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Smash Bros Final Smash Character

Threads relating to the Super Smash Bros series.
Sep 27, 2021
With the reveal coming up next week, I was wondering if anyone had any spicy predictions for the final Smash Ultimate DLC character?

Personally I'm almost afraid to make a guess at who it could be, but they're really hyping it up, so I really hope it isn't a boring pick. Somebody like Doomguy or Master Chief would be representation from an area we don't really have yet (first-person shooters), but I'm struggling to see why they wouldn't have shown up earlier.

Guess we'll find out in a bit!


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
the characters I've liked the most in terms of reveal are the unexpected characters rather than highly requested ones, so while I'd love another, maybe it'd be a good idea to go w/ a fan favorite for the last one

I don't really care to speculate though, just hope they come w/ a killer soundtrack
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The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Only character I personally believe would truly break the internet would be Reimu Hakurei from Touhou. Given the franchises nearly 25 years of existence since '97 alongside having her own moveset due to being in official Touhou fighting games and even ZUN wanting Reimu/Touhou representation in Smash, it's the one character I would personally be overjoyed due to my exposure with the franchise back in the early 2000's. Not to mention Touhou music is already beautiful, getting Smash remixes would be icing on the cake.
Sep 27, 2021
I mean, while I can't deny a Touhou rep would be neat for fans of that series, and while I'm vaguely aware there are a lot of those fans, I can't say that I know very many people (myself included) who actually fall into that category - I'd find it hard to believe, unless it's incredibly popular in Japan, that Nintendo (who had a heavy hand in fighter selection) and Sakurai would choose that particular game series to close out their DLC for the "Ultimate" Smash game. Kinda feels like they'd go for something that at least everyone recognizes.

aka, Fortnite guy

Then again, we had Joker from Persona 5 for whatever reason for the first DLC - maybe the last one will also be along those lines, and just be a game Sakurai likes lol


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I mean, while I can't deny a Touhou rep would be neat for fans of that series, and while I'm vaguely aware there are a lot of those fans, I can't say that I know very many people (myself included) who actually fall into that category - I'd find it hard to believe, unless it's incredibly popular in Japan, that Nintendo (who had a heavy hand in fighter selection) and Sakurai would choose that particular game series to close out their DLC for the "Ultimate" Smash game.

Then again, we had Joker from Persona 5 for whatever reason for the first DLC - maybe the last one will also be along those lines, and just be a game Sakurai likes lol

Everyone is in a video game bubble, it's just a matter of how exposed a person is. Touhou is one of the biggest franchise in and outside of Japan due to how ZUN is ok with how fans handle his characters, even allowing to make their own fan games that have their own commercial success. It's the exact same thing with both Banjo and Terry. Westerners will claim that Banjo is well known but in Japan, Banjo is actually unknown to them given to how poorly the series sold. Meanwhile when it comes to Terry and by extension SNK as a whole, Japan and Latin America exploded in excitement because of Terry's legacy. Only reason why Westerners said "Whomegalul?" when Terry was revealed is them admitting they don't play games unless it's made by Nintendo.
Sep 27, 2021
Right, although it is worth noting that that's pretty much why we got Banjo and Hero at the same time.

Either way, I just think it's most likely the final character is somebody that pretty much everyone knows. Could easily be wrong!

Edit: actually on that note why was Minecraft Steve not the final fighter
Sep 27, 2021
actually Gordon Freeman would check a lot of the boxes for the West

not sure how familiar Japanese audiences are with Half Life tho

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Right, although it is worth noting that that's pretty much why we got Banjo and Hero at the same time.

Either way, I just think it's most likely the final character is somebody that pretty much everyone knows. Could easily be wrong!

Edit: actually on that note why was Minecraft Steve not the final fighter
Was about to mention Minecraft Steve arguably representing the most ubiquitous video game in the world but got ninjad

I think it wouldbmake a lot of sense for the last fighter to be something of a vanity inclusion for sakurai actually. I think that reveal would go over well with a lot of fans even if the character isn't the one they want
Sep 27, 2021
My understanding is that, to some extent at least, Joker kind of already was that

I'd be down for another one though

Lord knows the man deserves it
One of my top picks, Reimu Hakurei, has already been mentioned, but as far as Nintendo reps go, I'd love to see Majora be added as a Pokémon Trainer style fighter that can alternate between the Mask, Incarnation, and Wrath forms.

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