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Have You Ever Considered...


Nature's troll
Mar 17, 2010
Pacific Northwest
Alright, don't excpect this to be a big long post. I'm just puttin' it out there.

I know that only a few Zelda games are directly related (OoT->MM;TWW->PH->ST) but do you think it's possible that Skyward Sword could be a direct prequal to Ocarina? If you do, I want to know how Link got younger, why you think SS is a (direct) prequal, and anything else pertaining to the conversation.


The game is on!
Link in Skyward Sword is wearing green clothes (just as every other Link).


What if the Link in Skyward Sword actually planted the Deku Tree, which later grew up and created the Kokiris, who did wear the very same kind of clothes as the man who had planted the Great Deku Tree. And that's why the Link in Skyward Sword wears the green clothes!!


Just a thought I had....:D

But no, I do not think that it is a direct prequel.
Last edited:
Dec 5, 2010
Canada, Alberta
I'm not sure... I really don't think it will be as nintendo has stated that it's hundreds of years prior to Ocarina of Time. That's my two cents on it.. :D

Nice post btw... could spark up a lot of replies.
Jul 29, 2010
Cincinnati Ohio
so your theory is that this takes place a mere few years or less before ocarina? and link some how managed to become young again? i'm not going to try to list all the plot points this would over write but above all my reaction to this game would be a huge disappointment because of waisted opportunity. I see skyward sword as a chance for nintendo to tell a large chunk of hyrule's history that flashbacks just could not do justice. I dont really know what yet, (other than the creation of the MS) but I feel like something big will happen in the zelda universe in this game. Something alot bigger than the story of just one hero.
Nov 27, 2010
sorry guys...but as deep as the zelda world is and even though it is easy to make connections from one game to the next this won't be a prequel to OOT. There will be a few characters that may be similar but in the end SS will introduce a whole new realm of Hyrule that we will be trying to connect to the previous games as well.


I find very unlikely, but if that were to be the case, it would not change my opinion on the game.

Thank's for Posting ^^


I thought that Nintendo had already officialy comfirmed that Skyward Sword was the prequal to Ocarina of Time.


I thought that Nintendo had already officialy comfirmed that Skyward Sword was the prequal to Ocarina of Time.

If that's the case then I can't wait to see all the history behind Hyrule, as nintendo4ever brought up.
May 8, 2010
Eagle River, Alaska
Nintendo has said that the game is going to be the orgin of the Master Sword, which prevents any direct connection to Ocarina of Time because it takes place way before Ocarina of Time. I think all the characters other than Link and Zelda will be new, and that no direct connections to other games will be made.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
It was already confirmed in interviews that Skyward Sword will take place before Ocarina of Time. I don't know if they confirmed any kind of time frame as to how far back, but since this is an origin story of the Master Sword, I'd say it wouldn't be a direct prequel to OoT. It has to be a least a hundred years back, maybe further. Because at the point of OoT in the timeline, the sword is already a legend.

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