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Golden Enemies

Jan 28, 2010
So in the Minish Cap when you fused kinstones sometimes it would create a golden enemy which is a faster tougher enemy, that can take a lot more damage. I was actually kind of hoping we'd see golden enemies in future titles.
I suddenly realized today that there is a golden deku-baba in the Skyward Sword demo that moves faster and is harder to kill. Do you like the idea of having golden enemies return? Are we expecting to see some challenges with perhaps golden stalfos and golden darknuts? Maybe golden iron knuckles?

If you need proof that there is a golden deku-baba, its right on this website under Skyward Sword enemies.

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May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Would you be kind enough to show which video you are referring too? I'm curious to see. The other videos I've seen has et to show me any of what your saying.

But yes, having Golden enemies is a good idea, I always love a good challenge, where on is as hard as Dark Link in ocarina of Time and as hard as Bongo Bongo without the Lens of Truth. Monsters I could think of are Golden Redeads, Golden Like Likes and maybe Golden Lynels. Having a Golden Iron Knuckle may be too much for young and new players, but for veteran players, they can enjoy the experience. All these could be in Skyward Sword, but I'll just wait for more information about Skyward Sword in the future.

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
I would like that. A good challenge once in a while in the overworld or dungeons. The already strong enemies such as Darknuts and Iorn Knuckles could have a gold version that could serve as a mini boss in the last few dungeons or an endurance dungeon like the Cave of Ordeals.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
There were Golden Monsters in Oracle of Seasons as well, so Minish Cap is not the first game they appeared in.

Are they a good idea? Well, they can be. If they're going to reuse enemies several times, I'd rather have them make the enemies take more hits to go down. On the other hand, I wouldn't want them to be used as an excuse for not creating new enemies.

If you mean as special monsters to hunt on the overworld, then they're a pretty good idea. If you hide them all over the world, and beating them all unlocks something, then I can see how that would be rewarding.


Aug 29, 2010
Well, since the creator of Minish Cap is helping make the game, I'm pretty sure this is likely, but at the same time not I think, the Bokoblins would look strange golden eh?
But it could work for some enemies

Chibi-Robo Link

That would be awesome, I loved Minish Cap's golden enemies, and like Aero_Dynamic said they have some of the Minish Cap crew working on Skyward Sword so it is possible. Golden Iron Knuckles/Darknuts would be epic.
Jan 28, 2010
Ya, I personally would like them to be hidden and have to defeat them all for a sidequest, or something of that nature. But if they don't, it'd still be nice to see them later on, just to add challenge.


Aug 29, 2010
@Mixtoplix, Golden challenge... hmm... that sounds interesting! Kinda like a take em all but harder!
Jan 28, 2010
In Minish Cap they gave you rupees. I think if there were golden enemies throughout the land in Skyward Sword, they should be, hidden (slightly), really challenging, and when you defeat them you get a side-quest item, like a golden heart or something. Then you get things for how many you have, like the gold skulltula quest where you got a bigger wallet for 20 and a heart piece for 50, etc.

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