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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
[6:57:10 PM] Petter Lagerstedt: I hope to be able to come. My supper of 2016 might be a little stressful.
[6:57:24 PM] Patrick: Supper
[6:57:30 PM] Mezlo: You and Ari can both come :)
[6:57:45 PM] Petter Lagerstedt: Of course! Hehe we'll try our best!
[6:57:49 PM] Mezlo: You're only gonna have one stressful supper in 2016, I think you'll be good :)
[6:57:58 PM] Petter Lagerstedt: :P
[6:58:22 PM] Mezlo: [6:57:10 PM] Petter Lagerstedt: My supper of 2016 might be a little stressful.
[6:58:35 PM] Petter Lagerstedt: OOO
[6:58:42 PM] Petter Lagerstedt: lol I'm so blind DX
[7:03:55 PM] Mezlo: brb guyz I need to eat a stressful 2015 supper

Supper can be so stressful sometimes
Watch out for the stressful supper of 2016
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If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
WhatsApp ****posting with @Pendio and @Link Floyd



[2:50:52 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: You concentrate all of your being
[2:51:07 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: In ****posting form
[2:51:14 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: You have to do it or you'll die
[2:54:45 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: What a said ailment
[2:54:48 AM] Satan Claus: said
[2:55:00 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: Why is skype autocorrecting me
[2:55:11 AM] Satan Claus: what a sad ailment
[2:55:25 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: said said said said
[2:55:25 AM] Satan Claus: I TURNED IT AROUND
[2:55:29 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: WHAT THE ****ED SKYPE
[2:55:32 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: STOP
[2:55:37 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: [STOP]
[2:57:01 AM] Satan Claus: try typing uwu and see if it autocorrects it
[2:57:10 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: uwu
[2:57:13 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: Of course
[2:57:15 AM] Satan Claus: HA
[2:57:20 AM] Abaddontown Funk, the angel who backhanded Satan: Your stupid ****posts are fiiiiiiiine


Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
8:37 PM - Satan: the ss plot was **** though
8:37 PM - Satan: it was link just leaping through hoops for some dumb broad who is out of his league
8:37 PM - tessylation: and I look exactly like SS Zelda so I am semi offended good sirs
8:38 PM - pkfroce: Superman 64 with cutscenes basically
8:38 PM - Satan: lmfao pk
8:39 PM - Satan: tess, i'm sure you dont have a squidward nose with a radial gradient on it and square shaped eyes with eye lashes drawn by a four year old
8:39 PM - Satan: and lasagna hair physics
8:39 PM - pkfroce: HAHAHA
[6:16:29 PM] Satan: hes a prophet you know. hes telling you to forgive me for being a sin and then for you to watch bowja from his cashle
[10:32:08 PM] Abaddon: I don't know what you said
[10:32:15 PM] Abaddon: But I cannot forgive your sins
[10:53:47 PM] Satan: ℯ~ › ℴℍℴ ‹~†
[10:53:53 PM] Satan: ⛺⛯⚻⛯⛺
[10:54:10 PM] Satan: ~´ᅌᆞ))
[10:58:04 PM] Abaddon: I'm gonna slap you
[10:58:33 PM] Satan: ¯\_⁅〈 ◕̀︽ ◕̔ ⁆;;)༪~~
[11:03:12 PM] Abaddon: Im gonna violate you
[11:06:02 PM] Satan: °⛧w⛧°ℬ
[11:06:15 PM] Abaddon: Hard
[11:06:44 PM] Satan: ⚧⛚⛚⛎⛚⛚⛃
[11:09:03 PM] Satan: ₆₆₆‿ℑ›⁷ ;;
[11:09:14 PM] Abaddon: I swear to god speak english
[11:09:33 PM] Satan: hi friend
[11:09:46 PM] Abaddon: Great more memes
[11:10:52 PM] Satan: My mom and bomb are not too happy with my selling your soul to the Devil so much time in front of the television nice boulder.
[11:11:05 PM] Abaddon: What are you talking about
[11:11:11 PM] Satan: yes

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
6:31 PM - Night Owl: I'm going to glue this into the memorable convo thread.
6:29 PM - G-King: Lets stop with these epoxy puns for now. I cant think of any more
6:27 PM - A Link In Time replied to thread Eating pigs is just as immoral as eating dogs
6:23 PM - Night Owl: This could really cement the community together
6:23 PM - G-King: Good idea. I never would have been able to gum up with that myself
6:23 PM - Soul replied to thread Deleting Social Media Accounts
6:22 PM - Philosophies About Bok Choy: Hello world
6:22 PM - Night Owl: We should paste our new found friendship all over the forum.
6:19 PM - G-King: Good. It should give us time to bond then
6:16 PM - Night Owl: I plan on sticking around all week.
6:14 PM - G-King: thats a tacky pun
6:12 PM - Night Owl: At least I'm not adhesive. That would be a sticky situation.
I've punished the shoutbox enough for one evening.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Jan 28, 2016 at 02:01 - Philosophies About Bok Choy: ;)
Jan 28, 2016 at 02:01 - Dan: blimey
Jan 28, 2016 at 02:01 - Philosophies About Bok Choy:
If only I had known getting Dan to touch me would be this easy...
Jan 28, 2016 at 02:00 - Dan
pets Bok's so called face
Jan 28, 2016 at 01:59 - Philosophies About Bok Choy:
I wish someone would pet my face :(
Jan 28, 2016 at 01:57 - Philosophies About Bok Choy:
Hello boys and demons

Well that's just Bok i think being bokky..... Dan is just in the mood for touching weird things. Swear some people need a sitcom.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness


Meme Connoisseur
Jul 30, 2015
Some of these conversations remind me of the 2008-2010 days of talking smack with some Internet Friends on XFire.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
@Night Owl and I agreed to not agree too much :P

[21:37:16] Night Owl: Probably because the Netherlands is a cool place :P
[21:37:57] Night Owl: I might still have distant relatives in Germany, Seeing as my grand parents come from there.
[21:38:10] Angel of Darkness: Hahaha i live here all my life so I fogot how cool it could be :P My great grandmother was from Germany too
[21:39:24] Night Owl: Well I'm from a place where 80F is considered a cool day
[21:40:46] Angel of Darkness: Oh Texas yes :P I don't think I can complain about the heat over here during summer :P
[21:43:01] Night Owl: Lol In that case I'll try not to complain about the cold too loudly either
[21:43:16] Angel of Darkness: hahahahaha we just made a deal :P
[21:43:50] Night Owl: I suppose we did :D
[21:44:18] Angel of Darkness: Sometimes we do agree on things :P
[21:46:09] Night Owl: I suppose we do :P
[21:47:27] Angel of Darkness: We should agree more often :P
[21:48:16] Night Owl: But I hear too much agreement kills discussion :P
[21:48:53] Angel of Darkness: That's true and for the sake of the Owls we can't agree too often. The Owl counsel won't agree :P
[21:50:13] Night Owl: lol Now I'm picturing a room full of owls arguing for several days because they can't agree.
[21:51:57] Night Owl: The Whole GOATS shuts down because the owls are having a massive global debate
[21:52:52] Angel of Darkness: To hear owls argue...I wonder what that sounds like (rofl) We need to find something else instead of GOATS :P

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
[2:54:51 PM] Night Owl: I suppose so. Reliance on GOATS could cause the global economy to freeze until the Owl council begins agreeing again
[2:56:17 PM] Angel of Darkness: But we need to start the SAVE GOATS campaign
[2:56:56 PM] Night Owl: What is the SAVE GOATS campaign?
[2:57:32 PM] Angel of Darkness: Because the owls debate so much we might lose GOAT. We can't let that happen :P
[2:58:51 PM] Night Owl: Lol I was wondering if SAVE stood for something
[2:58:54 PM] Angel of Darkness: Owls on strike!!!
[2:59:04 PM] Angel of Darkness: nah just making my point clear :P
[2:59:56 PM] Angel of Darkness: We could make it SAFE Stop Arguing Feathered Animals :P
[3:02:09 PM] Night Owl: SAFE GOATS sounds too close to SCAPEGOATS
[3:03:18 PM] Night Owl: Secret Cargo Armada Possibly Escaping the Great Owl Air Transport System
[3:03:43 PM] Angel of Darkness: Sounds like a secret operation at a war zone :P
[3:04:45 PM] Night Owl: It is, under the guise of a get-away car company
[3:05:28 PM] Angel of Darkness: That clears things up a bit. Those silly owls are very busy with their secret operation :P
[3:07:34 PM] Night Owl: Unfortunately that group is currently being blamed for the Debate that includes all owls
[3:08:14 PM] Angel of Darkness: But that means owl crisis!
[3:08:21 PM] Angel of Darkness: We can't let that happen
[3:11:07 PM] Night Owl: No, I suppose not. I keep hoping that they will run out of stamina.
[3:11:38 PM] Angel of Darkness: Maybe we should just press the fast forward button or skip :P
[3:11:46 PM] Night Owl: That's what happened during the debate over setting the maximum length of time a debate may be had
[3:12:26 PM] Angel of Darkness: They remind me of the ents when they spent all day to just say hello
[3:13:07 PM] Night Owl: Maybe but you need to be careful, Owls are known for repeating indefinitely if you miss the prompt that stops them
[3:13:30 PM] Angel of Darkness: You have to be very careful or they start the whole thing over again :P
[3:13:37 PM] Night Owl: Lol that sounds about right

Owl debate part 2 (Part 1 is in @Vanessa28 post)


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
[2:54:51 PM] Night Owl: I suppose so. Reliance on GOATS could cause the global economy to freeze until the Owl council begins agreeing again
[2:56:17 PM] Angel of Darkness: But we need to start the SAVE GOATS campaign
[2:56:56 PM] Night Owl: What is the SAVE GOATS campaign?
[2:57:32 PM] Angel of Darkness: Because the owls debate so much we might lose GOAT. We can't let that happen :P
[2:58:51 PM] Night Owl: Lol I was wondering if SAVE stood for something
[2:58:54 PM] Angel of Darkness: Owls on strike!!!
[2:59:04 PM] Angel of Darkness: nah just making my point clear :P
[2:59:56 PM] Angel of Darkness: We could make it SAFE Stop Arguing Feathered Animals :P
[3:02:09 PM] Night Owl: SAFE GOATS sounds too close to SCAPEGOATS
[3:03:18 PM] Night Owl: Secret Cargo Armada Possibly Escaping the Great Owl Air Transport System
[3:03:43 PM] Angel of Darkness: Sounds like a secret operation at a war zone :P
[3:04:45 PM] Night Owl: It is, under the guise of a get-away car company
[3:05:28 PM] Angel of Darkness: That clears things up a bit. Those silly owls are very busy with their secret operation :P
[3:07:34 PM] Night Owl: Unfortunately that group is currently being blamed for the Debate that includes all owls
[3:08:14 PM] Angel of Darkness: But that means owl crisis!
[3:08:21 PM] Angel of Darkness: We can't let that happen
[3:11:07 PM] Night Owl: No, I suppose not. I keep hoping that they will run out of stamina.
[3:11:38 PM] Angel of Darkness: Maybe we should just press the fast forward button or skip :P
[3:11:46 PM] Night Owl: That's what happened during the debate over setting the maximum length of time a debate may be had
[3:12:26 PM] Angel of Darkness: They remind me of the ents when they spent all day to just say hello
[3:13:07 PM] Night Owl: Maybe but you need to be careful, Owls are known for repeating indefinitely if you miss the prompt that stops them
[3:13:30 PM] Angel of Darkness: You have to be very careful or they start the whole thing over again :P
[3:13:37 PM] Night Owl: Lol that sounds about right

Owl debate part 2 (Part 1 is in @Vanessa28 post)
You better get your coffee ready. Round 3 is coming up!

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
[3:16:37 PM] Angel of Darkness: So what to do now? We need to calm those owls down or GOATS will be down too. Plus no more saves in Zelda games. Link won't like that :P
[3:17:12 PM] Night Owl: I think there is only one thing we can do
[3:17:23 PM] Night Owl: Give all of the owls tootsie pops
[3:18:36 PM] Night Owl: Hopefully they'll be too busy licking them that they'll forget their debate.
[3:18:55 PM] Angel of Darkness: That might be a great idea. They like it and will all go back to their good old nests and do owl stuff and protect the game and pick up GOATS again. But what if they disagree about the flavors?
[3:19:40 PM] Night Owl: Don't give them a choice
[3:19:53 PM] Angel of Darkness: They just have to go with the flow
[3:20:16 PM] Night Owl: And don't ask how many licks it will take to get to the center either
[3:21:00 PM] Angel of Darkness: NO WAY! They will start a counsel to debate about the speed of licking these pops :P
[3:22:23 PM] Night Owl: That almost happened once. Thankfully they all crunched their tootsie pop simultaneously, considered the matter resolved and went back to their nests
[3:23:00 PM] Angel of Darkness: so that's good news. Imagine a bunch of owls debating the speed of pops melting :P
[3:25:56 PM] Night Owl: lol I was kind of referring to this old commercial for tootsie pops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6rHeD5x2tI
[3:26:14 PM] Night Owl: the owl part is towards the end
[3:26:32 PM] Angel of Darkness: lemme watch it :P
[3:28:16 PM] Angel of Darkness: Hahahahahahhahaha I don't know that commercial. The owl was smart!
[3:30:08 PM] Night Owl: that commercial is from the 70's but I've seen the owl part on tv even in the early 2000's
[3:31:08 PM] Angel of Darkness: We don't get that that much american commecials over here
[3:31:16 PM] Angel of Darkness: The owl does look like you though
[3:32:00 PM] Night Owl: lol that's why I think it can end the owl debate. Owls tend to do it in 3
[3:32:30 PM] Angel of Darkness: Yep it will end the debate and then everything is fine again

Part 3 of the owl debate. Once again the world is back to normal.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
[3:16:37 PM] Angel of Darkness: So what to do now? We need to calm those owls down or GOATS will be down too. Plus no more saves in Zelda games. Link won't like that :P
[3:17:12 PM] Night Owl: I think there is only one thing we can do
[3:17:23 PM] Night Owl: Give all of the owls tootsie pops
[3:18:36 PM] Night Owl: Hopefully they'll be too busy licking them that they'll forget their debate.
[3:18:55 PM] Angel of Darkness: That might be a great idea. They like it and will all go back to their good old nests and do owl stuff and protect the game and pick up GOATS again. But what if they disagree about the flavors?
[3:19:40 PM] Night Owl: Don't give them a choice
[3:19:53 PM] Angel of Darkness: They just have to go with the flow
[3:20:16 PM] Night Owl: And don't ask how many licks it will take to get to the center either
[3:21:00 PM] Angel of Darkness: NO WAY! They will start a counsel to debate about the speed of licking these pops :P
[3:22:23 PM] Night Owl: That almost happened once. Thankfully they all crunched their tootsie pop simultaneously, considered the matter resolved and went back to their nests
[3:23:00 PM] Angel of Darkness: so that's good news. Imagine a bunch of owls debating the speed of pops melting :P
[3:25:56 PM] Night Owl: lol I was kind of referring to this old commercial for tootsie pops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6rHeD5x2tI
[3:26:14 PM] Night Owl: the owl part is towards the end
[3:26:32 PM] Angel of Darkness: lemme watch it :P
[3:28:16 PM] Angel of Darkness: Hahahahahahhahaha I don't know that commercial. The owl was smart!
[3:30:08 PM] Night Owl: that commercial is from the 70's but I've seen the owl part on tv even in the early 2000's
[3:31:08 PM] Angel of Darkness: We don't get that that much american commecials over here
[3:31:16 PM] Angel of Darkness: The owl does look like you though
[3:32:00 PM] Night Owl: lol that's why I think it can end the owl debate. Owls tend to do it in 3
[3:32:30 PM] Angel of Darkness: Yep it will end the debate and then everything is fine again

Part 3 of the owl debate. Once again the world is back to normal.
And Hyrule is safe once more. Just leave it to tootsie pops eating Owls :P

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