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Have You Ever Had An Infestation?

Firice da Vinci

Distinct lack of Leonardo
Jun 15, 2010
Renaissance Italy
At my old house, our family had (and still has) a really bad cockroach problem. They got in beds, food, bodies, computers, and even the refrigerator. Part of it is due to having a terrible location. There were nothing but trees and dead foliage for them to thrive in. My family is not all that tidy, either. We littered the lawn like crazy. Scrap metal, beer bottles, and old chicken bones were scattered throughout the backyard. I was so bad that the dirt turned from gray to...pink...yeah, I don't even. I am thankful just for being able to move out of that dump, unlike the other four people that still have to sleep in those conditions.
Jan 12, 2014
Temple of Time
I've experienced flea problems a couple times during my life, but nothing too severe. I did have an interesting experience with termites though. These are not the kind of termites that tear up your home, they are small, thin, pencil shaped brown bugs with wings (though I rarely saw them fly). Where I lived was directly in their migration path; every Spring (usually around the end of April/beginning of May) our whole town would be swarmed by them. They would seriously be everywhere, and if your house was not sealed properly (ours wasn't) they would take over the inside of your house. The first year this happened, I had no idea what was going on. It started with seeing a few, then over a few hours they were everywhere. We couldn't sleep there, so we went to my mother's house. The good news is that if they got in your house, they were pretty much all dead within a day, so we just had to wait it out then clean them up. The next two years we were a little more prepared and managed to seal up most ways to get in.
Feb 23, 2011
At my old house, our family had (and still has) a really bad cockroach problem. They got in beds, food, bodies, computers, and even the refrigerator. Part of it is due to having a terrible location. There were nothing but trees and dead foliage for them to thrive in. My family is not all that tidy, either. We littered the lawn like crazy. Scrap metal, beer bottles, and old chicken bones were scattered throughout the backyard. I was so bad that the dirt turned from gray to...pink...yeah, I don't even. I am thankful just for being able to move out of that dump, unlike the other four people that still have to sleep in those conditions.
A roach once crawled into my brother's ear canal and caused all kinds of damage somehow... lol He can still hear, though; I was told that it hurt like heck is all...

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