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GenGAME Minecraft Server Registration Thread!



Hey everyone, this is the new whitelist application thread for our official Minecraft Server! To join in on the fun, connect to MC.GenGAME.net inside minecraft, and post your username here along with a reason why you want to join the server (Be creative!)


I'm Juggernaut15580, I should join because I'm awesome at building and am very good at helping other players with what they need :)

Alex Gamer

Application approved, you are now a member of the server.


hey, maezthro here! i would realy like to become a member, i have been a guest for 2 weeks now, and i love the server!


i am kvdse, i would really like to join the server cause i really like playing minecraft on a server.
i am very creative and a great builder,can you please let me be a member?



I hope you still remember me, at the very least. And why can't I connect to the server?

Another question, will I still be VIP?



I hope you still remember me, at the very least. And why can't I connect to the server?

Another question, will I still be VIP?

I'm on the server right now, are you sure you're connecting to mc.gengame.net ?


Hi I would love to come to this server and play in it. If you need any help im a great minecrafter!

Minecraft username: SlowPixel


IGN: sparroha

I applied for a position on the Hyrulecraft team when first i heard about it. Failing to get a response, I decided to brainstorm all the fun ways to make the map a practical adventure map. I am a programmer but only a beginner so i stick to just giving my input where i can. Am extremely anticipating the release of the final stage of Hyrulecraft and i can already see SOOOO much potential with the updates in 1.3. I know that i may not have much input that the designers care about considering the expertise that i have seen at work on this map but i am well versed in Zelda lore and have a photographic memory of the land of Hyrule from multiple games including and especially OoT. If i can not be any help or am not needed for the project, I at least want to get the first hand experience of this "Magnificent Marvel of Minecraft Majesty".

See you soon?


IGN: sparroha

I applied for a position on the Hyrulecraft team when first i heard about it. Failing to get a response, I decided to brainstorm all the fun ways to make the map a practical adventure map. I am a programmer but only a beginner so i stick to just giving my input where i can. Am extremely anticipating the release of the final stage of Hyrulecraft and i can already see SOOOO much potential with the updates in 1.3. I know that i may not have much input that the designers care about considering the expertise that i have seen at work on this map but i am well versed in Zelda lore and have a photographic memory of the land of Hyrule from multiple games including and especially OoT. If i can not be any help or am not needed for the project, I at least want to get the first hand experience of this "Magnificent Marvel of Minecraft Majesty".

See you soon?

We have a thread already established for Hyrulecraft. Our public Minecraft server simply hosts the Hyrulecraft map while we work on it, but it is not the focus of our server's community. Please try to keep Hyrulecraft out of the Mythos discussion please.


We have a thread already established for Hyrulecraft. Our public Minecraft server simply hosts the Hyrulecraft map while we work on it, but it is not the focus of our server's community. Please try to keep Hyrulecraft out of the Mythos discussion please.

Um...forum said to give a reason i want to join...what was i supposed to say?


Um...forum said to give a reason i want to join...what was i supposed to say?

You're supposed to explain why you want to join the main server, Mythos. Hyrulecraft is currently closed and we're not accepting any recruits now.

Either way, you're a member now.


lol... i want to join mythos because you're there...:P (god i sound 12)

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