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Game Thread Far Far Away Mafia

  • Thread starter Deleted member 14134
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Ace Adventurer/Truth Seeker
Nov 30, 2017
I knew Yiga was full of ****.
Also, to explain my thought process D1: I knew Minish was suspicious because their reasoning for voting me had a pretty big flaw:
Second, I don't recall you pushing for d1 no lynches before. I know it's pretty common with newer players, since I did the same a lot when I was new, but in a game like this where the odds of hitting scum are decent you should see the advantage of a day 1 lynch.
My very first game here was with them during X-Men Mafia, and I did say then that I always push for a No Lynch.
Rubik was also suspicious to me because of the fact that they were constantly memeing with posts like " _____ is a scumtell" without elaboration unless they were asked.
However, the reason why I didn't press them was because I thought people wouldn't trust me enough to see my suspicions through and join my vote wagons. This was reaffirmed to me while I was busy looking suspicious, and asked Rubik this:
Why are you still memeing like this?
I don't see how making the occasional joke is a problem if you're still providing meaningful opinions about other people's posts.

It's when people joke in place of providing content that it's problematic.


That said, my primary goal right now is to get a meaningful post out of Deku before the day ends. That's why my vote is on him.

I understand that life does get in the way of mafia (or rather, it takes rightful priority over it), but by remaining engaged with him, even if it's with a joke, I'm trying to keep pressure on him. The very action of quoting him and responding to him makes it clear that if he doesn't follow through with his promise to say something meaningful, I will take notice.

These sorts of interactions are subtle, but they do impact a game.

The wagons didn't change then. All that was left to do was to drop a hint towards the killers to go after Minish since I was sure I wasn't the only one who thought they were suspicious:
I'll tell you right now that there's a very high chance one of the people on the wagon against me as of this post is scum, and I feel very sorry for the Townies that ended up taking the bait. Doctor, I ask you to protect funnier6. Seer and Cop, I ask you to investigate the people on my wagon. That is my final request. Take it or leave it. Godspeed, Town
I thought funnier6 was among the scum, which is why I asked the Doctor to protect him so that they could carry out their nightkill. Of course, I was wrong since they actually turned out to be the Doctor, and another scum killed Minish instead. The plan worked out somewhat, and I was happy that none of the power roles died until the end. That was my goal this game: to keep the power roles alive as long as possible.
Now this insight into my thought process may or may not be useless for future games, but I thought some of you should know why I practically commited suicide D1.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I told ya I didn't have any questions :shrugs:

Good game, yall. Shrek would be proud.


Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Also, to explain my thought process D1: I knew Minish was suspicious because their reasoning for voting me had a pretty big flaw:

Meh, that wasn't a flaw. I genuinely didn't remember that especially as you didn't push for a no lynch d1 in The Room. And people's first games here they usually advocate for a no lynch d1 so that's just normal.

I would have voted for you even if I were town. I stand by my reasoning for your lynch. It was an anti-town move. If people would have went with you and voted for Jamie than your whole plan would have backfired because then the seer would've been lynched. And we would've lynched scum day 1 with Yiga (because I did actually find him scummy and was going to go after him day 2), so you delayed that with your plan. Overall, while you happened to keep a power role from dying, you also saved a scum from dying. It came down to the wire, and luckily Doc made the right decision for town in the end, but if your lynch hadn't happened day 1 and Yiga's had instead than town might have had a much easier time winning this game.


Ace Adventurer/Truth Seeker
Nov 30, 2017
Meh, that wasn't a flaw. I genuinely didn't remember that especially as you didn't push for a no lynch d1 in The Room. And people's first games here they usually advocate for a no lynch d1 so that's just normal.

I would have voted for you even if I were town. I stand by my reasoning for your lynch. It was an anti-town move. If people would have went with you and voted for Jamie than your whole plan would have backfired because then the seer would've been lynched. And we would've lynched scum day 1 with Yiga (because I did actually find him scummy and was going to go after him day 2), so you delayed that with your plan. Overall, while you happened to keep a power role from dying, you also saved a scum from dying. It came down to the wire, and luckily Doc made the right decision for town in the end, but if your lynch hadn't happened day 1 and Yiga's had instead than town might have had a much easier time winning this game.
The point of my move wasn't to get Jamie lynched. It was to get ME lynched. Of course what I did was anti-town.
Also, I don't really know if Town would've had a easier time winning in your scenario (considering you planned Yiga's lynch, of course), but what happened this game was certainly interesting, and every lynch after mine was a successful hit. I have no influence on them, of course, but it was a pleasing sight to see.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
The point of my move wasn't to get Jamie lynched. It was to get ME lynched. Of course what I did was anti-town.
Also, I don't really know if Town would've had a easier time winning in your scenario (considering you planned Yiga's lynch, of course), but what happened this game was certainly interesting, and every lynch after mine was a successful hit. I have no influence on them, of course, but it was a pleasing sight to see.

You just voted Jamie with no reasoning and acted like you may have some reason to. If some other people hadn't found you scummy and decided to join the Jamie wagon (which had some votes already), then seer would've been lynched. If you're going to do something to try and get yourself lynched, I think it would help to at least try to legit scumhunt at the same time incase it backfires and to give town some other info to go off of after your lynch. If you had made a case against Yiga instead of voting for no reason, then town could have trusted your views after you flipped and he may have been lynched much earlier.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
I knew Yiga was full of ****.
Also, to explain my thought process D1: I knew Minish was suspicious because their reasoning for voting me had a pretty big flaw:

My very first game here was with them during X-Men Mafia, and I did say then that I always push for a No Lynch.
Rubik was also suspicious to me because of the fact that they were constantly memeing with posts like " _____ is a scumtell" without elaboration unless they were asked.
However, the reason why I didn't press them was because I thought people wouldn't trust me enough to see my suspicions through and join my vote wagons. This was reaffirmed to me while I was busy looking suspicious, and asked Rubik this:

The wagons didn't change then. All that was left to do was to drop a hint towards the killers to go after Minish since I was sure I wasn't the only one who thought they were suspicious:

I thought funnier6 was among the scum, which is why I asked the Doctor to protect him so that they could carry out their nightkill. Of course, I was wrong since they actually turned out to be the Doctor, and another scum killed Minish instead. The plan worked out somewhat, and I was happy that none of the power roles died until the end. That was my goal this game: to keep the power roles alive as long as possible.
Now this insight into my thought process may or may not be useless for future games, but I thought some of you should know why I practically commited suicide D1.
Of course I am full of ****... I am mafia.

Also I think I am officially scummier than funnier.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
The point of my move wasn't to get Jamie lynched. It was to get ME lynched. Of course what I did was anti-town.
Also, I don't really know if Town would've had a easier time winning in your scenario (considering you planned Yiga's lynch, of course), but what happened this game was certainly interesting, and every lynch after mine was a successful hit. I have no influence on them, of course, but it was a pleasing sight to see.
you know you are 100% town. never ever ever ever sacrifice yourself, who is 100% town, for someone who isn't 100% town. so only ever sac yourself for relative certainties, like a claimed role that has proven themselves or is widely believed to be that role. idc about power roles. dont do it.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Eh. Never sacrifice yourself unless it is basically a certainty that you will win because of it. Otherwise you die.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Ryuken, if you want to get good at this game, you need to learn some humility. No lynching day 1 as a policy = bad play. Saccing yourself for potential townies when you know for certain you are 100% town = bad play. And guess what, your post-game reads? ****ing useless. You know what would have helped? If you had been alive and posted those reads while still living and preventing a potential f3 scenario that very nearly ended in a town loss. Bragging about your complete lack of contributions because you had some good thoughts while 6 feet under is pretty silly. There are things you need to learn to improve at mafia and it's clear you are refusing to acknowledge that you made multiple crucial mistakes early on, which you need to acknowledge if you want to keep improving.
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