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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
11:50 PM <Sonic> Butt Calibur.
11:50 PM <abichandesu> butt souls
11:50 PM <Sonic> Our butts are where our soula reside.
11:50 PM <Sonic> We are all dead in our butts.
11:49 PM <Azure Sage> my butt is dead
11:49 PM <Azure Sage> my butt dies
11:49 PM <Azure Sage> it dies wat
11:49 PM <Sonic> Oh that isn't your butt then.
11:49 PM <Azure Sage> but yes yes it dies
11:49 PM <abichandesu> what are we talking about butts
11:49 PM <Azure Sage> my tailbone has a hurt is more specific
11:48 PM <Sonic> Az, your butt has a hurt.
11:48 PM <Azure Sage> your butt has a delay
11:48 PM <TSter The Great> holy delay O_O

Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
8:11 PM <Violet> no it wasn't
8:11 PM <Krazy4Krash> ah, now wasn't that relaxing?
8:10 PM <TheBlueReptile> OH YEAH!!!
8:10 PM <Krazy4Krash> if you just sing allllllooooong!
8:09 PM <TheBlueReptile> It'll helllllllp, it'll helllllp
8:09 PM <TheBlueReptile> ...
8:09 PM <Krazy4Krash> GOOD!
8:09 PM <Krazy4Krash> SQUIDWARD!
8:08 PM <TheBlueReptile> ... song... C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E!!!
8:08 PM <Violet> SONG
8:08 PM <Krazy4Krash> c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song! PATRICK!
8:08 PM <Krazy4Krash> and if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong, but it'll help if you just sing along
8:07 PM <TheBlueReptile> c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song!
8:07 PM <Violet> c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song
8:06 PM <Violet> dun dun dun
8:06 PM <Krazy4Krash> but it'll help if you just sing along
8:02 PM <TheBlueReptile> and if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
8:00 PM <Krazy4Krash> our c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e-s-o-n-g song
7:57 PM <TheBlueReptile> Let's gather round the campfire and sing our campfire song

What a great time.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
[10:38:21 PM] Clank: Hmm
[10:39:38 PM] TSter: Hmm
[10:40:22 PM] Clank: Hmm
[10:40:33 PM] TSter: Hmm
[10:40:37 PM] Clank: Hmm
[10:40:50 PM] TSter: Hmm
[10:41:02 PM] Clank: Hmm
[10:41:14 PM] TSter: Hmm
[10:41:19 PM] Clank: Hmm
[10:41:22 PM] TSter: Hmm
[10:41:26 PM] Clank: Hmm
[10:41:31 PM] TSter: Hmm
[10:41:37 PM] Clank: J
[10:41:48 PM] TSter: C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
8:34 AM <Terminus> XDDDD
Submit 8:34 AM <Violet> http://24.media.tumblr.com/6df1118f9...9ft8o1_500.jpg when someone messes with azure teddy
Submit 8:34 AM * Azure Sage huggles sis
Submit 8:33 AM <mandym287> That cat is the Demon Train. The duck is Malladus.
Submit 8:33 AM <Violet> it pooped
Submit 8:33 AM <mandym287> lol
Submit 8:33 AM <Azure Sage> :eek:
Submit 8:33 AM <Violet> poop
Submit 8:33 AM <Big Octo> Mallard mustache
Submit 8:33 AM <Terminus> Plot twist: this duck http://i.imgur.com/D46tNX8.gif
Submit 8:33 AM <mandym287> YAAAA
Submit 8:33 AM <mandym287> DUCK IS BAD GUY IN ST
Submit 8:33 AM <Violet> http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__.../Lost_Doll.JPG
Submit 8:33 AM <Terminus> xDDDDD
Submit 8:33 AM <mandym287> and we were like
Submit 8:32 AM <mandym287> remember when Malladus's name was translated as Mallard


Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
1:55 PM <Azure Sage> lol
1:55 PM <PancakeSamurai> xD
1:55 PM <LittleGumball> NOT THAT MUCH QURL
1:55 PM <LittleGumball> WAIT WHOA
1:55 PM <LittleGumball> I like you too Az bby <3
1:55 PM * Azure Sage prepares to cook Gummie
1:55 PM <Big Octo> azure is a bear
1:55 PM <Big Octo> watch out for bears
1:55 PM <Azure Sage> I like salmon
1:54 PM <Azure Sage> :eek:
1:54 PM <LittleGumball> I'm a salmon :rolleyes:
gummie is tasty


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
9:10 PM <PancakeSamurai> xD
9:09 PM <Big Octo> ohi TSterSamurai
9:09 PM * Night Owl goes and tells annie
9:09 PM <Night Owl> wait till I tell annie
9:09 PM <PancakeSamurai> :*
9:09 PM <LittleGumball> :*
9:08 PM <PancakeSamurai> k
Night Owl Answered in thread : How Do You Supplement the Zelda Drought
9:07 PM <LittleGumball> gtfo anncake
9:07 PM <PancakeSamurai> LittleGumdrop


Violet Link

takumi was a mistake and so are the S supports
Feb 18, 2012
insert fictional world
5:42 PM * Violet squeals happily
5:40 PM <Violet> memoryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
5:40 PM <Violet> lol i know right
Violet Answered in thread : What Kind of Story Genres That You Like?
5:40 PM <Krazy4Krash> 76 to go...
5:38 PM <Violet> please gurl get 100 posts i love you
5:38 PM * Violet fangirls about Memory
5:38 PM <Violet> MEMORY I LOVE YOU
5:37 PM <Violet> OMG IT'S MEMORY
Memory Created thread : What Kind of Story Genres That You Like?


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
10:39 AM <mandym287> .____.
10:39 AM <Dracomajora> ~_~
10:38 AM <TSter The Great> \_(o_O)_/
10:38 AM <mandym287> •__________•
10:38 AM <Killjoy> O_O
10:37 AM <TSter The Great> |-|___|-|
10:37 AM <Killjoy> ><__X
10:37 AM <Dracomajora> =D
10:36 AM <mandym287> ¬_____⌐
10:36 AM <Killjoy> @(*___*)@ Ooh eeh ooh aah aah Ting Tang walla walla bing bang!
10:36 AM <TSter The Great> <____>
10:35 AM <mandym287> ^_____v
10:35 AM <mandym287> x_x
10:35 AM <Killjoy> (^)___(v)
10:35 AM <Dracomajora> ><_><
10:34 AM <Dracomajora> <>_<>
10:34 AM <mandym287> got lazy eyes
10:34 AM <TSter The Great> ^_>
10:34 AM <mandym287> <_v
10:34 AM <Dracomajora> ^_^
Most productive conversation ever.
15/09/2013 13:39 <mandym287> .____.
15/09/2013 13:39 <Dracomajora> ~_~
15/09/2013 13:38 <TSter The Great> \_(o_O)_/
15/09/2013 13:38 <mandym287> •__________•
15/09/2013 13:38 <Killjoy> O_O
15/09/2013 13:37 <TSter The Great> |-|___|-|
15/09/2013 13:37 <Killjoy> ><__X
15/09/2013 13:37 <Dracomajora> =D
15/09/2013 13:36 <mandym287> ¬_____⌐
15/09/2013 13:36 <Killjoy> @(*___*)@ Ooh eeh ooh aah aah Ting Tang walla walla bing bang!
15/09/2013 13:36 <TSter The Great> <____>
15/09/2013 13:35 <mandym287> ^_____v
15/09/2013 13:35 <mandym287> x_x
15/09/2013 13:35 <Killjoy> (^)___(v)
15/09/2013 13:35 <Dracomajora> ><_><
15/09/2013 13:34 <Dracomajora> <>_<>
15/09/2013 13:34 <mandym287> got lazy eyes
15/09/2013 13:34 <TSter The Great> ^_>
15/09/2013 13:34 <mandym287> <_v
15/09/2013 13:34 <Dracomajora> ^_^
15/09/2013 13:34 <TSter The Great> Dammit Draco
15/09/2013 13:34 <TSter The Great> ^____________________________________^
15/09/2013 13:34 <Dracomajora> ^_________________________________________________ _______________________^
15/09/2013 13:33 <mandym287> v________________________________v
15/09/2013 13:33 <Sroa Link> >_____________________________________________>
15/09/2013 13:33 <mandym287> <______________<
15/09/2013 13:32 <Dracomajora> >______________>


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I may not be the most active in the SB but I can at least get a kick out of my own idiocrasy every now and then
12:42 PM <Killjoy> I always picture Homer doing so every time I look at the and symble
12:42 PM <TSter The Great> 10:39 AM <Killjoy> Did anyof you ever notice how the and symble "&" looks like a guy scraping his but across the floor? <--- And then I see this! O_O
TSter The Great Answered in thread : Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.
12:41 PM <Ventus> squirrels is dumb
12:40 PM <Sroa Link> now i do thanks to you killjoy
12:40 PM <Ventus> The Mayo
12:40 PM <mandym287> lmao
12:40 PM <Ventus> xD Killjoy
12:40 PM <Killjoy> ____&______
12:39 PM <Killjoy> Did any of you ever notice how the and symble "&" looks like a guy scraping his butt across the floor?

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
6:19 PM <mandym287> no wonder hes the king of evil
6:19 PM <mandym287> farting without pants on lets all of it diffuse right away
6:19 PM <mandym287> he probably did
6:19 PM <Turo602> He looks like he let one rip.
6:19 PM <Azure Sage> just makes the "no pants" thing so much worse
6:18 PM <TSter The Great> dat faceXD
6:18 PM <Turo602> lmao!
6:18 PM <Azure Sage> ew his facial expression
6:18 PM <TSter The Great> omfg...
6:18 PM <mandym287> http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0jtiahokS1r5oolp.jpg
6:18 PM <mandym287> no pants
6:18 PM <mandym287> http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m052qwQOxz1qijduu.png
6:18 PM <mandym287> found it
6:17 PM <mandym287> is amazing
6:17 PM <mandym287> this conversation
6:17 PM <TSter The Great> XD
6:16 PM <Azure Sage> ogod wtf are we saying
6:16 PM <Azure Sage> and there go your potential kids
6:16 PM <mandym287> RIIIIPPP
6:16 PM <mandym287> imagine removing it
6:16 PM <TSter The Great> like a lot
6:16 PM <TSter The Great> That must hurt
6:16 PM <Azure Sage> oooooh ouch
6:16 PM <TSter The Great> Glue on your crotch?
6:16 PM <Azure Sage> lmao
6:16 PM <Turo602> Hey, it's religion... it doesn't have to make sense.
6:15 PM <Azure Sage> i always wondered that
6:15 PM <mandym287> glue
6:15 PM <Azure Sage> how did they ever get those leaves to stay on there
6:15 PM <TSter The Great> wtf
6:15 PM <mandym287> lmaoo
6:15 PM <Turo602> No, they're going the Adam and Eve way. Leaf on his crotch.
6:14 PM <mandym287> sometimes i seriously wonder when nintendo isn't high
6:14 PM <Azure Sage> would he wear a speedo instead
6:14 PM <mandym287> if they remake TP will they use that one design of Ganondorf where he's not wearing pants
ProtagonistJake Answered in thread : Fixing Twilight Princess Via a Remake
pantsless farting ganondorfs


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
Go Empty the chat input field
Submit 3:59 PM <LittleGumball> XD
Submit 3:59 PM <Azure Sage> "my dad is cheating on my sister" what is the a reality series
Submit 3:59 PM <LittleGumball> and by slightly i mean very
Submit 3:59 PM <JuicieJ> I figured it was on purpose
Submit 3:59 PM <LittleGumball> Still horrible but I'm slightly relieved it wasn't your sister...
Submit 3:59 PM <TSter The Great> XD I can't believe I typed that
Submit 3:59 PM <Azure Sage> :c
Submit 3:59 PM <LittleGumball> XD
Submit 3:59 PM <Azure Sage> Geez that doesn't sound good.
Submit 3:59 PM <LittleGumball> that's
Submit 3:59 PM <LittleGumball> mg
Submit 3:59 PM <LittleGumball> okay that makes it less
Submit 3:59 PM <JuicieJ> HA
Submit 3:59 PM <Azure Sage> oh
Submit 3:59 PM To <TSter The Great> dafuq
Submit 3:58 PM <Azure Sage> all of my whats
Submit 3:58 PM <LittleGumball> wtf tster
Submit 3:58 PM <TSter The Great> I meant his girlfriend...
Submit 3:58 PM <LittleGumball> wait whoa what
Submit 3:58 PM <TSter The Great> WTF?
Submit 3:58 PM <LittleGumball> D;
Submit 3:58 PM <JuicieJ> lel
Submit 3:58 PM <TSter The Great> I think my dad is cheating on my sister

Well then...


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
12:34 PM <TSter The Great> And it came out... How does that even?? omg
Submit 12:34 PM <TSter The Great> So I said tee
Submit 12:34 PM <TSter The Great> Sroa said tee
Submit 12:33 PM <Sroa Link> lol
Submit 12:33 PM <JuicieJ> Double fail
Submit 12:33 PM <JuicieJ> I think you mean tea
Submit 12:33 PM <Sonic> Bing is always broken.
Submit 12:32 PM <TSter The Great> omg
Submit 12:32 PM <Thareous> Bing be broken, apparently.
Submit 12:32 PM <TSter The Great> TEE DAMMIT!!
Submit 12:32 PM <TSter The Great> TEE!!
Submit 12:32 PM * TSter The Great sips pee


Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
12:39 PM <TSter The Great> Dat timing XD
12:39 PM <TSter The Great> WOAH
12:39 PM <TSter The Great> He's like the ALIT of lurking
12:39 PM <A Link In Time> Because stalker... ;)
12:38 PM <Sonic> Why is Terminus so lurky?
12:37 PM <Sonic> Lurkin
XD that timing was brilliant!
Last edited:


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis

7:51 PM <Dragoncat> "Anyway, when peace returns to Hyrule-" FRRRT "Not again..."
7:51 PM <Ventus> that's what the Book of Imaginary says
7:51 PM <Dragoncat> "sorry I had beans for lunch"
7:50 PM <mandym287> ok
7:50 PM <Ventus> ladies don't fart
7:50 PM <Dragoncat> lol
7:50 PM <mandym287> implying farts are bad
7:50 PM <Dragoncat> Heck I'm a lady and I rip like 5 on a daily basis
7:50 PM <mandym287> When peace returns to Hyrule, that is wh--FART
7:50 PM <Ventus> she is a good girl
7:50 PM <Ventus> zelda doesn't fart
7:50 PM <Dragoncat> Yeah everyone does lol
7:50 PM <mandym287> i mean she has a butt so she has to fart
7:49 PM <mandym287> pretty sure zelda farts
7:49 PM <Dragoncat> Obvious troll is obvious
7:49 PM <Dragoncat> Wow...
7:49 PM <mandym287> The WindBreaker for best thread starter GKAs 2014
Farting princesses.

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