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Favorite Racing Race in Zelda

Aug 16, 2012
When I saw the favorite race in Zelda thread, I thought it meant this. So what is your favorite race to race in Zelda? Beaver Race? Goron Race? Snowpeak Race? The Gorman Race? The Running Man? :P I guess even the cukoos can be considered racing against the clock. I know there are plenty more. Well I don't have one, as I found each somewhat frustrating as I am not great at games in general and when there is a timing aspect I'm worse. The Beaver Race, Snowpeak Race and Goron Race all had great concepts, but still frustrated me.

What is your favorite race to race?

Azure Sage

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I actually liked the Beaver Race the most. I found it to be pretty fun overall. Personally, I enjoyed racing both of the brothers, and going through the hoops. The concept of an underwater race is pretty cool, and Majora's Mask pulled that off splendidly. I also found the environment the race takes place in to be pretty neat, too.

I also kind of liked the Goron Race too, as difficult as it may be. It was fun to experience a race against a number of opponents like that, and I think it was done pretty well. There were obstacles and you had to be careful of other races, and you also had to make sure you didn't lose any acceleration. If you lost your acceleration even once, you pretty much couldn't win. It was a very good challenge. The racetrack itself is pretty cool, too.


poog tnalp yknuhc
Jul 11, 2012
I liked Racing for Epona.
I would usually win the first try but some times i'd try to make things interesting by not boosting or staying right in front of him.

And I liked the snowboarding race in TP.
It's something that'll always be fun to me. It's totally worth the heart piece that you get after you beat Yeti Wife.


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
I'm gonna go with Snowboarding in Twilight Princess. It's just so much fun to attack Yetis with your sword while sliding down a mountain on an icycle. Also taking the short cut was actually pretty difficult for me when I was trying to beat Yeta.

That being said, The goron race is a close second. I didn't find it to be nearly as hard as snowboarding, but that's just me. Both great races.
Feb 13, 2012
I liked the Goron race the best, wasn't sure what I was doing and won the first time. I absolutely hated the Snowboarding race, the %$#& yeti would either knock me off the short cut bridge, or pass me at the last minute. I finally won (just barely) by slashing at her with the sword until I could cross the finish line. I am in the process of the beaver race, finally got the bottle. I haven't tried for the heart piece yet. I keep running into the stupid rings, or missing them completely. I will add, MM is my third game ever. :-)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Man oh man, I hated the Beaver Race! Worse race ever invented! :sick:

My favorite race would probably be Twilight Princess's Snowboarding, against either Yeti. I loved trying to improve upon my times and even though I was pretty miffed whenever Yeta would win (she's so much faster than Yeto!!) I still just loved doing it over and over and over again! I wish there could've been greater rewards than what we got, though.


I actually really like the Running Man's race. I like that it shows you that Link is not the best at everything.

Man oh man, I hated the Beaver Race! Worse race ever invented! :sick:

My favorite race would probably be Twilight Princess's Snowboarding, against either Yeti. I loved trying to improve upon my times and even though I was pretty miffed whenever Yeta would win (she's so much faster than Yeto!!) I still just loved doing it over and over and over again! I wish there could've been greater rewards than what we got, though.
ugh. I hated the snowboarding! I'd always somehow get stuck hitting a wall and have to reset the game.
Jan 1, 2012
I was a big fan of the Snow Peak ruins race in TP. It was totally different than any of the other "races" in the Zelda games. There were multiple ways to go, and it was challenging. It's got my vote.

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