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Favorite Game of All Time?


Zofian General
Jun 28, 2017
Ram Village, Zofia
What game is your all time favorite and why?
I know this has been done before, but why not.

My favorite game of all time is probably Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. I love it because the gameplay is very fun and enjoyable, and the characters and story grip onto you and pull on the depths of your soul. It is too good to describe. Just go play it.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The Witcher 3. It is as close to a perfect game as I have played, particularly on my second playthrough where I experienced no technical problems at all. I think everything about it is pretty much amazing. Story, characters, sidequests, music, enemies, gameplay, even the DLC is the best example of how DLC should be done.

I didnt get so immersed in a world or care about characters or a plot so much since playing TP and it was wonderful to escape completely into a fantasy world again like I could when I was younger.

2nd place goes to Nier Automata and 3rd to Twilight Princess


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
in the zelda series MM, it's a damned great game and none of the others have matched it's depth of character to do (fight me i'll kill you on this)

Outside of it, Dark Chronicles (Dark Cloud 2) Such a damned good game, you got time travel, town building dungeon crawling, golf, monster transformation and a damned good plot that draws you in, breaks you down and makes you want more


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is by far my favorite game of all time. I love the world. I love the atmosphere. I love the characters. I love the areas (minus Great Bay). I love the Temples (minus Great Bay). I love the bosses (minus Gyorg). And most of all I love how the sidequests build up the world so much. This game is a masterpiece. The 3-day cycle was genius. The Owl statues were an amazing addition to the gameplay. This game is a masterpiece and I will probably love it until the end of time. Stone Tower Temple is still one of my favorite dungeons in any Zelda game and Odalwa is still one of my favorite boss battles. The 3DS version sadly ruined this game a bit for me.

If I had to chose a non-zelda game, I would chose Dark Souls. This game is a really close second. I love how the gameplay is difficult yet rewarding. I love how deep the lore and world is. I love the all bosses and areas (minus Lost Izalith and all the bosses in that section). I love how deep the customization is. And most of all I love how non-linear that game is. In my most recent playthrough I killed Quelaag and Pinwheel first and those are both mid-late game bosses. Anor Londo is probably my favorite zone in any game ever. It's a very well done and thought out game. It probably would have been my #1 if they had time to finish it.

Bioshock and Fallout 3 are my honorable mentions.

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Breath of the Wild, easily. It has the most beautiful visuals I've ever seen from a video game, in both graphics and aesthetics. The music is stunning and it has quite a few gems in its soundtrack. The world is the most fun I've ever had in any video game world, ever. The physics engine is crazy good. Combat is really fun and having so many options for attacking and approaching things is amazing. Having so many ways to explore and interact with the world is also amazing. The characters are all really great and fun to interact with, and the story I think is pretty cool and I like how it's mostly left up to your own discovery. I am still playing it and enjoying myself just running around in the overworld making my own adventures. I am not bored of that after 1,040 hours. It is currently my most beloved video game of all time.
Oct 31, 2018
Hyrule Castle
Twilight Princess and Red Dead Redemption 2 are at a tie. Twilight Princess is more special in ways because of nostalgia, but critically, they win at a draw.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Xenoblade Chronicles, I bought this game on a whim one day purely b/c I wanted to play a new wii game [I knew about it from operation rainfall but I wasn't into jrpgs at the time] and it was the best nonchalant game related decision I ever made. For maybe about half a year, it just took over my life, I would skip out on hanging out w/ friends just to continue playing this game. I remember actually thinking 'I can't believe a game this good exists'. What also made the experience special was that it was still a niche game at the time I played it, so I very much got the feeling that I stumbled upon an amazing hidden gem that few others really know about. I just poured over Xenoblade and it basically made me pledge my loyalty to monolith soft, so of course I had to go back and look at their past works. Part reason why I got a PS2 in 2015 was to experience the Xenosaga trilogy on my own [that and I just wanted to play certain childhood games again]. What made me stop playing was my brother had deleted my file for that game, b/c I was using his wii at the time since mine couldn't read discs, and I was freaking devastated. I had already beaten the game at least but man, I really wonder how much longer I would have kept playing if that didn't happen. Since then I've been playing a variety of games and rpgs in hopes that maybe one day I can recapture that "Xenoblade experience", and so far it hasn't quite happened but that's fine.

2 other games that I just need to mention are Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, games that I sank a lot of time into and just take me back to my adolescence and childhood when I play them. Vice City is probably my 2nd most played video game if I were to combine all the hours from childhood and nowadays.
Oct 14, 2013


Staff member
This is honestly such a tough question for me to answer, as I have such fond memories of playing many games throughout my life thus far. I'm unable to avoid the lense of my nostalgia goggles for this particular question, I'll answer based on personal impact and resonance rather than what may or may not necessarily be considered a "great game" for everyone else. I've rounded myself down to three games, but they are in no particular order.

Banjo-Kazooie was a game I enjoyed for many years throughout my childhood. I very much enjoyed the collect-a-thon style of the title and would spend many days and nights playing with my friends while trying to find everything and make my way through the interesting worlds in the game. I never had the chance to play the sequel but as I've heard great things about it, I hope to get around to giving it a go one day. As for the Xbox version, I tried it once and it sucks. Nothing else to be said there really.

Super Mario World
Super Mario World was the very first video game I ever played so it holds a special place in my heart. I recall my uncle bringing me a SNES and a copy of Super Mario All Stars as a gift and that really set me on the path to become a gamer throughout my childhood. To this day I love the way the map and worlds are designed and the way secrets are hidden throughout the game. Back in the time where I didn't have access to the Internet, I would be so excited to find some new area or secret that I may have accidentally stumbled my way across. I still return nearly every year to give it a run through via the Star World area.

Donkey Kong Country 2
The early Donkey Kong Country series games are some of Rare's best work, but of the second one has always been my favourite. I didn't own the first game as a kid and the third one I just didn't take to as much as the second. As the with other two games above I have nostalgic memories of playing through the difficult levels with friends and finding new secret areas to brag to my friends about. I feel as though the availability of the Internet probably dampens the potential of children to feel as excited or accomplished about finding similar areas or secrets in games made today since the information is so easily available online.

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