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Fall or Spring or is it Summer or Winter?


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
What kinda person are you the most? Are you more a Fall person or do you enjoy Summer more? Or any other season? I'm a Fall person. I love the colder and stormy weather. I absolutely can't stand the heat at all. When the temps go up and above 25C (sorry, don't know what it is in fahrenheit) I start to get moody. What about you? What kinda season person are you and why?
My sister and I were boring as kids and based our favorite seasons on in which season our birthdays were. Which, ok, I guess there's nothing wrong with that. Anyway, it ended up working out as we got older that our favorite seasons ended up being those, although for better reasons than just "birthday time."

I love spring. I love nature and plants and bugs and it's always so exciting to see everything reemerging after winter. Spring weather is really great too. Love me some spring rain.
Feb 13, 2019
Probably Winter. It’s time where a lot people can be happy and the peppermint chocolate comes out.
(It killed my lemon tree though)
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Winter! It's my favourite season because I love the cold and it is the coldest one. It's a time of year we should be getting frost and snow though unfortunately we don't get much anymore herehdue to global warming. Still winter contains Christmas which is the most exciting time of the year!

Azure Sage

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I am a Fall person all the way. I hate it when the temperature rises above 70F and makes it so I can’t wear long sleeves. Everything in fall is perfect. The weather, the atmosphere, pumpkin everything, apple cider, foliage, Halloween... I love it all. I like winter too, for the snow and winter clothes. I hate spring and summer for the heat and the weather. The heat ruins everything and puts me in a sour mood all season long. I can’t stand it. Nothing makes that heat redeeming.
Feb 13, 2019
I am a Fall person all the way. I hate it when the temperature rises above 70F and makes it so I can’t wear long sleeves. Everything in fall is perfect. The weather, the atmosphere, pumpkin everything, apple cider, foliage, Halloween... I love it all. I like winter too, for the snow and winter clothes. I hate spring and summer for the heat and the weather. The heat ruins everything and puts me in a sour mood all season long. I can’t stand it. Nothing makes that heat redeeming.
You like Pumpkin flavor! You’re bad opinions are coming to a end!;)


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
tje annoying seasons are spring and autumn cuz of the clothing problem its like do i put my summer clothes on and freeze or put my winter clothes on and melt....
Jan 1, 2019
Spring/summer, without a doubt. I really do not like the cold of the winter - I flee the cold Holland at least once each winter to go to somewhere warmer to the south. And while I adore the nights I do love the long and light summer evenings more.
I can handle the heat more than well, given that my home is cold when I have to sleep. Air conditioning is a must during hot summer nights.

@Vanessa28 Fahrenheit is fake news so it does not matter that you do not know it (:
@KingPollux Pumpkin is delicious, especially out of the oven.


Staff member
I love Spring the most for sure. In Australia the weather is usually getting pretty nice and it isn't too hot yet. In Japan it is time for cherry blossoms which have just started to bloom~


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I'm definitely a Spring person, I love it when the weather finally turns, when I can stop with the layers, eventually swap to a lighter jacket, maybe even drop a jacket altogether. I love being on the edge of Summer, have the holidays ahead and not yet knowing if it's going to be one of the good ones, or one of the disappointing ones. It's still all up in the air. Summer is nice, too, but it has a tendency to mostly feel either too cold (for some reason) or too hot and rarely just right. I'm not a fan of Fall, it can feel nice for a while, but I know it'll soon go sour, it will get colder, wetter - generally much sooner than I anticipate. And the only thing ahead is more cold. Winter is mostly a drudge. It's freezing (and electricity bills go sky high), going outside is a hassle, whether it's wading through snow, slipping on ice or stepping in slush which hits everything. It's my least favourite season, yet it's the season that lasts the longest... I cannot wait for Spring, whenever it finally arrives (maybe mid-April, maybe later)

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