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Hero of Music's Graphics


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Well, I have a new creation that is now my signature. I made it tonight and I love it. Let me know what you think.

@ Josie: Yeah I'll do it.


Josie, here is your requested signature. Let me know if I can fix it or make it better in any way.


[EDIT 2]
Josie, Here is a better version of the sig you requested. I hope you like it.
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Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Great collection of graphics you made there! I use photoshop for many years now but LOVE to see what others can make and especially when they just started. I love the progress. Keep up the great job and maybe I will request a wallpaper from you. I can make those myself of course but it is great to see what others come up with.
*Goes back and think about a wallpaper*

You know what? Surprise me! I want a Twilight Princess related wallpaper. Just the standard size for a wallpaper. The only demands I have is you include a pic of Shad and a pic of Link. And what background you use or what other characters is completely up to you. What do you say? Is this okay with you?


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Yeah, I can do that. I probably won't have it to you until late saturday or sunday seeing as how I'm really busy the next few days. And just for future reference, what's the standard size for a wallpaper? My mac apparently has a different res than most who make wallpapers.
Sep 28, 2010
wooooooo pig souieee
Your sigs are awesome. The way you design them really pops out and catches your attention. I especially love the "Memories of old..." one with all the blue. I don't know why but I could stare at that one all day. If you ever have time could you do me one? I know its obvious but I would like it to be of Sheik, like from SSBB or TP style in kind of a ready to fight pose or something tough. With maybe a bright blue Sheikah symbol in the background. You can put the symbol anywhere you want. Side, middle, diagonal, however you want but not to where it dominates the picture. I want my name in all caps either along the top left or down the left side. And I'd love the background color to be similar to your " Memories of old..." sig with all those different blues. It can be the same size as your others and you can do whatever you want for the matching avatar. Thanks so much.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Yeah, I can do that. I probably won't have it to you until late saturday or sunday seeing as how I'm really busy the next few days. And just for future reference, what's the standard size for a wallpaper? My mac apparently has a different res than most who make wallpapers.

I also have a mac so I know the dimentions are different. But this is for my PC so just the standard size 1072x 812 or something like that. And take your time. There is no hurry! Even if you would take a century :P Nah I'm just kidding I'm really in no hurry. But one more request....write your username on it in a corner and in small letters but visible enough for others to see it was made by you ;)


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
@ thelastsheikah: I'll make you that sig as soon as I can.

Well, thelastsheikah, I finished that sig for you. I hope that you like it. I really tried to go for the feel that I used with the "Memories" sig that I made previously. I tried to actually improve the background in that one. I hope you like it and let me know if I can fix it for you!


@Bigelover88: Alright. I'll do that. Thanks for giving me the size that you want. I'll try to not make you disappointed. :)
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But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Thanks for the compliment. I really try my hardest with my work and I'm excited to get started on that background for you. It'll be my first "real" background. I've made others, but really really simple ones that I just use for my mac log-in screen.


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Well, I just made a new signature. Let me know what you think about it.
If you'd like one like this, let me know and I'll do it. Just give me who you want in it.



And this one has a black and white gradient map at a lower opacity making it less colorful.

And here is the wallpaper that Bigelover88 requested of me. My first real wall paper and as you can see, I still have a lot of work to do.



And I made a really quick Avatar for myself.
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Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
That one is stunning!!! Is this the first Wallpaper you made??? If this is I will take my hat off to you! This is awesome!! Thanks a ton! No, not a ton, more than a ton!!! I REALLY appreciate it!!


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm really glad that you like it!

Now, I've made a new sig for my sister, Generations. Its got Professor Layton in it.


Oh my gosh brother! I LOVE that new sig! Thanks so very much! :)

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