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Spoiler General Screenshot Thread


Basically Tingle
Dec 21, 2022

My luck with the Cosmogs in Pokemon GO!!! I'm thinking about turning the new one into another Lunala! Woo!!

Azure Sage

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dd2 azure.jpgdd2 silvia.jpg

Azure and Silvia reborn in Dragon's Dogma 2. Not wholly satisfied with the hairstyle options, but when am I ever. I think I did a good job on their faces at least.

dd1 azure.jpgdd1 silvia.jpg

Some comparison pics from the first Dragon's Dogma. What a difference 10 years can make for a character creator. (not that I played DD1 ten years ago, but still.)

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013


Me discovering a cyclops can actually catch itself if lured to a broken bridge and made to fall. :eyes:

Azure Sage

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View attachment 74127View attachment 74128

Azure and Silvia reborn in Dragon's Dogma 2. Not wholly satisfied with the hairstyle options, but when am I ever. I think I did a good job on their faces at least.

View attachment 74125View attachment 74126

Some comparison pics from the first Dragon's Dogma. What a difference 10 years can make for a character creator. (not that I played DD1 ten years ago, but still.)
Oh yeah, here's how they turned out in the full game.

dd2 azure and silvia 1.jpgdd2 azure and silvia 2.jpg

I really like their outfits. I just need to get Silvia a different cloak. I have one in mind already... just need the game to get patched before I actually go find it.

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