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Is Telma a Descendant of the Gerudo?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
Due to Telma's appearance some have theorized that she could related to the Gerudo. In addition to her hair color, skin tone, and facial features, her dress also adorns a pattern similar to the Crest of the Gerudo:

20240209_094602.png TLoZ_Series_Crest_of_the_Gerudo_Symbol.png

Here's her full model:

I personally like the idea of this theory, pretty harmless, and gives a new view of Telma as a character. But what do you think?
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Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
adding onto that, it is hard to believe that every single gerudo vanished in b/w the N64 games and TP, whether you think its banishment or genocide
plus the symbol on her dress feels a little too close to be coincidence, like if the gerudo aren't supposed to be in hyrule anymore at this point, it's like a subtle way to pay homage to her heritage w/o outright pinning her as gerudo

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
Another thing to add here is that Gerudo are known to mingle with Hylians, so it could very well be the case.


ZD's Hazbin Hotel Addict
ZD Champion
Mar 13, 2024
Lon Lon Ranch
Maybe. Malon might also have Gerudo relations (Hair color, plus if you go up to Talon with the Gerudo mask on he'll say it reminds him of his wife...) so it's very much possible.

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