- Joined
- Jan 20, 2012
- Location
- Washington
I was wondering how you guys pronounce names from the Legend of Zelda games. I know there are multiple ways to pronounce them so i'm kinda curious to see how you all do it differently than I 
Also, if there is a thread like this I couldn't find it, so sorry if I missed it.
These are the most common hard-to-pronounce names , if I am missing any, feel free to tell me
I will first list the name and then how I personally say it aloud.
Fi- Fye
Ghirahim- Gear-uh-heem
Saria- Sar-ee-uh
Epona- Ee- Pawn- Uh
Faorore- Fair-or-ray
Koume- Co-ooh-may
Kotake- Co-tahk-ay
Navi- N-aah-vee
Tael- Tail
Tatl- Tattle
Aryll- Air-ill
Ilia- Ill-ee-uh

Also, if there is a thread like this I couldn't find it, so sorry if I missed it.
These are the most common hard-to-pronounce names , if I am missing any, feel free to tell me

I will first list the name and then how I personally say it aloud.
Fi- Fye
Ghirahim- Gear-uh-heem
Saria- Sar-ee-uh
Epona- Ee- Pawn- Uh
Faorore- Fair-or-ray
Koume- Co-ooh-may
Kotake- Co-tahk-ay
Navi- N-aah-vee
Tael- Tail
Tatl- Tattle
Aryll- Air-ill
Ilia- Ill-ee-uh