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How Much Time is There Between SS & OoT?

How much time is there between SS & OoT?

  • 5 years

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  • 10 years

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  • 50 years

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  • 100 years

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  • 200 years

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  • 500 years

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  • 1000 years

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  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
A few hundred years, just so that everyone from SS will have died and the time when there were floating islands can be forgotten.
Sep 10, 2011
I'd have to say 1,000 at the least . . . we know before OoT there were many previous wars and events, and we know Hyrule didn't even really "unite" until just before the events of OoT Therefore, I'd say a lot happened over many many many MANY years between Oot and SS That being said, there's plenty of room for more games, still 100's of years apart in between SS and OoT, but I guess only time will tell
Jun 25, 2011
I answered "other", and the answer is simple: the developers probably don't even know yet. If they say that this game takes place only 100 years before OoT, then that limits what they can do in the game by a lot. If they leave it ambiguous, then that gives them the freedom to create whatever they think will make the game better. Also, they have the possibility of adding another game after SS and before OoT.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I'm gonna go with about 300 years. Why? I don't really know why that exact number, but it seems reasonable. Anyway, it's definitely going to be a pretty decent amount of time, as Navi called the Master Sword a "legendary blade." Things don't become legend overnight. Even 100 years isn't really enough to truly become legend. So 200 years minimum, I say. I'm just gonna stick with 300, as I like that number. :bleh:


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'm going to guess around 500 years. Like stated already, it would take a while for the Hyrule to actually be Hyrule, with citizens and the like, and Skyloft would have to be totally forgotten unless Nintendo decides to retcon ever so slightly. The Master Sword needs to be a legend, and the Hero of Time [or the Hero, whichever SS Link is] needs to be established as a legend as well.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
500 years, because that will give the Master Sword plenty of time to pass into legend as it was enclosed in the four walls of the Temple of Time, and for the possible war between the Sheikahs and the Royal Family, as mentioned by Impa in OoT, to die down.


Jan 19, 2011
Around 400 I think, that's enough time for something (in this case, the Master Sword) to become legendary...


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
500 years, because that will give the Master Sword plenty of time to pass into legend as it was enclosed in the four walls of the Temple of Time, and for the possible war between the Sheikahs and the Royal Family, as mentioned by Impa in OoT, to die down.

The wars weren't between the Sheikah and the Royal Family. The Sheikah fought for the Royal Family.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The wars weren't between the Sheikah and the Royal Family. The Sheikah fought for the Royal Family.

Zelda Wiki Definition of Sheikah - "A people sworn to protect the Royal Family."

Good eye, but I'm thinking they were fighting a faction of their tribe who were against the Royal Family. This might explain Ghirahim's statement of there being "others," who are the Sheikah revolutionists (and during the war there are good Sheikahs; just hypothesizing), and they are against a possible prophecy which tells of a new order that will claim dominance of Hyrule and spread peace across the land (also a theory that ties together).

I'm also wondering if the Sheikah are the Dark Interlopers, because according to ZW they go by the Shadow Tribe as well.

Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
I chose 500 yrs, because I am sticking to my guns about Koume and Kotake being in SS. And since in OoT Twinrova said they were 700 years old, this only makes sense to me.


The game is on!
I chose 500 yrs, because I am sticking to my guns about Koume and Kotake being in SS. And since in OoT Twinrova said they were 700 years old, this only makes sense to me.

I thought Kotake and Koume were about 400 years old in OoT. I think they say so before the die. One of the says that she is 400 and the other says that she is 380. So I guess they were about 400 years old in OoT.
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Lord Death

Bichon Frise
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, IL
I thought Kotake and Koume were about 400 years old in OoT. I think they say so before the die. One of the says that she is 400 and the other says that she is 380. So O guess they were about 400 years old in OoT.

Lol oh yeah well I haven't played in a while, but I believe you... Well my guess now changes to anywhere between 300 yrs and 100 yrs...


The Last Kilgannon
Jun 7, 2011
Pretty much adding to what everyone else is saying, at least a few hundred years. Enough time for another hero to be born and Hyrule to really be established as a kingdom.

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