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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

This is one of the many reasons why I love you guys... <3 I couldn't talk about these things in real life and get away with them... [bottom to top]
7:52 PM <Atticus> Only Mandy would cherish the booger puke that comes out of Ganon
7:50 PM <mandym287> booger puke
7:50 PM <mandym287> in OoT3D, you can see it on Link's tunic right after
7:50 PM <Ventus> eww
7:50 PM <Spirit of Rutela> V rainbow
7:50 PM <Atticus> Nasty yo
7:50 PM <mandym287> in the remake, he sneezed boogers
7:50 PM <Ventus> nasty
7:50 PM <mandym287> in the original, he coughed up blood
7:49 PM <Atticus> Ew
7:49 PM <mandym287> after you defeat him
7:49 PM <mandym287> maybe that's what the green booger puke was
7:49 PM <Atticus> While he was in 3D
7:49 PM <mandym287> <3
7:49 PM <Atticus> What if he sneezed
7:49 PM <Atticus> Mother of God
7:49 PM <mandym287> ermahgerd
7:49 PM <Spirit of Rutela> lol Gani's nose in OoT 3D with the 3D turned up...
7:48 PM <Atticus> And Gani's nose


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Oh that LoZ :D
[05:09:53] LoZ: I know you do Madame.
[05:09:55] LoZ: I know you care.
[05:10:28] LoZ: [05:10] λ:

<<< Madame, he's trolling.How dare you accuse me of something that's so obviously true, but that I'm trying to deny? You sick monster.
[05:10:41] Madame: I'm just gonna
[05:10:44] Madame: poof outta here
[05:10:49] Madame: and cry because jgl
[05:11:23] LoZ: Goodbye poofy Madame.
[05:11:39] Madame: Madame poofs away and starts sobbing maniacally
[05:11:50] LoZ: See what you've done upside down Y?
[05:12:03] LoZ: I hope you're happy.
[05:15:03 | Edited 05:19:46] LoZ: This concludes LoZ's nightly troll session. For those of you wanting lessons in the art of Skype trolling, please call me at 1-867-5309. Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 10:00. All rights reserved. Copyright protected. Trademark filed with the United States Patent Office.
[05:16:05] Madame: hmm
[05:16:06 | Edited 05:16:24] LoZ: We'd also like to thank our sponsors: Kentucky Fried Chicken, Walmart, and Johnny's 7/11.
[05:16:07] Madame: should I
[05:16:47] LoZ: Yes. Yes you should.
[05:20:50] Madame: later
[05:21:02] Madame: when i'm physically capable of talking without crying
[05:21:23] LoZ: Why are you crying?
[05:21:32] Madame: i'm not actually
[05:21:33] Madame: just
[05:21:35] Madame: SNL
[05:21:37] Madame: is perfect
[05:21:45] LoZ: SNL is the One True God.
[05:25:14] Madame: yepp.
[05:29:12] LoZ: You know what I miss? Mad TV.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
[4:18:19 PM] Alphonse: [3:00 PM] mathias.smith6:
<<< stop azuritizing._.
[4:18:30 PM] Alphonse: y u talk about me when I'm not around.
[4:18:42 PM] Alphonse: Not cool broski.
[4:25:10 PM] Nelson: lol azuritizing
[4:26:41 PM] Not Andrew: i got lag
[4:31:45 PM] mathias.smith6: i didnt know az was in this chat
[4:32:31 PM] Alphonse: So you talked about me because you thought I wasn't here.
[4:32:32 PM] Not Andrew: who is Azurite
[4:32:37 PM] Alphonse: lol it's Azure
[4:32:38 PM] mathias.smith6: i hope he doesnt know my zd name
[4:32:40 PM] Alphonse: And that's me
[4:32:51 PM] Not Andrew: hmm?
[4:32:56 PM] Alphonse: PancakeSamurai.
[4:33:01 PM] mathias.smith6: DAMN!
[4:33:01 PM] Not Andrew: Shaddap Elric
[4:33:07 PM] Alphonse: lol
[4:33:10 PM] Alphonse: Elric xD
[4:33:16 PM] Not Andrew: Who is this
[4:33:21 PM] Alphonse: My ZD username is Azure Sage
[4:33:24 PM] Not Andrew: k
[4:33:24 PM] Nelson: Alphonse is your mother
[4:33:26 PM] Nelson: whoops
[4:33:32 PM] Not Andrew: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
[4:33:33 PM] Nelson: damn you az you ruin everything

My first time on Skype in a while. I didn't realize people talked about me. :mellow:

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
Warning: bad words here!

[6:26:31 PM] Jessica: You know I never knew it was possible to feel something for somebody but not at the same time..
[6:26:54 PM] Luke: Tell me your problems.
[6:26:59 PM] Nelson: no don't tell him
[6:27:02 PM] Nelson: he'll just eat you
[6:27:12 PM] Luke: You stay out of this, asian
[6:27:14 PM] Nelson: cannibalistic *******
[6:27:27 PM] Jessica: Welp there goes my problems. lmao
[6:27:29 PM] Nelson: *Correction* racist cannibalistic *******
[6:27:38 PM] Luke: Smart asian *****.
[6:28:00 PM] Nelson: bottom *****, to be specific
[6:28:03 PM] Jessica: SHMEH
[6:28:10 PM] Luke: I bet all you do is play Pokemon all day.
[6:28:25 PM] Jessica: Im so entertained at the moment.
[6:28:28 PM] Nelson: Never touched a poke-a-man in my life
[6:28:54 PM] Luke: Liar liar
[6:28:56 PM] Nelson: So how bout you tell me about those Zelda games you never played?
[6:28:59 PM] Luke: Plants for hire
[6:29:06 PM] Luke: Ha!
[6:29:07 PM] Jessica: oh shnap
[6:29:19 PM] Luke: I beat Majora's Mask and OoT now!
[6:29:19 PM] Nelson: Round 1 goes to Nelson
[6:29:27 PM] Luke: Shove that up your asian ***.
[6:29:33 PM] Luke: Round 1 goes to Luke.
[6:29:40 PM] Nelson: we'll agree to disagree then
[6:30:04 PM] Luke: Agreed.
[6:30:11 PM] Luke: But I still hate asians.
[6:30:20 PM] Nelson: *cough*racist*cough*
[6:30:34 PM] Luke: I founded the KKK.
[6:30:47 PM] Luke: How's that for racist?
[6:30:57 PM] Nelson: nice to know that you're a monster
[6:31:16 PM] Luke: Yep.
[6:31:22 PM] Luke: It is, isn't it?


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Had quite some fun with Spongebob.

9:51 AM <Krazy4Krash> "the ceiling is right, squidward. you're not a very good employee"
9:50 AM <Linknerd09> "As you can see by this graph. Ahem, graph"
9:50 AM <mandym287> "Krraabbs... Uh, isn't that the red, sweaty guy you work for?"
9:49 AM <Krazy4Krash> "did you see my underwear?" "no, patrick" "did you want to?"
9:48 AM <Krazy4Krash> "i know, let's get naked!"
9:47 AM <mandym287> "You get behind her and I'll push."
9:47 AM <mandym287> "May I take your hat, sir?"
9:46 AM <mandym287> "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma"
9:46 AM <Krazy4Krash> "where's the leak, mam"
9:45 AM <mandym287> "You talk funny! Say more words!"
Dragoncat Answered in thread : What Would Link Do? Moments in Life
9:45 AM <mandym287> "That's my mobile home."
9:43 AM <mandym287> http://triumphforks.webs.com/youre-k...ng-my-mind.PNG
9:43 AM <Krazy4Krash> "FINLAND!"
9:43 AM <Krazy4Krash> patrick is so wise that it hurts
9:43 AM <Krazy4Krash> woah, don't go that far
9:43 AM <TheRizardon> Is mayonnaise an instrument?
9:42 AM <mandym287> Smarter than Sandy. Smarter than Plankton. Even smarter than Patrick!
9:42 AM <Krazy4Krash> it's funny cause it's true
9:42 AM <mandym287> I like Gary, in all honesty. ;P He's the smartest of them all!
9:42 AM <Krazy4Krash> i love that running gag
9:41 AM <mandym287> that guy who always cries, "my leg!"
9:41 AM <Linknerd09> Same as you, Sponebob.
9:41 AM <Krazy4Krash> and you?
9:40 AM <Krazy4Krash> SpongeBob, funnily enough
9:56 AM <TheRizardon> Dangit, why can't I remember Patrick quotes on the spot?
9:56 AM <Krazy4Krash> "a note!" "yeah, but turn it around, there's a letter!" "you're right!" "and here's a message from my parents!"
9:56 AM <mandym287> "Don't touch me, I'm sterile!"
9:56 AM <Linknerd09> No, mandy. It's spongebob's qoute.
9:55 AM <mandym287> "Dumb people are always unaware of how dumb they really are... uhhhhhhh"
9:55 AM <Krazy4Krash> "i can finally touch my toes!"
9:54 AM <Krazy4Krash> i keep thinking of spongebob quotes
9:54 AM <mandym287> We're quoting Patrick, Linknerd.
9:53 AM <Linknerd09> "Brush, brush your teeth. Gently, deep and clean."
9:53 AM <Krazy4Krash> "who ya calling pinhead?"
9:52 AM <mandym287> "Liar, liar... plants for hire." "It's 'pants on fire', Patrick." "Well, you would know!"
9:52 AM <Linknerd09> "Squidward, Just remember, POOP"
9:51 AM <Krazy4Krash> "the ceiling is right, squidward. you're not a very good employee"
9:50 AM <Linknerd09> "As you can see by this graph. Ahem, graph"
9:50 AM <mandym287> "Krraabbs... Uh, isn't that the red, sweaty guy you work for?"
9:49 AM <Krazy4Krash> "did you see my underwear?" "no, patrick" "did you want to?"
9:48 AM <Krazy4Krash> "i know, let's get naked!"
9:47 AM <mandym287> "You get behind her and I'll push."
9:47 AM <mandym287> "May I take your hat, sir?"
9:46 AM <mandym287> "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma"
9:46 AM <Krazy4Krash> "where's the leak, mam"
9:45 AM <mandym287> "You talk funny! Say more words!"
Dragoncat Answered in thread : What Would Link Do? Moments in Life
9:45 AM <mandym287> "That's my mobile home."
9:58 AM <Krazy4Krash> getting better though
9:58 AM <Krazy4Krash> i still like them, but they're not as good as season 3
9:58 AM <TheRizardon> I do too
9:58 AM <Linknerd09> "I've heard this joke before."
9:58 AM <mandym287> I hate the new episodes.
9:58 AM <Krazy4Krash> it's harder than one might think
9:57 AM <Krazy4Krash> ditto
9:57 AM <mandym287> I keep thinking of other characters' quotes, too ;/
9:57 AM <Linknerd09> Oh, ok
9:57 AM <octorok74> I hate that show.
9:56 AM <mandym287> Which is why I was telling you that WE are quoting Patrick, LN.
9:56 AM <TheRizardon> Dangit, why can't I remember Patrick quotes on the spot?
9:56 AM <Krazy4Krash> "a note!" "yeah, but turn it around, there's a letter!" "you're right!" "and here's a message from my parents!"
9:56 AM <mandym287> "Don't touch me, I'm sterile!"
9:56 AM <Linknerd09> No, mandy. It's spongebob's qoute.
9:55 AM <mandym287> "Dumb people are always unaware of how dumb they really are... uhhhhhhh"
9:55 AM <Krazy4Krash> "i can finally touch my toes!"
9:54 AM <Krazy4Krash> i keep thinking of spongebob quotes
9:54 AM <mandym287> We're quoting Patrick, Linknerd.
9:53 AM <Linknerd09> "Brush, brush your teeth. Gently, deep and clean."
9:53 AM <Krazy4Krash> "who ya calling pinhead?"
9:52 AM <mandym287> "Liar, liar... plants for hire." "It's 'pants on fire', Patrick." "Well, you would know!"
9:52 AM <Linknerd09> "Squidward, Just remember, POOP" 9:32 AM <Linknerd09> Do'h
9:32 AM <Krazy4Krash> you're one 'la' short
9:30 AM <Linknerd09> fancy living, here we come. lalalala
9:29 AM <Spirit of Rutela> lol makes sense... oh wait
9:27 AM <Linknerd09> lives in a treedome
9:27 AM <Krazy4Krash> just wears the air suit
Rare Addict Answered in thread : What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?
9:26 AM <Krazy4Krash> twice
9:26 AM <Krazy4Krash> she's been to the moon
9:26 AM <Krazy4Krash> per se
9:26 AM <Krazy4Krash> she's not an astronaut
9:26 AM <Linknerd09> Sandy is kinda of annoying.
9:26 AM <Spirit of Rutela> the only other thing ive seen of spongebob was an episode with an astronaut squirrel living in a bubble
9:25 AM <Spirit of Rutela> but reaaaaally faulty in that one.
9:25 AM <Krazy4Krash> logic is faulty in all cartoons
9:24 AM <Krazy4Krash> that's the joy of it
9:24 AM <Spirit of Rutela> and they needed to cross the canyon they could have swam over it...
9:24 AM <Spirit of Rutela> there was one point of the film where a character caught fire and had to jump into a bucket of water to put it out... underwater.
9:23 AM <Krazy4Krash> how does that work?
9:23 AM <Spirit of Rutela> I kept having to remind myself that it was set under water
9:22 AM <Linknerd09> yup
9:22 AM <Krazy4Krash> outstanding
9:22 AM <Linknerd09> i don't watch tv if he is not on.
9:21 AM <Linknerd09> It's my favorite tv show
9:21 AM <Krazy4Krash> that's the way it is
9:21 AM <Krazy4Krash> nah, opinions
9:21 AM <Linknerd09> i like spongebob
9:21 AM <Krazy4Krash> you're dead to me
9:21 AM <Krazy4Krash> ...
9:20 AM <Spirit of Rutela> not my kind of comedy.
9:20 AM <Spirit of Rutela> i dont like spongbob, i was the movie the other day, i just couldnt get along with it,.
9:17 AM <Krazy4Krash> pardon?
9:17 AM <Krazy4Krash> ...
9:16 AM <Spirit of Rutela> eeew spongbob
9:16 AM <Krazy4Krash> i just made a quite crop from a spongebob screen i add on my harddrive
Last edited:

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
6:09 PM <Azure Sage> Pfft
6:09 PM <Turo602> Good to know ALIT.
6:09 PM <Vanessa28> :xd:
6:09 PM <A Link In Time> :rolleyes:
6:08 PM <A Link In Time> Speaking of Turo, I have diarrhea.
6:08 PM <A Link In Time> lol
6:08 PM <Vanessa28> 12:07 AM <Turo602> Speaking of Vanessa, I'm awesome.<----------- since when are you me??
6:08 PM <Vanessa28> Hahahaha ALIT
6:07 PM <Turo602> Speaking of Vanessa, I'm awesome.
6:06 PM <A Link In Time> xD
6:06 PM <A Link In Time> Speaking of Vanessa, I find it hilarious to scroll down to the bottom of the page and see her, Dan, and I with the same avy.
6:05 PM <Azure Sage> THANK YOU VANESSA

Speaking of being funny, I'm Azure. :rolleyes:


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I wonder if Turo ever will give up :P Love the Vanman :P

Warbad Answered in thread : Should All Future Dungeons Have Mid-bosses?
12:16 AM <Ventus> i want it to tell a story without actually telling that story but idk how
12:16 AM <Vanessa28> We have a lot of bots lately
12:16 AM <Vanessa28> Owww Az no worries . I always do
12:16 AM <Ventus> About a girl and her older brother going downstairs for a certain event
12:16 AM <Thareous> They seem preprogrammed in what they say.
12:16 AM <A Link In Time> What is your story about, Van?
12:16 AM <Ventus> Hey, I know. I could type it up and post it to fanworks to get some critique! I know, my grammerz will be all jacked up.
12:15 AM <Thareous> Something tells me those members are bots of sorts...
12:15 AM <Ventus> but i really gotta finish writing this story.
12:15 AM <Ventus> love is complicated
12:15 AM <Azure Sage> the world is broken
12:15 AM <Azure Sage> wat is happening
12:15 AM <Azure Sage> I thought Vee loved Laz.
12:15 AM <Ventus> I love you more Vee
12:14 AM <Vanessa28> I so freaking LOVE Vanny!!!
12:14 AM <Ventus> lmfao
12:14 AM <Turo602> Not when she's supposed to be pleasing me.
12:14 AM <Azure Sage> 6:14 PM <Azure Sage> lol I was kidding the whole time. It's not a big deal. xD
12:14 AM <Ventus> "hi,my name is MrChuck2 and I should join because I love the server,I could help out other players,I build ****"
12:14 AM <Turo602> No, she's not.
12:14 AM <A Link In Time> lol
Shadsie Answered in thread : Redead Apocalypse!
12:14 AM <Thareous> I wonder if there's a mrchuck1.
12:14 AM <Ventus> I mean, she's having a little fun. Ain't she allowed to do that?


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Well I liked it.
[24/09/2012 23:20:17 | Edited 23:20:25] Dan: are they black boyfriends ?
[24/09/2012 23:20:48] LoZ: Mostly, but a lot of them have white and asian boyfriends.
[24/09/2012 23:20:58] Dan: hah asians :P
[24/09/2012 23:21:06] LoZ: Goddamn Asians!!!
[24/09/2012 23:21:51] Dan: the only way to defeat an asian, is to trick them
[24/09/2012 23:22:06] LoZ: Seriously though, there are some really REALLY beautiful black girls at my school.
[24/09/2012 23:22:40] Dan: and you need to get your PINGAS inside one of them right ?
[24/09/2012 23:22:42] LoZ: [24 September 2012 23:22] Dan:

<<< the only way to defeat an asian, is to trick themThey're untrickable.
[24/09/2012 23:22:52] Dan: I trick em all the time
[24/09/2012 23:23:00 | Edited 23:23:17] LoZ: Yes Dan. I need to put my pingas inside one.
[24/09/2012 23:23:34] Dan: can you get hold of chloroform ?
[24/09/2012 23:23:50] LoZ: Only if you send me some more. I'm all out.
[24/09/2012 23:23:52] Sully: Death is just sleep without the dreams
And life is just a never-ending nightmare it seems
[24/09/2012 23:24:25] Nicole: you know when you fangirl so hard you just sit there flapping your arms squeaking at the computer screen and laughing like a mental hospital patient
[24/09/2012 23:24:26] Nicole: OMG
[24/09/2012 23:24:28] Nicole: LOOOLLLLLLLL
[24/09/2012 23:24:42] Sully: No
[24/09/2012 23:24:42] Dan: if I send you some
[24/09/2012 23:24:48] Dan: will you do me
[24/09/2012 23:24:51] Dan: a little favor ;)
[24/09/2012 23:24:51] Sully: Nicole
[24/09/2012 23:24:53] LoZ: [24 September 2012 23:16] LoZ:

<<< [6:13 PM] LoZ:

<<< Nicole, you should give these people a call. HHC Bellevue - South Manhattan Healthcare Network
[24/09/2012 23:25:00] Sully: Follow my Spider-Man twitter
[24/09/2012 23:25:13] Dan: or someone put nicole into dogs trust ;p
[24/09/2012 23:26:19] Nicole: link me
[24/09/2012 23:26:20] LoZ: [24 September 2012 23:25] Dan:

<<< if I send you some
will you do meHell, I'll do you even if you don't send me any.
[24/09/2012 23:26:42] Dan: :$ oh LoZ you really know how to turn a wild asian on
[24/09/2012 23:26:56] LoZ: Damn straight I do. ;)
[24/09/2012 23:27:05] Sully: Just check my profile
[24/09/2012 23:27:16] Dan: damn straight or Dan straight *80's sitcom laughter*
[24/09/2012 23:27:17] Sully: I retweeted myself :P
[24/09/2012 23:27:20] LoZ: Speaking of asians, there are some really REALLY beautiful asian girls at my school too.
[24/09/2012 23:27:32] Dan: and you want to get your PINGAS inside them aye ?
[24/09/2012 23:27:40] Spirit: [24 September 2012 23:27] Dan:

<<< :$ oh LoZ you really know how to turn a wild asian onAlways interesting things going on in this chat o.0
[24/09/2012 23:27:41] Dan: do a bit of trveling round the world ;)
[24/09/2012 23:27:52] Dan: only when I start chattin spirit ;p
[24/09/2012 23:28:04] LoZ: It true. :P
[24/09/2012 23:28:17] Dan: speaking of which we really could use a bit of laz in this chat
[24/09/2012 23:28:21] LoZ: Dan is one horny black girl.
[24/09/2012 23:28:30] Dan: Bit black and asian
[24/09/2012 23:28:40] LoZ: I agree Dan. Someone add laz.
[24/09/2012 23:29:04] LoZ: I would, but I don't know how. :$
[24/09/2012 23:29:19] Dan: okay
[24/09/2012 23:29:23] Dan: I will teach you
[24/09/2012 23:29:32] LoZ: Teach me master.
[24/09/2012 23:29:35] LoZ: Show me the way.
[24/09/2012 23:29:49] Dan: okay you see that plus thing next to call group
[24/09/2012 23:29:52] Dan: you click that
[24/09/2012 23:30:00] Dan: and press add people
[24/09/2012 23:30:01] LoZ: Ah.
[24/09/2012 23:30:10] Dan: ladies and gentlemen i have taught a man to fish
[24/09/2012 23:30:18] Dan: and he's fed for a life time
[24/09/2012 23:30:25] LoZ: You have saved me Dan. How can I repay you?
[24/09/2012 23:30:39] Dan: get down on it ;)
[24/09/2012 23:30:44] LoZ: :*
[24/09/2012 23:30:58] Dan: p.s i don't see Lazzy in the list
[24/09/2012 23:31:46] *** LoZ added Tiamat The Eternal ***
[24/09/2012 23:32:07 | Edited 23:32:14] Dan: Clever clogs
[24/09/2012 23:32:48] Julia: You really shouldn't add anyone without talking to Keef first........
[24/09/2012 23:33:00] Dan: bit harsh
[24/09/2012 23:33:03] LoZ: Keef is my gay lover. We share everything, Julia.
[24/09/2012 23:33:15] Julia: Keith is my boyfriend.
[24/09/2012 23:33:20] LoZ: The hell he is.
[24/09/2012 23:33:20] Nelson: who dafuq is this
[24/09/2012 23:33:22] Dan: besides pretty sure keef and laz are good pals
[24/09/2012 23:33:30] Dan: it's my asian mum
[24/09/2012 23:33:31] Dan: yo
[24/09/2012 23:33:31] Luke: ^
[24/09/2012 23:33:37] Dan: ;)
[24/09/2012 23:33:40] Dan: PK FIRE !
[24/09/2012 23:33:44] Julia: He really is, LoZ.
[24/09/2012 23:33:55] LoZ: Umm...he's with me.
[24/09/2012 23:34:10] Dan: It's true LoZ has a picture of keith always kept within his underwear
[24/09/2012 23:34:14] LoZ: [24 September 2012 23:34] Dan:

<<< PK FIRE !PK Gangnam Style!
[24/09/2012 23:34:18] Nicole: [6:33:32 PM] LoZ: Keef is my gay lover. We share everything, Julia.
[6:33:44 PM] Julia: Keith is my boyfriend.
[6:33:50 PM] LoZ: The hell he is.

Keith and I have been together for over a year
[24/09/2012 23:34:19] Dan: PK RAPE
[24/09/2012 23:34:22] Nicole: don't you even start with me
[24/09/2012 23:34:24] Nicole: you hoes
[24/09/2012 23:34:32] Dan: Looks like keefs everyones bottom ***** ;p
[24/09/2012 23:34:37] LoZ: Don't hurt me Nicole...you can have him.
[24/09/2012 23:35:15] Julia: You rejected him though, didn't you? Besides, I thought you were in love with Jordyn Wieber.
[24/09/2012 23:35:43] LoZ: Nicole is polyamorous.
[24/09/2012 23:35:43] Dan: nicole likes to multi-task
[24/09/2012 23:36:04] Julia: Oh, I see how it is. ;D
[24/09/2012 23:36:21] Nicole: mfw you took my seriously
[24/09/2012 23:36:23] Nicole: me
[24/09/2012 23:36:25] Nicole: took me
[24/09/2012 23:36:26] Nicole: also yes
[24/09/2012 23:36:30] Nicole: Jordyn is my lover
[24/09/2012 23:36:35] Nicole: don't let the cops tell you otherwise
[24/09/2012 23:37:05] Julia: I was joking around with you, Nicole. I don't really take many people in this chat seriously.
[24/09/2012 23:37:07] Dan: how many of the ZD community have asked you out nicole ;p
[24/09/2012 23:37:25] Dan: you should always take me seriously Julia
[24/09/2012 23:37:33] LoZ: Me too. I don't lie.
[24/09/2012 23:37:51] LoZ: I cannot tell a lie.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Yes ma'am...

1:09 PM <Vanessa28> Thanks Thar never do that again!
1:09 PM <Ghirahimiscool> lol Vanessa
1:08 PM * TheRizardon Laughs
1:08 PM * Thareous revives Vee
1:08 PM * Vanessa28 gets heartattack
1:07 PM <Vanessa28> AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
1:07 PM <Thareous> Boo!
1:07 PM * Thareous climbs out of the cupboard
1:07 PM <TheRizardon> Yea but this time was better then the other times
1:06 PM <Vanessa28> You just jump through the window
1:06 PM <Ghirahimiscool> Though this is what I always do to enter.
1:05 PM <Ghirahimiscool> Thanks.
1:05 PM <TheRizardon> Whoa, spectacular entrance Gic
1:04 PM <Vanessa28> Da ta!
1:03 PM <Ghirahimiscool> Ta da!
1:03 PM * Ghirahimiscool crashes through the window


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Why didn't this surprise me at all?

8:16 PM <Vanessa28> I KNEW IT
8:16 PM <Turo602> Vanessa should give me a RAISE.
8:16 PM <Vanessa28> DOn'T SAY THAT!!
8:16 PM <Ghirahimiscool> Ok, I found something to do.
Ouroboros Answered in thread : If You Had a Time Machine What Would You Do ?
8:16 PM <TheRizardon> Then I think Turo should get a raise
8:15 PM <Vanessa28> Oh hell yeah Turo
8:15 PM <Ghirahimiscool> Windows I brake are cursed to stay broken.
8:15 PM <Thareous>
8:15 PM <Thareous> No, we already have Turo for that.
8:15 PM <Ghirahimiscool> No.
8:15 PM <TheRizardon> You could fix the windows that you broke
8:14 PM <Turo602> You can't, or you choose not to?
8:14 PM <Ghirahimiscool> I have nothing to do.
8:14 PM <Ghirahimiscool> I can't.
8:14 PM <Turo602> Then do something...
8:13 PM <Ghirahimiscool> Now I'm bored.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
[3:57:46 PM] *** Goddess added Atticus ***
[3:57:59 PM] Atticus: Thanks Vee.
[3:58:05 PM] Atticus: THE ***** IS BACK BABES
[3:58:10 PM] Atticus: MY BODY IS READY
[3:58:12 PM] Alphonse: Dayum Atty
[3:58:30 PM] Atticus: aye gurl
[3:58:32 PM] Atticus: how u doin'
[3:58:42 PM] Alphonse: aye gurl
[3:58:46 PM] Alphonse: how U doin'
[3:58:56 PM] Atticus: AYE GURL
[3:59:01 PM] Atticus: I ASKED U FIRST
[3:59:05 PM] Alphonse: AYE GURL
[3:59:08 PM] Alphonse: I ASKED SECOND
[3:59:14 PM] Alphonse: BUT WITH EMPHASIS ON THE U
[3:59:31 PM] Atticus: YO QURL *****Y DO U WAN MESS WIT ME YO
[3:59:41 PM] Alphonse: COME AT ME GURL
[3:59:55 PM] Alphonse: BETTER BACK THE **** UP
[4:00:02 PM] Alphonse: BEFORE YOU GET SMACKED THE **** UP
[4:00:09 PM] Atticus: HOLD MY EARRINGS
[4:00:12 PM] Atticus: ***** GONNA GO DOWN
[4:00:14 PM] Atticus: DAT **** B U
[4:00:16 PM] Atticus: *****
[4:00:17 PM] Atticus: GON CUT U
[4:00:19 PM] Atticus: HARD
[4:00:22 PM] Atticus: LIKE PINEAPPLE
[4:00:23 PM] Atticus: YO
[4:00:38 PM] Atticus: ***** PLEASE
[4:01:00 PM] Alphonse: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M GONNA DO
[4:01:20 PM] Atticus: YOU'RE GONNA TALK IN CAPS
[4:01:23 PM] Atticus: DAS WUT U GON DO
[4:01:24 PM] Atticus: YO
[4:01:42 PM] Alphonse: WHAT IF I SUDDENLY JUST WENT lowercase all of a sudden
[4:01:48 PM] Alphonse: then watchu gon do
[4:01:57 PM] dazzsheil: ^LOL

What in the hell are we even doing? xD

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