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Hyrulean Civil War RP [Game Thread]


The game is on!
Cornea nods at Rasul with a serious smile before turning to the elders again. "Elders, I ask permission to infiltrate Goron City while you ready the troops here. And I would like to bring Rasul with me. We worked well together yesterday."

"Permission granted," an elder replies. "We will put Impa in charge of mobilising our army in the meantime."

Cornea bows to the elders and exits the house with Rasul.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasul walks out of the house, and waits for Kornia to give further instruction


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Will finishes his cake, and suddenly finds himself shoved out the door, "All right... bye I guess," He returns to his own quarters. It is getting pretty late.


The game is on!
"It is still early in the morning," Cornea says to Rasul. "If we hurry up the mountain there won't be as many Gorons around. Our mission is to use stealth, one of the ancient Sheikah arts, to infiltrate the city and do whatever we can to prevent the Gorons from attacking our village. Are you with me?"


The game is on!
The duo starts making their way up the mountain. As they are closing in on Goron City they spy two Goron guards from a distance, so they hide. "We need to find a way around them to get in undetected," Cornea tells Rasul with a whisper.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
" so you think they'd buy a gambit where I bring you to them in shackles that aren't locked and when we get to the middle of the fray you spring out and we do the battle?"


The game is on!
"That's not stealth..." Cornea mutters. "Although it might be a decent alternative if we cannot find another way in." He looks at the wall surrounding the city and it sure looks like it's well sealed up. The only way to enter the city seems to be the passageway guarded by those two Gorons. "Alright I guess we have no other choice, my friend," says Cornea and spins a thread around his wrists to create the illusion of him being tied up.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasul pushes Kornia along up the hill towards the guards
" Halt, you meatbag"
" Ballo, Gorons. Mi Kele Rasul, I am a bounty Hunter. I am told you have quite the bounty on this man's head. I wish to speak with your leader and perhaps get my reward"
" Dwayne, seek out Darunia, and tell him we have a little man holding s shiekah asking for access to the city"
one of the guards rolls down hill


The game is on!
Cornea and Rasul were left alone with the remaining Goron. Cornea started to think this might have been a bad decision. Even just one Goron would be a challenge to knock out...


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Dwayne returns
" so rosie"
"IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS. Darunia says to allow them access. Darunia wants a word with Rasul. take the Prisoner for interrogation"


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Celica slept rather well, even through the broken ribs, unaware of the Goron that had slipped into their castle.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Morten now explores the town square, hiding under various awnings in ball form to avoid detection from the numerous stray dogs of the night. The question as to whether the prison was located at the castle or in the town itself lingers in his mind.


The game is on!
Rasul is escorted toward Darunia's room and Cornea is taken in another rejection, to the interrogation room. "Damn, we should have thought this through more before deciding on this plan," Cornea thought to himself as he was being led through a stone corridor.

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