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For those of us who didn't like Skyward Sword...

Dec 17, 2012
You do know you had to shield bash with it to avoid the shield taking damage, right?
:fpalm: ...No actually, I'm a newbie gamer that can't read up on basic game mechanics.

If I recall, the shield still did take some damage with the shield bash. Even if it didn't, I remembered that it was usually easier (for me) to just to dodge rather than use it.

But hey man, if you like breakable shields, more power to you. I personally didn't.
Mar 30, 2015
when i first got the game i became quite frustrated due to the motion controls, but who didn't. i found it most annoying during the initial flight ceremony, the blasted girahim fight, and of course the pumpkin minigame. now, i actually really love the game, possibly top 5 for me, and i've become accustomed to the controls, albeit i still struggle with the pumpkin minigame.
Sep 21, 2014
:fpalm: ...No actually, I'm a newbie gamer that can't read up on basic game mechanics.

If I recall, the shield still did take some damage with the shield bash. Even if it didn't, I remembered that it was usually easier (for me) to just to dodge rather than use it.

But hey man, if you like breakable shields, more power to you. I personally didn't.
No need to get sassy about it, sometimes people click through stuff, or just don't read carefully because they happen to be elsewhere in their mind at that one point, or could miss such a detail for a hundred other reasons. I've known tons of people who play video games regularly, yet still miss basic things. Hell, Arin Hanson has built a career out of doing both those things. And the shield takes no damage if you time your bash perfectly.
Sep 4, 2016
If I recall, the shield still did take some damage with the shield bash. Even if it didn't, I remembered that it was usually easier (for me) to just to dodge rather than use it.

It didn't.

The shield bash parry was about as OP as parrying is in Dark Souls, which is very. Except because SS uses motion controls which are too vague to require precise timings it's super easy to do consistently.

Parrying breaks most enemies in Skyward Sword.

I didn't like Skyward Sword. Almost every part of the game feels compromised somehow to squeeze in a use of the motion plus accessory. And whilst the Zelda series has never met a hardware gimmick it didn't like, it feels weakest when it allows one to drive it entirely. The only positive thing it gave us was bomb bowling.
Dec 17, 2012
No need to get sassy about it, sometimes people click through stuff, or just don't read carefully because they happen to be elsewhere in their mind at that one point, or could miss such a detail for a hundred other reasons. I've known tons of people who play video games regularly, yet still miss basic things. Hell, Arin Hanson has built a career out of doing both those things. And the shield takes no damage if you time your bash perfectly.
Well, I would have thought anyone else having their shields break often would go and check to see why that was happening and thus be aware of the shield bash mechanic. Maybe that's just me though. XD
EDIT: I do apologize, though. I didn't mean to offend you with my sass, I was just attempting to tease. I never pull it off very well though, though.

I certainly don't recall the shield parrying being OP, so my memories of the game seem quite hazy.
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Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
Remember when Adventure of Link was the only stain on the Zelda series? and even then it got a bad rap. AoL isn't a "bad" game and heck it may be a derivative Zelda experience but the fundamentals are there, at least.

But Skyward Sword will remain the only objectively bad main console series Zelda game. If you bottom out your standards SS might pass for serviceable if it didn't have the name Zelda in the title. Not only does it run contrary to the series in ways previously stated, but even taken out of context, love it or hate it as its own game SS has issues.

My only issue with Adventure of Link is that it is so freaking hard to get into. Sure, once you get enemy patterns down to a T, the game is easy (or at least appears to be so, I've never actually gotten to that point). But building up to that is incredibly frustrating. I've tried to get into the game about 4-5 times now, and I simply can't.

The difference is that I know that the game is playable once I figure it out. Skyward Sword is not.

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