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Game Thread Far Far Away Mafia

  • Thread starter Deleted member 14134
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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Can I get an explanation as to what the actual f*ck day 2 was?! In all my games of mafia this is the most unmafiaest one. And now we're just role-claiming here and there? Fine! I'm a biscuit of sweetness, and maybe the last vanilla townie. Oh my god my role is my character! just noticed that...

I honestly have no idea what's going on whatsoever; going to my original roots and always assume Yiga is scummy. You also yeeted out of your vote on Storm (rip you shall all be avenged), saying you confused Storm for Storma (understandable), but you never proceeded to correct your vote. Answer me this; do you or do you not find Storma, with an a in the end, scummy?

Vote: Yiga

Defend thouself
I'm the seer and I found 50% of the wolves in the game and I claimed before I was possibly night killed since 1/2 wolves is pretty comfy info. How is that un-mafia?

Deleted member 14134

Fine! I'm a biscuit of sweetness, and maybe the last vanilla townie. Oh my god my role is my character! just noticed that...
I really, really hate to do this (especially when you're trying to get discussion going)but to anyone who's seen Shrek it is fairly obvious who your character is that you're referring to here, and as name claiming is highly unfair to those who are mafia who do not have a safe name claim, I'm going to have to modkill you for this.

Karu was Gingy, A Vanilla Townie

The Living:

1. @DekuNut
2. @Stormageden747
3. @YIGAhim
4. @Jamie
5. @Doc

The Dead:
1. Ryuken: Pinocchio, a vanilla townie (lynched day one)
2. Ayano Keiko: The Big Bad Wolf, a vanilla townie (killed night one)
3. Minish_Link: Lord Farquaad, a mafia goon (killed night one)
4. Rubik: Prince Charming, a werewolf (lynched day 2)
5. Storm: Puss in Boots, a vanilla townie (killed night 2)
6. funnier6: Donkey, the town doctor (killed night 2)
7. Karu: Gingy, a Vanilla townie (modkilled day 3)

Day 3 continues.

As there are now 5 alive it takes 3 to reach majority. Day three ends Wednesday April 11th at 11pm EST.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
So there's myself, the cop, a VT, mafia, and WW.

If the cop has a read that isn't myself, that's still alive (so if they have investigated storma, yiga, doc, or deku) I highly suggest they claim now. Knowing if one of the 3 unsure people is mafia or not is extremely advantageous. For example.
Person 1 - read as not mafia
We lynch person 2, they flip WW. We now know person 3 has to be mafia and person 1 is town.
We lynch person 2, they flip town. We now know person 1 is WW and person 3 is mafia.
We lynch person 2, they flip mafia. This is the only result where it doesn't give us more information, but at that point we have killed the final scum and the cop is basically a VT anyway so their claim doesn't make a difference.

Basically, if you have investigated any of these 3, claim now and we get a ton of information.

If you have not investigated, then let's split up our investigations tonight. When it's clear who we are lynching I'll make a post about who to investigate.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Day 2 was somewhat different. I don't think I've seen an investigative role come out and claim so suddenly. Then the person they accuse is lynched with very little resistance.

I will go ahead and claim cop because we're at mylo and if we mess up, keeping my role secret won't matter. On night one I investigated Minish, who is now dead, and last night investigated Dekunut, who came out Not Mafia.

So the final mafia is either Storma or YIGA. I'm flipping back and forth because A) Minish was somewhat defensive of YIGA on N1, but :cool: Storma's post style seems a bit different than normal. He's usually a bit more active with posts. As of the moment, I think I'm leaning towards YIGA.

I also found Rubik's vote on Deku a bit odd yesterday, demanding that he post. Now knowing that Rubik was a WW, it looks to me like Rubik may have been pressuring Deku to post so that it doesn't look like he's floating through the game, trying to hide. And if Deku seemed scummy in his post, Rubik would be able to say he was suspicious of Deku the whole time and push his lynch to appear townie.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Day 2 was somewhat different. I don't think I've seen an investigative role come out and claim so suddenly. Then the person they accuse is lynched with very little resistance.

I will go ahead and claim cop because we're at mylo and if we mess up, keeping my role secret won't matter. On night one I investigated Minish, who is now dead, and last night investigated Dekunut, who came out Not Mafia.

So the final mafia is either Storma or YIGA. I'm flipping back and forth because A) Minish was somewhat defensive of YIGA on N1, but :cool: Storma's post style seems a bit different than normal. He's usually a bit more active with posts. As of the moment, I think I'm leaning towards YIGA.

I also found Rubik's vote on Deku a bit odd yesterday, demanding that he post. Now knowing that Rubik was a WW, it looks to me like Rubik may have been pressuring Deku to post so that it doesn't look like he's floating through the game, trying to hide. And if Deku seemed scummy in his post, Rubik would be able to say he was suspicious of Deku the whole time and push his lynch to appear townie.
In a game with only 2 WWs, and a high probability I could die any night with there being 2 night kills, along with the fact that the best part of a seer/cop is their ability to clear people typically (that's actually the more important usage over actually getting a positive result), and in this game people being essentially un-clearable at least until the end game due to it being a multiball, I thought that it was best to come out right away since I had a positive result.

Take a look at my post and it's kind of funny that you revealed.

Right now there's a pretty high chance whoever we lynch between Storma and YIGA is scum. Remember they could easily both be scum. Ideally we'd hit the WW, confirming Deku as town and the other as the remaining mafia which would guarantee a win. If we hit mafia, then we go into the final day with, probably you (because your role would die and mine wouldn't) with a 50/50 chance of you getting the Mafia member between Deku and whoever we don't lynch. If we hit town then there's all sorts of possibilities depending on who they target but I think it's extremely likely a town loss (perhaps with someone playing kingmaker).

Ideally, we don't actually wanna guess who between YIGA and Storma are mafia, we really have to look at the big picture. Do we think both of them are scum? And if so, who is the WW? Since that would win the game for us. If Deku is the WW (obviously we ain't lynching Deku), then our best case scenario is a 50/50. We need a bit of luck here, hopefully they are both scum. Deku has been pretty inactive and there have still been kills so I'm just hoping he's town. I say we look at both YIGA and Stormas interactions with Rubik and see if any of them stand out as his scumbuddy.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
I guess since I am most certainly a person in question I will wait until I am questioned. It srems likebwe have a pretty good grasp of what the plan is atm.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Day 2 was somewhat different. I don't think I've seen an investigative role come out and claim so suddenly. Then the person they accuse is lynched with very little resistance.

I will go ahead and claim cop because we're at mylo and if we mess up, keeping my role secret won't matter. On night one I investigated Minish, who is now dead, and last night investigated Dekunut, who came out Not Mafia.

So the final mafia is either Storma or YIGA. I'm flipping back and forth because A) Minish was somewhat defensive of YIGA on N1, but :cool: Storma's post style seems a bit different than normal. He's usually a bit more active with posts. As of the moment, I think I'm leaning towards YIGA.

I also found Rubik's vote on Deku a bit odd yesterday, demanding that he post. Now knowing that Rubik was a WW, it looks to me like Rubik may have been pressuring Deku to post so that it doesn't look like he's floating through the game, trying to hide. And if Deku seemed scummy in his post, Rubik would be able to say he was suspicious of Deku the whole time and push his lynch to appear townie.
If you think Storma has been weird and YIGA was minishs buddy, then perhaps Storma is the WW and we should vote for him?


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Okay guys, this last week or so has been weird, since I've been trying to get into the new schedule from the new term. But, I'm a week and a half into the term, so I think I can handle it now. Consider me back.
Imma start a reread. I believe Jamie's claim, and the lack of counterclaims has me trusting Yiga. I obviously know my own role and character, so I pretty much know who the other scum is. The only issue is I can't actually prove it to you guys, since, with your roles as they are, the only remaining town role is pretty obvious. So, while I already know who's not town that's left, I'll start looking for reason to lynch them.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
If you think Storma has been weird and YIGA was minishs buddy, then perhaps Storma is the WW and we should vote for him?
Haven't gotten a response yet. I think this is the right course of action.
Vote: Storma

If Storma is a VT then RIP me


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Yeah, I'm gonna go with Storma as well.

He hasn't made very many posts, but did notice that he was the last vote on Rubik's lynch. It was a very late vote that was made when it was clear Rubik was getting lynched.

Vote Storma
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