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Gears of War General Thread & Giveaway


Hero of CEGEP
Oct 10, 2011
I don't play Gears of War, but there might some of you that play.

When I brought my Xbox Live prepaid, it was a 14 month + GoW3 dlc, but I won't use it, so here's the code, first come, first served!

Also, there's no Gears of War thread (maybe there was one on the third game release, but that's like 1 year ago), so if there is any fan, use this thread to discuss the game!
Nov 26, 2008
You know there's a lot of modern gritty shooters out there -- it's a major trend in video gaming right now -- and even though I do intend to play a number of them someday, they tend to be on the bottom of my list of desired games because they're mostly the same not only in terms of gameplay, but also visually.

Gears of War is completely different.

It only took a few moments of watching video of Gears of War 3 to badly want to play the game and the series in general. It's hard to put into words what I noticed about it, but it just seemed to be a much more impressive and dynamic experience than most shooters. The storyline seemed to be really well-executed and integrated smoothly into the missions, continuing even while in the middle of playing; the levels seem like really realistic, dynamic scenes in an action story. Emphasis on story, because all your squad mates are talking and interacting even as you're playing and shooting monsters.

The cover system really got me as well. You can get shot down but the game tends to forgive that as long as you're coordinating with your team (because they'll revive you), and the emphasis on using cover is excellent, because for a long time now I've wanted to see a shooter that mimics the feeling of a realistic shootout, where cover is vital to survival. It looks like the Gears games do just that, while still allowing and rewarding judicious aggressive advances. This all equals a far deeper shooter experience where it's not just about running and gunning (which is fun as hell but a lot more shallow), but about tactical maneuvers.

It looks like an excellent design for a shooter and while I've yet to play a Gears game, I'm very, very interested.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I've played Gears of War 3 a few times at a friend's house, and I must say it was very engaging and fun. To sustain what Axle said, Gears is very different from the limited amount of shooters that I've tried out. Unlike most modern shooters, it isn't about how many baddies you can bring down; it is about survival and teamwork as you coordinate with your squadron. The most important element that I've noticed while playing is timing. I had to stay hunkered down behind some sort of cover and use the camera to look around as much as I could. By doing this I'm scoping out the position that an enemy's firing from. The timing comes in at the part where they stop shooting and I use that as an advantage to emerge for a second to return fire while they're "resting". Aiming is also included in this sequence, because I sure don't want to be wasting ammo on the side of a building rather than an enemy.

However, it should be noted that I mostly played Survival, and the story parts more than likely work at a much different pace. ;P

Altogether I find Halo to have superior gameplay because it's just so smooth and straightforward, thus making it my favorite shooter series. But Gears of War is without a doubt more energetic and is constantly active. Halo is about diving right into the action, whereas Gears involves strategical movements and loads of patience, again as Axle broached.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I've played all currently released Gears games over at my uncle's house, and honestly I'm between impressed and unimpressed. I don't know where the cover system used int he games originated, but the game where I first used such a thing was Resident Evil 4 then later in Army of Two. Both of which utilized it just as well as I like. The entirety of the Gears series applies the cover system just as well or even better in some eyes, but to me it felt "more of the same". I didn't dig the story, unfortunately, but that's just me. Too gory, too...something. Locusts were cool for a while, but gore and more of that something else got in the way.

Gears 3's online play is ecstatic, though. I just love it so much. It's so fun, whether you're playing in a party or with a PUG, and even losing can be fun if you lose the right way! xD Gosh, I'm drooling because my experience with the online play was great. xD


Keyblade Master
Jul 31, 2012
How generous, if I still had my 360 I'd use the code.

Anyway, just got into Gears of War this year, 1 sucks but 2 was pretty good and only played a demo of 3.

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