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Family that plays LoZ?


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Damn, I've got no immediate family to enjoy LoZ with, and that kinda bums me out.

Do you guys have any immediate family that plays LoZ?

Deleted member 84722

Not really. They will play, but only occasionally.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
my brother plays Zelda in fact he kinda got me into them but he don't live here anymore......
Nope. My father killed himself and my mother disowned me at a young age.

My uncle had a playstation so no Zelda there.

Closest thing ive had in life with anyone close who liked Zelda was an ex of mine, lot of Zelda in my life back then, if she wasnt watching me play i was watching her play.

Good times.


Biggest Zelda fan this side of the South Pole
Oct 8, 2016
Stuttgart, Germany
I am basically the only one in my family besides my uncle who plays Zelda. My immediate family doesn't play any video games, and my cousins are all super into Pokemon. Sure, I love playing Pokemon with them, but they don't really seem interested in Zelda.


Secretly a cat
Oct 8, 2016
My mum plays occasionally and I got my niece into them but even thought she's now 12 she sucks at them!!


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
My oldest brother plays Zelda. He's the reason why I'm even into it as he had the original on NES. Growing up, I've watched him play some of the others until I started getting my own consoles and games. My older sister isn't much of a gamer but she loves Zelda too.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Nobody in my immediate family plays Zelda. It's quite sad, actually. My extended family on my step-mom's side, however, is full of Nintendo Gamers. My stepbrother and stepsisters are even bigger Nintendo nerds than I am! I love it when they visit because it actually means I have people I can play Smash and Mario Kart with (aside from online). Other than them, though, nobody in my family is interested in Zelda or Nintendo.

At my university, though, I have several friends who are Nintendo fanboys.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
I wish. My brother is into fighting and shooter games. I have a cousin who loves Zelda but is in another state, boo.

So aside from you crazies I have no one to Zelda with. :P


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
The reason that my older brother and I became introduced to the series was because my Dad played it. I have fond memories of all three of us (my Mom's more of a Mario fan ;)) huddled around the TV solving puzzles and beating dungeons. I'm definitely more obsessed with Zelda than anyone else in the family, but my Dad still plays when new games come out, and my brother and I occasionally have Zelda marathons together.

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