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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
9:53 AM <Cfrock> You just gotta look beyond the three days
9:52 AM <Cfrock> Hence, MM is the darkest Zelda
9:52 AM <Cfrock> It was the political strength of Clock Town keeping Termina in tenuous balance and when it collapsed following the economic meltdown instigated by Link, catastrophe was unavoidable



Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
3:25 PM <justac00lguy> This Autocorrect man
3:25 PM * BeastModeMan97 blows his brains out
3:25 PM <BeastModeMan97> Ah screw it-
3:25 PM <justac00lguy> That was meant to say hi mom
3:25 PM <Atsuma> :P
3:25 PM <Atsuma> Hi, Mases
3:25 PM <justac00lguy> Big mom

Big mom :lol:


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
6:26 AM <Violet> Yeah
6:26 AM <Vanessa28> You need it for your test?
6:26 AM <Violet> These are all important!
6:25 AM <Vanessa28>
6:25 AM * Violet copies stuff on what Vee says
6:25 AM <Vanessa28> The sun is bigger than the moon and when the moon is completely in front of the sun you'll see a lightcircle around the moon called the corona
6:24 AM <Vanessa28> In this case the moon is completely in front of the sun and then you'll see the famous corona
6:23 AM <Violet> Oh
6:23 AM <Vanessa28> Yes but you also have a full eclipse
6:23 AM <Violet> And it's the same for the moon, right? It's similar to the phases of the moon,,
6:22 AM <Violet> Thanks!
6:22 AM <Vanessa28> Yes that's partical eclipse
6:21 AM <Violet> And does that called as the partial eclipse of sun, right?
6:21 AM <Vanessa28> It lasts only a few minutes
6:20 AM <Vanessa28> The moon is getting in front of the sun and because of this the sun is a bit "invisible"
6:19 AM <Vanessa28> When the moon gets in front of the sun
6:19 AM <Violet> I'm going to flop this test :c
6:19 AM <Violet> ...
6:19 AM <Violet> general
6:18 AM <Vanessa28> Or do you mean how it is created in general?
6:18 AM <Vanessa28> Like on a projector or something?
6:17 AM <Vanessa28> Doesn't it have anything to do with a light and holding a paper partly in front of it?
6:17 AM <Violet> thanks anyways c:
See all of this is showing how nice Vee is, this is very memorable to me.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
* Thareous evil grin
11:17 PM <Locke> you can take over now thar
11:17 PM <Locke> ok I'm done
11:17 PM <Thareous> /Late
11:17 PM <Castle> :lol:
11:17 PM <Thareous> You're*
11:17 PM <Locke> you're*
11:17 PM <Castle> 1
11:17 PM <Castle> 2
11:17 PM <Castle> 3
11:17 PM <Castle> nothing to worry about ... unless your a Nazi
11:16 PM <Castle> Just a classic case of the typos

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
4:31 PM <Locke> I think Azure has successfully trolled us.
4:31 PM <Erebea> I really like the way Zelda 2 handled character development.
4:31 PM <Dracomajora> You were oblivious to my sarcasm.
4:31 PM <Azure Sage> MYSTERY
4:31 PM <Azure Sage> Then who was trolling and who was oblivious?
4:31 PM <Dracomajora> Fi was overly emotional.
4:30 PM <Dracomajora> But I was being sarcastic.
4:30 PM <Locke> or oblivious
4:30 PM <Locke> or trolling
4:30 PM <Azure Sage> I'm being serious lol
4:30 PM <Locke> now I can't tell if Azure is being sarcastic.
4:30 PM <Azure Sage> lol Draco I love it how our opinions on that are polar opposite xD
4:30 PM <Erebea> That isn't how you spell Fi
4:29 PM <Locke> I've had just about enough of your sarcasm Draco
4:29 PM <Dracomajora> And Midna is the greatest, best developed character of all time.
4:29 PM <Azure Sage> :eek:nion:
4:29 PM <Azure Sage> in my opinion
4:29 PM <Azure Sage> *worst
4:29 PM <Dracomajora> TP is the best Zelda game.
I'm just as lost as you are.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
2:03 PM <Terminus> [:tardis: noise]
2:03 PM <Terminus> *beep*
2:03 PM <Terminus> This announcement has concluded
2:03 PM <BeastModeMan97> lol
2:02 PM <Terminus> *beep*
2:02 PM <Terminus> The user shall have limited computer acess over the period of time know as SPRING BREAK
DarkLink7 Answered in thread : When Are Hints Too Much
2:02 PM <Lamentizer> Why?
2:02 PM <Terminus> *beep*
2:02 PM <BeastModeMan97>
2:02 PM <Terminus> Thank you for your time
2:02 PM <Terminus> The user know as TERMINUS will be absent from the forums for a period of nine (9) days
2:01 PM <Terminus> This is an automated announcement
2:01 PM <BeastModeMan97> sup?
2:01 PM <Terminus> [:tardis: noise]

The user has also commissioned recordings of his new program in action.



Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Well I found in more memorable than the normal **** that goes on in the sb. :right:
12:26 AM <Dan> :I
12:26 AM <PK Flash> :I
12:26 AM <PK Flash> :I
12:26 AM <Dan> :I
12:26 AM <PK Flash> :I
12:25 AM <mandym287> :I
12:25 AM <Dan> :I
12:25 AM <PK Flash> :I
12:25 AM <mandym287> :I
12:25 AM <PK Flash> :I
12:25 AM <Dan> :I


poog tnalp yknuhc
Jul 11, 2012
23/03/2013 21:06 <Dracomajora> Vain?
23/03/2013 21:06 <PancakeSamurai> what?
23/03/2013 21:06 <TheRizardon> I'm sorry, Glob
23/03/2013 21:06 <PancakeSamurai> Um
23/03/2013 21:06 <Dracomajora> Idonteven
23/03/2013 21:06 <TheRizardon> Woh
23/03/2013 21:05 <Dracomajora> whha
23/03/2013 21:05 * Thou shalt not curse.
23/03/2013 21:05 * PancakeSamurai watches his tongue
23/03/2013 21:05 * This is God.
23/03/2013 21:05 * Spirit of Rutela is the spirit
23/03/2013 21:05 <Dracomajora> That's the spirit
23/03/2013 21:05 <TheRizardon> Watch your tongue
23/03/2013 21:05 <PancakeSamurai> **** you



The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia

.........At least he's honest.....

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
6:46 PM <Dracomajora> Xd
6:45 PM <TheRizardon> wut
6:45 PM <Azure Sage> xD
6:45 PM <Ventus> ninjs'f
6:45 PM <Ventus> ninjs'f
6:45 PM <Ventus> AZure
6:45 PM <Azure Sage> AZure
6:45 PM <Azure Sage> VEntus
6:45 PM <Azure Sage> WOlf
6:45 PM <Dracomajora> WOlf
6:45 PM <Dracomajora> lol
6:45 PM <Ventus> lmao WOlf
6:45 PM <Azure Sage> lmao wolf
6:45 PM <Wolf Sage> That whole shaking of the fists at the sky thing looks like people are getting naughty with the sky...
THis was so funny.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
[5:40:32 PM] Mathias Smith: wtf is bem?
[5:40:41 PM] Bubsy the Bobcat: Shh
[5:40:48 PM] Bubsy the Bobcat: Don't piss him off
[5:40:59 PM] Mathias Smith: this is why I shouldn't leave for a week :P
[5:41:59 PM] Mandi the Beast: Bem is fake
[5:42:16 PM] Mathias Smith: I can tell
[5:42:19 PM] Mandi the Beast: like The Wizard of Oz
[5:42:28 PM] Mandi the Beast: he's not great and powerful
[5:42:35 PM] Bubsy the Bobcat: Bem isn't fake
[5:42:48 PM] Mandi the Beast: he's just some scaredy cat behind a curtain
[5:43:15 PM] Mathias Smith: bem sounds like a piece of ****
[5:43:19 PM | Edited 5:43:29 PM] Bubsy the Bobcat: He's a stack of boxes with a smiley face, cursed into his current form by a child's imagination, but evil and psychotic
[5:43:48 PM] Bubsy the Bobcat: BUT WE LOVE BEM, HE IS GREAT (worry)
[5:44:16 PM] Mathias Smith: You guys are so weird
[5:45:08 PM] The Pope: YES HAIL BEM
[5:45:13 PM] The Pope: WE LOVE BEM <3
[5:45:23 PM] The Pope: that should satisfy him for now o_o

24/03/2013 21:25 <mandym287> lmao Arsenic
24/03/2013 21:25 <Ventus> lmfao Azure
24/03/2013 21:25 <Azure Sage> OOOOOOOOH
24/03/2013 21:24 <Azure Sage> What happens in the Hood, stays in the police report
24/03/2013 21:24 <Rare Addict> xD
24/03/2013 21:24 <Ventus> ghetto
24/03/2013 21:24 <Ventus> I'm so hood
24/03/2013 21:24 <mandym287> Robbing the hood
24/03/2013 21:24 <PancakeSamurai> is that how you spell ghetto?
24/03/2013 21:24 <Ventus> hood
24/03/2013 21:24 <Night Owl> :lol:
24/03/2013 21:24 <Azure Sage> Things that happen in the Hood
24/03/2013 21:24 <PancakeSamurai> Hood thing
24/03/2013 21:24 <PK Flash> straight out of the hoo everybody
24/03/2013 21:24 <PancakeSamurai> That sounds like a ghetto term
24/03/2013 21:24 <PK Flash> the hoo
24/03/2013 21:24 <Azure Sage> It's a Hood thing
24/03/2013 21:24 <PK Flash> straight out of the hoo
24/03/2013 21:24 <PK Flash> hood thing
24/03/2013 21:24 <Dracomajora> Hood thing
24/03/2013 21:24 <PancakeSamurai> lol
24/03/2013 21:24 <Night Owl> curiosity killed the cat, Hood thing cats have 9 lives

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
3:13 PM <Thareous> You're grammar is much baddest then theres.
3:13 PM <Azure Sage> Good, because I don't neither.
3:12 PM <Erebea> I do not understand what you are trying to not imply by saying what you are not meaning
3:12 PM <TheRizardon> I can't not understand you
3:12 PM <Azure Sage> do you not understand what i'm not saying
3:12 PM <Azure Sage> your grammar is not very not well
3:11 PM <Erebea> "I read in a post on this thread..."
3:11 PM <Erebea> or you know
3:11 PM <Wolf Sage> ...in colloquial English.
3:11 PM <TheRizardon> You are needing to
3:11 PM <Wolf Sage> Your guys'... is the preferred usage...
3:10 PM <Erebea> i are do not care for your dingis
3:10 PM <Erebea> you guyses need to stop
3:10 PM <Thareous> You guyses.
3:10 PM <Azure Sage> oh god the horror
3:10 PM <Azure Sage> "I read in one of your guyses post "
This conversation wasn't not very not funny.

5:19 PM <Azure Sage> You're psychic
5:19 PM <Azure Sage> holy cow Locke
5:19 PM <Locke> creepy
5:19 PM <Locke> woah
ThePurpleKnight Created thread : Code Geass Abridged
5:19 PM <Locke> weren't you going to watch Code Geass?
5:19 PM <Killjoy> I know not which anime I will watch
5:18 PM <Azure Sage> Which anime will you watch?
5:18 PM <Azure Sage> Ooooh anime is always nice to watch
5:17 PM <Killjoy> I'm going to go watch some anime
Locke has telepathy o:
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2012
[5:55:51 PM] Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood: Eric, would you like to start a socialist revolution with me?
[5:56:04 PM] The Doctor: No still grounded
[5:56:09 PM] Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood: Damn


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