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How Did You Like the Harp?

Apr 15, 2012
When you just start the game it's a little hard to get the beat correct and it would of been nice to be able to play different songs but it was a good idea.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I had 3 main problems with the harp.

I didn't like how you play the exact same way for every song. There was no variation in technique for these songs.

There were too little songs. There definitely should've been more

And I didn't like the way the songs were used. There were no songs for anything other than moving on in the very linear story
Dec 22, 2011
I think a better instrument would be clapping.

"Link, here! You'll need this where you're going"
"You got the Goddess's Clap
But there's no time to admire it"


The rhythm of the harp songs felt the same to me. It only seems to sound different in the cutscenes of Link playing the song on his own.
Jul 24, 2011
It was better then howling and the grass in TP, but it still wasn't very cool; you could do almost nothing with it. For the next instrument, I would like it to be like the Ocarina, so you can play whatever you want, and it should have more notes than the Ocarina.
Apr 7, 2012
Duck Land
I felt as though the harp didn't have as much interaction.
it was quite boring for me. all you had to do was swing the wii remote back and forth.
something more challenging would have been nice.


._.. .. _. _._ morse code
Sep 17, 2011
Sacred Grove
I think that the harp could have been great, but it was kind of thrown aside. I think that if it had some intuitive strumming controls that I would have played around with it for hours making songs and stuff. If you could see the harp close up with link holding it, and see the strings clearly and see where link's hand was and have some actual control on when he plucked the string the harp would have been the best instrument yet.


I didn't like the harp simply because it was an easy mode instrument. You didn't have to remember anything, and there was an on-screen identifier on how to strum it. Even in the minigame for the heart piece, it was too easy to get by. You didn't have to remember 3 presses, then 4, 5, 6, up to 8 like in OoT for the heart piece in the Lost Woods.

It should've been like the sword cuts to trap demise, or the drawing walls. That would have made it a lot more entertaining and fun.
Dec 29, 2011
It was alright, only song I liked playing was the Ballad of the Goddess. It was frustrating to play at first, then I got used to it, but there wasn't any variety in how you play a song, just how fast or slow you string the harp.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
I felt that a lot more could've been used from the harp. There wasn't much interaction, as playing it only required holding A and moving the Wiimote side to side. There was no control over which note could be played. If such a feature was implemented, then songs could've been played on demand, and served more purposes.

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