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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
[4:58:28 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: Oh my God.
[4:58:31 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: I'm back in this chat.
[4:58:32 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: (party)
[4:58:44 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: I want to thank God.
[4:58:46 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: And Jesus.
[4:58:49 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: For this award.
[4:58:54 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: And I want to thank the Devil.
[4:59:02 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: Because without him, God would be really bored.
[4:59:11 PM] Jesus Saves...at CitiBank: He'd probably blow his brains out.

That was a beautiful speech, LoZ


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Watch out for THE Locke :lol:
2:19 AM <Ghirahimiscool> Nice name
2:19 AM <Ghirahimiscool> Ok
2:19 AM <Ghirahimiscool> Oh
2:19 AM <Vanessa28> LOl Locke
2:18 AM <Gobli> Oh, It's Ao
2:18 AM <Ghirahimiscool> Your name. The way you tried to tell me, just confused me
2:18 AM <Locke> You internet creatures are rarely of any particular concern to me.
2:18 AM <Gobli> Tell you what, GICCY?
2:18 AM <Locke> That is, if a situation ever comes up in which I need to address you.
2:18 AM <Ventus> of course you do Vee it's in the mod handbook
2:18 AM <Ghirahimiscool> Can you tell me now?
2:17 AM <Gobli> You can call me whatever you want, Locke, so long as it does not violate the site's rules
2:17 AM <Locke> I'll just have to call you Blue Ghibli
2:17 AM <Vanessa28> I don't sing the blues!
2:17 AM <Ghirahimiscool> No, I'm still confused
2:17 AM <Vanessa28> I am not blue
2:17 AM <Vanessa28> Are we blue?
2:17 AM <Ventus> Locke and Vee are Blue
2:17 AM <Locke> I already call you Ghibli

And what is this????
2:19 AM <Gobli> like ah, then
2:19 AM <Locke> he was Korean
2:19 AM <TSter The Great> Just like "eh-oh"?
2:19 AM <Locke> pronounced 'eh'
2:19 AM <Gobli> Dayyum
Ventus Answered in thread : Games You Play Online
2:19 AM <TSter The Great> How do you pronounce it?
2:19 AM <Locke> I once met a kid named 'e'


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
You barely ninja'd him.

I have no time for your passive-aggressive ********.




Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
So yeah wake up and visit this humble little site, around this time on the SB is normally the JJ and Axle power hour, but the are no where to be seen, instead these users are all interacting, I've been sitting back for a while now mesmerized at them all. These users aren't even normally on at this time and here they all are. I hope this post doesn't disturb them...

8:07 AM * Raindrop14 pops all balloons
8:07 AM <PancakeSamurai> v
8:07 AM <LittleGumball> Clank: underaged.
8:06 AM <Raindrop14> *AND SO WILL 8
8:06 AM <LittleGumball> YES PANCAKE
8:06 AM <Raindrop14> 8NIGTH WILL DIE
8:06 AM * PancakeSamurai makes ballon animals with gumball
8:06 AM <Clank> What, how do we know alcohol wasn't involved?
8:06 AM <LittleGumball> XD Rainy
8:06 AM <LittleGumball> PANCAKE :*
8:06 AM <Raindrop14> So if you want your kid safe from alcohol, but they want to get drunk, take 'em to ZD at nigth!
8:06 AM <BeastModeMan97> 22lewd44me
8:06 AM <LittleGumball> I DON'T KNOW WHAT DRUNK IS
8:06 AM <PancakeSamurai> GUMBALL :*
8:06 AM <LittleGumball> WHAT'S DRUNK
8:06 AM <TSter The Great> V
8:06 AM <BeastModeMan97> Indeed
8:06 AM <PancakeSamurai> yes
8:06 AM <Raindrop14> This is how the members of ZD get drunk without drinking alcohol!
8:06 AM <LittleGumball> 3lewd5me
8:05 AM <PancakeSamurai> I want to suck on them
8:05 AM <LittleGumball> TSTER XDDD
8:05 AM <TSter The Great> Megusta
8:05 AM <PancakeSamurai> I nned a second guys...


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
So yeah wake up and visit this humble little site, around this time on the SB is normally the JJ and Axle power hour, but the are no where to be seen, instead these users are all interacting, I've been sitting back for a while now mesmerized at them all. These users aren't even normally on at this time and here they all are. I hope this post doesn't disturb them...

I loewe you Danm!

12:15 AM <PancakeSamurai> ;)
12:15 AM <LittleGumball> I just realized how awkward that is.
12:15 AM <PancakeSamurai> You being serious?
12:15 AM <LittleGumball> Which is not at all. ;)
12:15 AM <LittleGumball> Pancake, you're about as ugly as I am flat-chested.
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Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
1:03 AM <BeastModeMan97> @_________________________________________________ _____________________________________@
1:03 AM <BeastModeMan97> @_________________________________________________ ___@
1:02 AM <BeastModeMan97> @_______________________________________@
1:02 AM <TSter The Great> Terrible typo...
1:02 AM <TSter The Great> OMG SEC!
1:02 AM <LittleGumball> WERE YOU IN BALLET
1:02 AM <TSter The Great> Just a sex...
1:02 AM <BeastModeMan97>
1:02 AM <TSter The Great> OMG I just found one of my old dance pictures!

Oh my gosh Tster how could you...? xD

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
1:03 AM * PancakeSamurai just sits in the potato corner
1:03 AM <LittleGumball> lol I was the weirdest-looking kid ever.
1:03 AM <TSter The Great> Not to sound self-centered, but I was adorable
1:03 AM <LittleGumball> OMG YOU'RE SO CUUUUUUTE
1:03 AM <PancakeSamurai> My first word was cat
1:03 AM <LittleGumball> I can't even type I'm laughing so hard
1:03 AM <TSter The Great> https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.n...89479534_n.jpg
1:03 AM <BeastModeMan97> @_________________________________________________ _____________________________________@
1:03 AM <BeastModeMan97> @_________________________________________________ ___@
1:02 AM <BeastModeMan97> @_______________________________________@
1:02 AM <TSter The Great> Terrible typo...
1:02 AM <TSter The Great> OMG SEC!
1:02 AM <LittleGumball> WERE YOU IN BALLET
1:02 AM <TSter The Great> Just a sex...
1:02 AM <BeastModeMan97>
1:02 AM <TSter The Great> OMG I just found one of my old dance pictures!
1:02 AM <BeastModeMan97> ....
1:02 AM <LittleGumball> i'm dyhing
1:02 AM <LittleGumball> XD
1:01 AM <TSter The Great> Not even joking
1:01 AM <TSter The Great> Kind of random, but my first word was f***

Just a little late night SB action :right:


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
3:30 PM <Azure Sage> Is that we're trying to see which of us has less of a life
3:30 PM <Azure Sage> But what is TRULY sad

At 3:30 PM on Thursday, June 20th 2013, Azure Sage became self-aware. The world would never be the same.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
3:46 PM <JuicieJ> I spoke too soon
3:46 PM <JuicieJ> Whoooooooa
3:46 PM <Dracomajora> Like abortion? :rolleyes:
3:46 PM <JuicieJ> At least you didn't say abortion
3:46 PM <Azure Sage> like gay marriage :rolleyes:
3:46 PM <Azure Sage> Let's change the subject to something much less controversial
3:45 PM <Azure Sage> Anyway this is getting pretty MD forum stuff in here
JJ is an epic ninja.
The seven years Link missed became a whole lot more interesting

21/06/2013 21:33 <Curmudgeon> I blame......... az
21/06/2013 21:33 <Big Octo> CAPS
21/06/2013 21:33 <LittleGumball> WHY IS THIS CONVERSATION HAPPENING
21/06/2013 21:33 <mandym287> lmfaooo
21/06/2013 21:33 <Big Octo> That's why Link in WW has that meter
21/06/2013 21:33 <mandym287> he poops in there too
21/06/2013 21:33 <Curmudgeon> obviously the future hyrule of OoT is not the best place to market zora butt water
21/06/2013 21:33 <mandym287> what about jabu jabu's poop?
21/06/2013 21:33 <Big Octo> That's why everything swimming in the ocean is drunl
21/06/2013 21:33 <mandym287> it's like nuclear
21/06/2013 21:33 <mandym287> the water overflowed, but traces of it remain
21/06/2013 21:32 <mandym287> you say market, i think redeads
21/06/2013 21:32 <Big Octo> There is a lot of Zora Butt Water in the Great Sea
21/06/2013 21:32 <mandym287> redeads
21/06/2013 21:32 <Curmudgeon> not going to get a ton of buyers if you tell the truth
21/06/2013 21:32 <mandym287> oh wah
21/06/2013 21:32 <Curmudgeon> marketing is marketing, mandy
21/06/2013 21:31 <mandym287> I think you mean... ZORA BUTT WATER
21/06/2013 21:31 <mandym287> What are those?
21/06/2013 21:31 <Azure Sage> brb guys ice cream
21/06/2013 21:31 <mandym287> Beers?
21/06/2013 21:31 <JuicieJ> It looks like you're typing "cola" tbh
21/06/2013 21:31 <mandym287> mmmm
21/06/2013 21:31 <JuicieJ> Azure
21/06/2013 21:31 <mandym287> rainwater dilutions
21/06/2013 21:31 <Azure Sage> COOOOLLAAAAAAAAAAAAA
21/06/2013 21:31 <Azure Sage> POPPED COLLAAAAAAAAAAA
21/06/2013 21:30 <Azure Sage> so hip
21/06/2013 21:30 <Big Octo> Perhaps Ganon did put prohibition into effect so he could keep all the beers for himself
21/06/2013 21:30 <Azure Sage> Gani had a popped colla in one of the pictures
21/06/2013 21:30 <mandym287> they were intoxicated when they wrote it, too
21/06/2013 21:30 <JuicieJ> King Zora's butt taints Hyrule's water
21/06/2013 21:30 <mandym287> everything is in the hyrool hysteria
21/06/2013 21:30 <Curmudgeon> He displays all of the characteristics of an alcoholic
21/06/2013 21:29 <Big Octo> He mixes it with milk
21/06/2013 21:29 <Azure Sage> u get that from highrool hysteria mandy
21/06/2013 21:29 <Curmudgeon> I bet talon is heavy into the mead
21/06/2013 21:29 <mandym287> MOGMAS ARE
21/06/2013 21:29 <Big Octo> Into his mouth?
21/06/2013 21:29 <mandym287> PARELLA AREN"T ZORAS
21/06/2013 21:29 <Big Octo> Would he not redirect it to his castle?
21/06/2013 21:29 <mandym287> amg
21/06/2013 21:29 <Azure Sage> No wonder he has a beer belly, he's his own wine factory
21/06/2013 21:29 <mandym287> WHAT ABOUT THE MOGMAS?
21/06/2013 21:29 <mandym287> KING ZORA IS AL CAPONE?
21/06/2013 21:28 <Big Octo> Then why'd Ganon freeze Zora's domain?
21/06/2013 21:28 <Azure Sage> King Zora would be ****ing rich
21/06/2013 21:28 <Azure Sage> yessssss
21/06/2013 21:28 <Big Octo> Ganon's off drinking while Link is stuck with his Lon Lon Milk.
21/06/2013 21:28 <mandym287> nailed it
21/06/2013 21:28 <mandym287> What if Hyrule alcohol is just Zora Butt Water?
21/06/2013 21:28 <Azure Sage> he so jelly he chu jelly
21/06/2013 21:28 <mandym287> Wait
21/06/2013 21:28 <mandym287> he jelly
21/06/2013 21:28 <Big Octo> Ganondrunk
21/06/2013 21:28 <mandym287> Link's underage
21/06/2013 21:27 <mandym287> No wonder Link hates him
21/06/2013 21:27 <Curmudgeon> I'd drink with Ganon if that were the case
21/06/2013 21:27 <mandym287> xDD
21/06/2013 21:27 <Big Octo> He drinks scotch by the bottleful
21/06/2013 21:27 <Azure Sage> Ganon would party until he dropped hepllessly onto the carpet
21/06/2013 21:26 <mandym287> lmfaooo
21/06/2013 21:26 <Curmudgeon> sitting in his fortress with a nice bottle of pinot noir, brooding over his next plan
21/06/2013 21:26 <mandym287> he looks too jaundice to not like his juice
21/06/2013 21:26 <Big Octo> Ganon looks like he'd be a party animal.
21/06/2013 21:26 <Big Octo> Ganon doesn't strike me as the fellow that supports prohibition.
21/06/2013 21:26 <Azure Sage> And then Link has to take gani down anyway so he joins Al Capone since they have a common goal
21/06/2013 21:26 <Curmudgeon> Ganon seems like a dry red wine sort of chap
21/06/2013 21:25 <mandym287> when Ganon takes over next time and puts prohibition in effect
21/06/2013 21:25 <Azure Sage> lmfao
21/06/2013 21:25 <justac00lguy> Danny Auto
21/06/2013 21:25 <Curmudgeon> 1930's Chicago italian mob of the Zelda series <--- they traffic illicit narcotics and booze, murder in cold blood, run in prostitution, extortion and corruption? wow. neato. When are they going to be in more games?!
21/06/2013 21:25 <Big Octo> yya
21/06/2013 21:25 <Big Octo> I mean
21/06/2013 21:24 <Big Octo> yay
21/06/2013 21:24 <Azure Sage> that is all i can teach you
21/06/2013 21:24 <Azure Sage> You have mastered your training
21/06/2013 21:24 <Big Octo> okya
21/06/2013 21:24 <Azure Sage> Lesson One: Make typo
21/06/2013 21:24 <Big Octo> of futureness
21/06/2013 21:24 <Big Octo> Azure teach me your ways
21/06/2013 21:24 <mandym287> economy is poop in 1930s
21/06/2013 21:24 <Big Octo> 19920s? Wow
21/06/2013 21:24 <mandym287> Economy is good in 1920s
21/06/2013 21:24 <Big Octo> Zelda 6: Ganon is a Rabbit
21/06/2013 21:24 <Azure Sage> 19920s lol
21/06/2013 21:24 <mandym287> nuh uh
21/06/2013 21:23 <Azure Sage> 19920s 1930s same diff
21/06/2013 21:23 <mandym287> you mean 1920s dont you
21/06/2013 21:23 <mandym287> um
21/06/2013 21:23 <Azure Sage> in other words, Mogmas are awesome
21/06/2013 21:23 <Azure Sage> Mogmas were the 1930's Chicago italian mob of the Zelda series
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