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If a game is spoiled for you, would you still play it?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Say there's a game you've been meaning to play, but for some reason or another, key story elements or even the whole story of it was spoiled for you. Would that dissuade you from playing it, or would you still want to try it out for the act of playing the game itself?

This happened to me a few times in the past, and I noticed that it never really deters me from wanting to play the game still. At worst I don't prioritize wanting to play or buy it, but hardly ever ruins my interest entirely.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
yeah i'll still play it, i'm not super interested in story driven games anyway so i dont care a ton about story in the first place.
I guess it depends on how interested I was in playing in the first place. Sometimes a spoiler is a dealbreaker too if you realize how ****ing worthless the plot is? Not for that price tag, right?

But usually it probably won't prevent me from checking something out still if it was something I was interested in. If it was a "friend" who spoiled it for me, I might not share my playthrough with them whatsoever cuz they'll probably be a dumbass and spoil more.

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
Depends on how invested I am in a game in, say, the atmosphere or premise of the plot and how it looks, yeah it could maybe turn me off a little bit, but otherwise, eh, I might get a bit mad either way but it wouldn’t turn me off too much, and I might still play it because the game looks so fun or enjoyable regardless.

It has happened to me before, and when it did, I still played the game regardless and had fun with it, and it didn’t ruin the experience for me


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I'll still play it. And I have, several times in the past. I spoiled all the Zelda games for myself. I excessively google tips and stuff and end up with spoilers. I ask my best friend, who is incapable of describing something without telling the entire plot, whether a game is good or not. Almost every game I play has already been spoiled for me to some extent. Usually my fault. I regret it a little. But what I tend to find is that even if you know who the boss is or who betrays you or how to get through a particular side quest, you never know the full game. You might not know that one funny joke an npc makes, or how much depth a certain character has, or how deep the lore actually goes. Heck, even if you watch a full playthrough, you don't know that feeling of excitement and relief you get when you actually meet the final boss. All of that is what makes the game worth playing to me. I can know every line of dialouge from the getgo but whenever I solve a puzzle it makes me really happy. Seeing the cutscenes you read about just hits different. Even if you get spoiled it's still an experience.
If you purposefully spoil a game for someone tho you're a terrible human being.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
It really depends on the game itself, and how much your enjoyment of it revolves around not knowing what’s about to happen. If I were spoiled on, say a visual novel of some kind, then I might be dissuaded from playing it.

There’s also the aspect of context, too. Even if you understand the gist of a plot point beforehand, that plot point can still resonate with you once you see it in the format it was meant to be seen in.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
It really depends on the game itself, and how much your enjoyment of it revolves around not knowing what’s about to happen. If I were spoiled on, say a visual novel of some kind, then I might be dissuaded from playing it.

There’s also the aspect of context, too. Even if you understand the gist of a plot point beforehand, that plot point can still resonate with you once you see it in the format it was meant to be seen in.
Exactly. It all depends on context.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
If I really love to play a game and it's spoiled I still play it.

Back in 2014 I followed Dashy playing Mario 3D World. I had no interest in buying the game but I liked Dashy's gameplay because it was funny as hell to watch. This made me decide to play the game myself even though I already knew all the bosses and levels and storyline. So it can work the opposite way too.


Staff member
I don’t think being spoiled would really discourage me from playing a game if I had already wanted to play it. Being told a spoiler isn’t ideal but it won’t totally ruin my experience with the game.

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