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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.


The game is on!
[2015-06-15 06:59:27] Ariana: I plan on not sleeping tonight :P I tried but it didn't work
[2015-06-15 06:59:39] Ariana: Dude idk how Petter does it
[2015-06-15 06:59:45] Eric: y'all're freaks haha
[2015-06-15 06:59:45] Marcus: hmm sometimes sleeping is better than not sleeping
[2015-06-15 06:59:52] Marcus: yeah that man is a beast
[2015-06-15 07:00:01] Ariana: He barely sleeps and he's able to function perfectly
[2015-06-15 07:00:02] Eric: its inhuman
[2015-06-15 07:00:11] Ariana: He's a vampire
[2015-06-15 07:00:14] Marcus: maybe I should ask him for advice

If I told you what I really were I'm afraid I'd have to kill you all.
[9:14:33 PM] Lemmy Sein: why does fe14 have pokemon amie
[9:14:35 PM] Lemmy Sein: waifu amie
[9:14:39 PM] Casskletta: idk
[9:14:48 PM] Casskletta: so you can pet your waifus and husbandos
[9:14:58 PM] Casskletta: this gamme
[9:14:59 PM] Casskletta: is ****ing
[9:15:00 PM] Casskletta: insulting
[9:15:06 PM] Casskletta: to FE classic fans
[9:15:08 PM] Lemmy Sein: pet them
[9:15:11 PM] Casskletta: pet them
[9:15:21 PM] Lemmy Sein: pET them
[9:15:28 PM] Casskletta: PeT them
[9:15:31 PM] Casskletta: pEt them
[9:15:37 PM] Casskletta: meht tep
[9:15:50 PM] Lemmy Sein: gersboo
[9:15:56 PM] Casskletta: pet your gersboo

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
[15:06:47:UTC] Kyru : FROM DOWNTOWN!
[15:06:07:UTC] Kyru : posted a new thread in General Gaming: Best Sports game
[15:05:59:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : /me explodes like an atom bomb!
[15:05:36:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : I'mmmmmm justttttttttt sooooooooooo damnnnnnnnnn hottttttttttttTTTTTTT!
[15:05:10:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : Chantinggggg isssssssss goodddddddd forrrrrr theeeeeeee spiritttttttt ummmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnn
[15:05:00:UTC] Kyru : HE'S ON FIRE!
[15:04:43:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : humanahumananummmmmmmmmmmmmm
[15:04:24:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : ummmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[15:03:50:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : ummmmmnnnnnnnn
[15:03:36:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : nggdbkfxfxnbmbjffdsvmbnbc
[15:03:23:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : Leshamakunopoponesecando
[15:03:05:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : Takamakukukonkodono!
[15:02:46:UTC] Kyru : HE'S STARTING TO HEAT UP!
[15:02:03:UTC] Spiritual Mask Salesman : Lakabakadingdong!
[14:47:53:UTC] Viral Maze : replied to thread Will U
[14:43:13:UTC] Lozjam : replied to thread Will U
[14:43:05:UTC] Kyru : Boomshakalaka


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
[7:46:03 PM] *** Jamie removed Georgia from this conversation. ***
[7:46:16 PM] odd300: O-oh.
[7:46:18 PM] Jamie: (giggle)
[7:46:28 PM] Jamie: It's good to be king
[7:46:37 PM] *** Jamie added Georgia ***
[7:46:40 PM] Jamie: Hi
[7:46:43 PM] Georgia: no
[7:46:52 PM] Jamie: Oh
[7:47:00 PM] *** Jamie removed Georgia from this conversation. ***
[7:47:05 PM] odd300: O-oh
[7:47:19 PM] Jamie: (giggle)
[7:47:24 PM] Jamie: It's good to be king
[7:47:34 PM] *** Jamie added Georgia ***
[7:47:35 PM] Jamie: Hi
[7:47:39 PM] Georgia: HI FRIENZ
[7:47:46 PM] *** Jamie removed Georgia from this conversation. ***
[7:48:02 PM] odd300: O-oh
[7:48:13 PM] Jamie: (giggle)
[7:48:17 PM] Jamie: It's good to be king
[7:48:24 PM] *** Jamie added Georgia ***
[7:48:47 PM] Georgia: (F)
[7:49:09 PM] Johnny: It's good to be king...
[7:49:31 PM] Jamie: (giggle)


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
[10:47:54 PM] Byser: well good night
[10:48:03 PM] RizzyPOW: night
[10:48:07 PM] Eric the Red: BYEser
[10:48:13 PM] Eric the Red: (chuckle)
[10:48:16 PM] Eric the Red: im so clever

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
11:30 PM - Himura Kenshin:
Azure Sage:
11:30 PM - Himura Kenshin:
11:30 PM - Himura Kenshin:
11:30 PM - Himura Kenshin:
11:30 PM - PrincessNiki:
They do play them at the maraton
11:30 PM - Himura Kenshin:
11:30 PM - Himura Kenshin:
11:30 PM - Himura Kenshin:
Azure Sage:
but those are the most canon zelda games!!!!
11:29 PM - Himura Kenshin:
Those don't exist.
Azure Sage:
they did WHAT
11:29 PM - PrincessNiki:
They took down the page that had the CD-i games on the main site

[3:58:29 AM] Lemmy Sein: isnt my new skype pic ****in great
[3:58:47 AM] Casskletta: he looks like an angry man
[3:58:49 AM] Casskletta: is it you
[3:58:51 AM] Lemmy Sein: yes
[3:58:52 AM] Casskletta: are you an angry man
[3:59:01 AM] Casskletta: nonspecific angry man
[3:59:15 AM] Lemmy Sein: my skype pics have just been angry men
[3:59:19 AM] Lemmy Sein: angry ozai
[3:59:21 AM] Lemmy Sein: angry ghirahim
[3:59:25 AM] Lemmy Sein: uncomfortable luchs
[3:59:26 AM] Casskletta: more like
[3:59:29 AM] Lemmy Sein: angry tarrlok
[3:59:34 AM] Casskletta: fabulously flustered ghirahim
[3:59:44 AM] Lemmy Sein: he'll punish you most deliciously
[3:59:50 AM] Casskletta: uwu
[4:00:00 AM] Casskletta: he can use his demon sword
[4:00:10 AM] Lemmy Sein: i relate to angry men
[4:00:17 AM] Lemmy Sein: i am angry man kin
[4:00:22 AM] Casskletta: #same


[5:45:45 AM] Casskletta: joel is so ****ing sexy

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
[3:32:21 AM] Cassandra: Shoot I double toasted!
[3:32:25 AM] Spiritual Mask Salesman: double toasted?
[3:33:07 AM] Cassandra: Yeah and I had to go to the toast office to fix it.
[3:33:12 AM] Spiritual Mask Salesman: What was that like?
[3:34:35 AM] Cassandra: Everything tasted like paper.
[3:35:22 AM] Cassandra: Hey I'm French does that make it a double French toast?
[3:36:08 AM] Spiritual Mask Salesman: Yes, yes it does.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
[3:25:10 PM] Eric the Red: Like Fallout is a LOT different than pokemon
[3:25:20 PM] Petter: Totally!
[3:25:37 PM] Choice Scarf Marcus: nah it is basically the same game :P
[3:26:00 PM] Eric the Red: I missed that part where I blew Lysandre's head off and melted him down into a puddle of slime
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