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How Much Energy is Required to Destroy One Gram of Fat?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Hello, I want to lose weight however I don not know what the energy is required to destroy one gram of fat is. Can you help me?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Well one gram of fat = 9 calories. Is that all you need to know?

Well then how much energy would I need to destroy 9 calories of one gram of fats? Or does it change depending on the BMI? I'm not an exercise person, I didn't take kinesiology or anything and I don't plan to. But I know some of you are reall muscle bound people, bdsm with muscles, and maybe you can help me? I am 140lbs and I want to slim down to 99lbs if it's possible, if not then 125lbs will be good. I on't want to diet or starve myself because diet foots are nasty and starving is a BIG NO NO but I think we can deal with not eating many things. (Yes, we, because o fmy headmates Larry and Barack Obama)


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
maybe he wants to know it in Joules?


Jul 1, 2012
Well then how much energy would I need to destroy 9 calories of one gram of fats? Or does it change depending on the BMI? I'm not an exercise person, I didn't take kinesiology or anything and I don't plan to. But I know some of you are reall muscle bound people, bdsm with muscles, and maybe you can help me? I am 140lbs and I want to slim down to 99lbs if it's possible, if not then 125lbs will be good. I on't want to diet or starve myself because diet foots are nasty and starving is a BIG NO NO but I think we can deal with not eating many things. (Yes, we, because o fmy headmates Larry and Barack Obama)
I highly recommend against this. One it's unhealthy to be at that weight, and two, it's going to be extremely difficult. You're basically asking to lose 15lbs at a BF% which seems pretty low considering your weight and those sexy pics you sent me. It would be impossible to lose 15lbs with your current weight and not get incredibly sick. So what will happen naturally is that your body will eat away at your muscle, which isn't what you want.

If you just want to lose a bit of BF then simply eat within a caloric deficit.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
choco-boo, if you slim down to 99lbs, you'll end up on one of those charity commercials in nigeria. i dont want to donate $1 a day to you.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I highly recommend against this. One it's unhealthy to be at that weight, and two, it's going to be extremely difficult. You're basically asking to lose 15lbs at a BF% which seems pretty low considering your weight and those sexy pics you sent me. It would be impossible to lose 15lbs with your current weight and not get incredibly sick. So what will happen naturally is that your body will eat away at your muscle, which isn't what you want.

If you just want to lose a bit of BF then simply eat within a caloric deficit.
Well then if I slim down to 99lbs in the course of three years then will it be safer than if I did it in three months? I think the answer is yes. There are many people who suffer from anorexia because they didn't do the research on fat loosing, but I am researching right now and it's for this reason that I think I WILL BELIEVE in my goals. If I can't go down to 99lbs then can I do 125lbs? Of course in the course in a longer time span instead of immediately.
choco-boo, if you slim down to 99lbs, you'll end up on one of those charity commercials in nigeria. i dont want to donate $1 a day to you.
Actually no I won't, because this will make me like a Slim Jim. Except into a Chocolate Form that is nothing but a Grace from God. :)


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
i know i posted this in the sb, but:

if you lose enough weight, then maybe one day you can fulfill your dream of being a display skeleton for a high school biology classroom


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
i know i posted this in the sb, but:

if you lose enough weight, then maybe one day you can fulfill your dream of being a display skeleton for a high school biology classroom

But that isn't my dream. I want to be slim enough for girls to be attracted to me. at 140lbs and 5'10 I am actually really fat, and I am gaining more weight now than ever. I gained 10lbs in the course of one year and that is projected to triple if I did my math right (hint: I never did any math lmfao). I believe that girls aren't attracted to me right now because I am fat. I don't know if that is the real reason, but it's best to take all possible monkey wrenches out even if they turn out to be the actual gears. Do you see where I am going? If I hit 125lbs and it turns out that I have to get plastic surery, I only di dmyself a service by losing all of the excessive weight from my person.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
wear one of those weird belt things that constricts your body.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
wear one of those weird belt things that constricts your body.

the heating pads? one of my special ed teachers has one and she said it helped her lose 15% body mass which isn't that bad but I want more than that. I ned to lose at least 15 lbs or else I'll be really huge and girls won't like me.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
one of the top ways to get girls to like you is to walk around naked. Crotchless chaps work wonders


Jul 1, 2012
But that isn't my dream. I want to be slim enough for girls to be attracted to me. at 140lbs and 5'10 I am actually really fat, and I am gaining more weight now than ever. I gained 10lbs in the course of one year and that is projected to triple if I did my math right (hint: I never did any math lmfao). I believe that girls aren't attracted to me right now because I am fat. I don't know if that is the real reason, but it's best to take all possible monkey wrenches out even if they turn out to be the actual gears. Do you see where I am going? If I hit 125lbs and it turns out that I have to get plastic surery, I only di dmyself a service by losing all of the excessive weight from my person.
Ok so you're 5'10 and 140lbs which is pretty average for your height and your age (maybe slightly below average). Unless your bones are nonexistent and you have no organs or fluids in your body, you are most likely floating between 10-15% BF (maybe even less). So your body fat is currently anywhere between 14-20lbs. It's basically impossible for you to lose 15lbs of fat alone without being at an extremely low BF level that is not healthy to sustain and potentially life threatening. Your body will take whatever muscle it needs. You will look like a stickman. Are you going for that look?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
one of the top ways to get girls to like you is to walk around naked. Crotchless chaps work wonders

No that is actually a Cheaters way. And it doesn't work in this society. If you walk around naked you can get captured by the police for Indecent Exposure (title. 44 ch. 69 sec. 2). And besides it isn't something I am interested in doing. If I get a girl to like me, it will because I am a Physically Fit individual, not because I can flaunt my peepee everywhere like a hoe. Now back o topic:

How much weight can I theoretically lose and still stay healthy?

Ok so you're 5'10 and 140lbs which is pretty average for your height and your age (maybe slightly below average). Unless your bones are nonexistent and you have no organs or fluids in your body, you are most likely floating between 10-15% BF (maybe even less). So your body fat is currently anywhere between 14-20lbs. It's basically impossible for you to lose 15lbs of fat alone without being at an extremely low BF level that is not healthy to sustain and potentially life threatening. Your body will take whatever muscle it needs. You will look like a stickman. Are you going for that look?

I'm glad you posted this. This is the information that I really wanted. If I lose 15lbs then it can be life threatening or at the very least I will be hospitalized. I do not want that. I believe lower body weight is also conducive to headaches if I'm not wrong. Then I will maybe settle for 130lbs.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Depicted: Choco in 2 years

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