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How do you cope with spoilers?


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I uninstall reddit and disable youtube for a while for very popular games or shows. Like I did for AoT till I caught with the manga. I'll probably do this for TotK too. Hbu?

Also what do you do the people who've spoiled you? Once a guy spoiled me Shang Chi. I just chided him and moved on. A few years ago I heard a spoiler from my friend for a big movie. Since then, I'm always cautious and tell people how far I'm into a series or game before discussing it
The only place where I interact with people into media that I might possibly care about spoilers is here on ZD and most people here are pretty courteous about it. Depending on what it is, I'll be more uptight about getting spoiled, but usually it's pretty easy to avoid without much effort.

Most spoiler slip ups that happen here on ZD are when people spoiler tag things but don't specify the nature of the spoiler. Too many times you click a spoiler tag thinking it's just like to save space and it's an actual spoiler for something major. Just saying spoilers for something isn't particularly helpful either cuz there's mild spoilers that are learned fairly early into a show or film or game that might ruin a couple pleasant surprises here and there, and then there's the MAJOR spoilers that basically ruin the entire story. I'm more forgiving about the former, but if I click a tag expecting the former and it ends up being the latter because the poster didn't specify the nature of the spoiler, oh, I will absolutely give them hell.

I'm that annoying person who might get on someone's case for not being mindful of spoilers for things that I already know about, if I know it's going to ruin someone else's experience too. So y'all better watch out. :eyes:


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I just kinda hope for the best, I haven't been in a position where I was so adverse to spoilers that I went on media blackout or anything

but of course if it's something popular, then it's bound to happen if I don't experience the thing quick enough, though I always hate it when people's justification to their spoiler comments is "bruh its been x weeks or months" or whatever, now those guys should get the death threats


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Most of the times I manage to avoid them as much as I can. Especially when it comes to Zelda games. I like to figure it all out on my own. So I usually avoid groups or pages on fb or other social media. I also don't post spoilers on my fb page. Even though everybody is allowed to post on their own timeline what they want it's still a bad feeling to ruin someone's experience by posting things you already know and they don't and wanna figure out themselves
I do put a little effort into avoiding them, but I don't care a ton, if I stumble upon a spoiler or someone mentions something it doesn't really ruin my enjoyment very much. If it's in a conversation with someone though I'll usually remind them that it's considered kinda rude to spoil things, because I know some other people care a lot.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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I try to avoid them but I don't do anything extreme like avoiding YouTube. Usually I just try to be a bit more cautious of the YouTube videos I watch by avoiding videos related to the content that could be spoiled for me.

Usually when I have gotten something spoiled for me I try to move on as quick as possible. I find that sometimes only getting a bit of a spoiler instead of the entire thing spoiled can still leave room for enjoyment. For example, I had the ending of Rise of Skywalker spoiled for me. Even while knowing how it would end, I was unsure how the plot would progress to get there.

I knew the Emperor was Snoke, and that Rey and Kylo would team up to defeat him, and that Kylo would turn good again. I didn't know what would make him turn good though, so I kept wondering what would create a moment for that. I never expected it to be from a visit by Han Solo as a force ghost.


and thus comes the end of an era
Staff member
Jun 16, 2020
Crossbell State
I mostly just try to avoid triggering YT's dumb algorithm, like if I want to listen to a single song and then a bunch of videos with spoilery thumbnails shows up, so I end up clearing the searches from my history and it seems to do the trick.

Otherwise it's just staying away from discussions about whatever I want to avoid being spoiled for.


Goth catboy thingy
Oct 28, 2022
The middle of nowhere
How do I cope with spoilers? Therapy of course!
Jokes aside I mostly just avoid social media until I'm caught up.
Generally I deal with people who spoil things by tossing out some passive-aggressive/sarcastic remark to give them the hint.
"Gee, that would've been lovely to not know! Thanks!"
Fortunately most of my friends have the good common sense and basic human decency to not spoil things for other people without their express consent.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Honestly, I usually try to avoid going to sites or searching for terms that would give spoilers. I think YouTube is the big offender here. There have been a few times where I've looked something up regarding a game or TV show and then been spoiled about later events. It doesn't help when some people use blatant spoilers on their thumbnails. It doesn't happen too often, but it sure is annoying. At the end of the day, it's hard to avoid spoilers in the modern Internet era, so I try not to let it get to me if something is inadvertently spoiled for me like the death of a certain character in Star Wars Episode VII.


Jun 19, 2010
I've had enough bad run-ins that I'm pretty careful now. I generally don't look up anything for a game or show that I haven't finished yet, and if anything related gets recommended to me for it (say, on YouTube), I hide it to make sure nothing similar gets shown. If I see other people talking about it, then I’ll just look away.

Personally, I find it easier to deal with getting spoiled if I feel like it’s not my fault, because if it is, then on top of getting spoiled, I also feel like an idiot. So if I somehow get spoiled despite my precautions, I just accept there’s nothing I could have reasonably done about it and try to move on, as much as it still sucks.

The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
I try to avoid story spoilers or big twists as hard as I can. However, sometimes like in a game when I’m absolutely stuck on something, I will try to find help or at least get a hint, which usually doesn’t spoil the story or major things I didn’t want to know, but on occasion it can. Though when you’re online and say listening to the soundtrack and deciding to check the comments, yeah, you’re bound to be spoiled, so it’s just best not to check comment sections until you complete the game because stuff like is expected and is just bound to happened
Dec 5, 2022
I honestly do not care anymore. I actually guess the next line and outcomes of what I am watching. It is even worst then a children book at times.

Take Terminator II. Good the way it was. Nothing more was needed. Then we had T4 ( which was okay ). Not mentioning the other series is why I really stop caring. It is like watching fatty-actors in New Matrix. It is like they are making these films ( or feminist tv series ).


"Don't Worry Darling" are three different movies rolled into one. You know it is "Step-ford Wives" but they try to downplay everything.

The entire "WifeLike" is really a dream sequence from "Futurama" where Bender was reprogrammed a false reality, but I can not prove it so unless the movie will make a sequel. Half the time you ask yourself "When is the Bladerunner action going to happen" but it never does happen. You know it is fake and you know why it is fake.


AKA "The three ringed circus" attack formation.

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