Ganondorf's soul and hatred. And though this Link failed to save himself, he knows enough that hopefully the Link we played as in Breath of the Wild is able to cure himself with knowledge from the past and replaying the memories in a manner similar to the Animus from Assassin's Creed. By living through the memories of his past life, Link will be able to find a cure for his curse and then confront Ganondorf.
Who knows, perhaps at the end of their grand battle, Link will be able to lay his previous life's soul to rest and restore his body to he way it was so it could receive a proper burial / dissolve like that of the Sheikah Monks do when their role is fulfilled?

Whaddya think?


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
Nintendo has done dark before. Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are prime examples of going dark.
And plus, it can be touching. Imagine having a guide character BE a previous form of Link, similar to the Hero's Shade from Twilight Princess?
Imagine growing together and being directly responsible for why that incarnation was able to finally achieve peace and transition to the afterlife? He helps you save yourself from his fate, you help him achieve his final goal and release him of the undone business that keeps his soul tied here. With his body purified after the final fight at the end of the game, we have the opportunity to have a touching moment similar to Fi's or Midna's goodbyes.

From the looks of it, he did fully succumb to his curse, hence why we see him with Gerudo Jewelry. Perhaps the Zelda of his time period was the one who did the final sealing act?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Yeah and MM and TP are both pretty heavily looked down on. One by the devs and one by the fandom. That possible synopsis you put out is really cool, I'd love to see it, but it kinda seems almost fanfiction like imo. But you've said that you do those hypotheticals, so we shall see.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I made this theory MAINLY because I noticed some strange similarities between Ganondorf and Link in the trailer and the fact that Link's hair is long and wild while in the sky yet in the same trailer, it is medium and more well-kempt when we saw him on the surface in his traditional champion's tunic attire. I was like "WAAAAAAAAAIIIIIT A HYLIAN MINUTE !!!!!!?"

Plus, the fact that the new outfit and gear that we see Link use in the sky-regions seems to be a bit more Classical-Period themed when the attire we have seen in BotW has been more Medieval-Period themed. After all, going from tunics and boots to a toga and strap sandals that would make a Roman or ancient Greek man jealous? It certainly feels a bit off to say the least!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I mean, there is a similarity and it's probably something significant but idk if it's something you can infer a whole plot from. Well you obviously just did but there's no way of knowing if it's gonna be the true plot.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
So? You're not Nintendo, so you can't say with certainty that your plot is their plot. You could have a full game pitch, and that doesn't make it any more official. Nintendo didn't write it.
Correct. I am not Nintendo. I am RamboBambiBamboBingoBongoBoiyo.
Which is why I said I have 70% of a plot.
I still have my doubts, but I still think is is VERY likely that the body we see wasn't originally Ganondorf's and is instead that of the Hero 10,000 years ago.
Will the previous Hero's spirit be a guide or will Link merely be able to bear witness to his activities in the far past?


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I posted my theory on Reddit. Having a fun discussion so far.

I also made it into a Google-Doc so I could go into more detail if need be without much of a character limit.

What tragedy? If you wish to examine the possibility that this 'host body' may not be Ganondorf's original body, the thing separating it from being a theory and fanfiction is a willingness to examine all possibilities as opposed to zeroing in on one thing without considering the others. Believe me, you're not the first person to fixate on the hero in the tapestry having red hair and therefore somehow being Ganon™.

As for other possibilities though, consider how the male Gerudo in present day BotW literally don't exist, and aren't made king like they used to be. Where is the current male? If Ganon were to take a host body, you should probably be open to more possibilities there. Theories are meant to be fluid, because evidence will change as we get more information.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
What tragedy? If you wish to examine the possibility that this 'host body' may not be Ganondorf's original body, the thing separating it from being a theory and fanfiction is a willingness to examine all possibilities as opposed to zeroing in on one thing without considering the others. Believe me, you're not the first person to fixate on the hero in the tapestry having red hair and therefore somehow being Ganon™.

As for other possibilities though, consider how the male Gerudo in present day BotW literally don't exist, and aren't made king like they used to be. Where is the current male? If Ganon were to take a host body, you should probably be open to more possibilities there. Theories are meant to be fluid, because evidence will change as we get more information.
With the Curse of Malice tainting and transforming the Hero of the Past's body into one that is a replica of Ganondorf's, it would explain why there have been no new Gerudo Males for quite some time. Whatever curse or spell or whatnot makes it so only one dude can exist at a time CLEARLY recognizes the body that has been sealed away for all that time as being a male Gerudo.

After all, notice how the ears are rounded and not pointed like a Hylians? In order for Ganondorf's soul to reside in the body comfortably, the Malice caused a transmutation that literally turned Link's body into that of a Gerudo's.

Notice his right arm. It is tainted in color, turning to that familiar ash-grey that Ganondorf's skin is due to him being a Gerudo of dark magic. And then take a close look at the Hero of the Wild after the golden arm bangle has attached to his arm as a result of being touched by the pure Malice that is emanating from mummified Ganondorf. In the close-up shot of Link's arm, his fingernails are now far more sharp and sinister looking. A clear sign of being affected and twisted by evil.

The whole reason I even started coming up with this whole theory is a couple factors :
  • We can see sky-islands in the scenes where Link is wearing the Ancient Green Toga garb. Some of which are so close to the ground in some shots that we can see that you could likely use Revali's Gale from a tall hill to get onto the lowest of these islands.
  • But in scenes where we get to see Link in his Champion's Tunic garb, we notice that the sky is oddly blank. Especially in that wide panning shot of the Mobile Stone Talus Bokoblin Base. No islands in the sky. This implies that we are seeing two separate time periods.
  • The Ancient Green Toga garb we see the Hero of the Past wearing IS ESACTLY THE SAME THING that we see the Mummified Ganondorf wearing. Last I checked, Heroes and Villains are supposed to be dressed in stark contrast to one another, especially in media designed for children to enjoy since it helps to further show who is supposed to be the good guy and who is supposed to be the bad guy. Link usually wears tunics while Ganondorf and Vaati wear spiky leather armor and sinister robes.

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