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Hyrule Warriors Failings and success'


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
What in this game did you perceive as a failing and a success? I think for me it had to be the overly repetitive use of the strongholds and fighting the same foes over and over, it got boring fast to constantly fight Bokoblins/Stalfos/Soldiers, i couldn't understand why they didn't bring in more cannon fodder foes such as twilight monsters that would have worked better for Twilight factions than Stalfos.

A big success for me were the weapons, just flat out some of the best uses of them i've ever seen, i particularly loved the fire rod and gate of time.
I' not one to get bored easily and i lov kicking hoards of enemies around, i could do it all.

Its hard for me to pick out failing with HW, its obvious that it is repetitive but as someone who doesn't mind that its not really a negative for me.

I think for what was essentially a Zelda skin over a established franchise, the game still did a good job of being worthy of the Zelda name, i think the little nods they put here and there were great, the way they wrote the characters was fine, the character redesigns were cool, we saw a lot of stuff we wanted to see (like a slow-mo Ganondorf walk with Debby and Zant at his side).

So i think HW was largely a great success, its also the first DW game ive actually been able to comfortably play and enjoy.

Any failings that game has i think it'd be within the adventure maps. The difficulty there is too hard and needs you to level up to an absurd level and level grinding and rupee farming is difficult in that game. So thats the only real flaw i can actually take from HW.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I' not one to get bored easily and i lov kicking hoards of enemies around, i could do it all.

Its hard for me to pick out failing with HW, its obvious that it is repetitive but as someone who doesn't mind that its not really a negative for me.

I think for what was essentially a Zelda skin over a established franchise, the game still did a good job of being worthy of the Zelda name, i think the little nods they put here and there were great, the way they wrote the characters was fine, the character redesigns were cool, we saw a lot of stuff we wanted to see (like a slow-mo Ganondorf walk with Debby and Zant at his side).

So i think HW was largely a great success, its also the first DW game ive actually been able to comfortably play and enjoy.

Any failings that game has i think it'd be within the adventure maps. The difficulty there is too hard and needs you to level up to an absurd level and level grinding and rupee farming is difficult in that game. So thats the only real flaw i can actually take from HW.

I think overall i was a good game it just suffered on the adventure maps too often.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Yes it can get repetitive but that's what making it addictive for me. I love the game. I really thought I wouldn't. When I first heard about it and saw the trailer I was like "this is like LOTR Conquest" and I was certain I wouldn't love it. But I did. I watched Dashie play it on his channel and I was like maybe the game is not as bad as I thought it was. Then I started playing it and I got addicted. It's indeed like LOTRC but even better. The weapon use is amazing. I also love the fact you can play th story as any character in free mode. That was totally awesome.

The thing I don't like as much: Maybe the Cia/Lana story in which they both are crushing on Link. I still enjoyed the story, but the crushing on Link thing is getting a bit old now.
Even though you don't have to save every keep from danger all at the same time it is annoying to continuously getting messages "keep so-so is about to fall, Hyrule Captain is in danger" when you're completing another mission. I often found myself yelling shut up. I can't split myself in two or three pieces.
But having said that the game is a huge success for me.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
The thing I don't like as much: Maybe the Cia/Lana story in which they both are crushing on Link. I still enjoyed the story, but the crushing on Link thing is getting a bit old now.
Even though you don't have to save every keep from danger all at the same time it is annoying to continuously getting messages "keep so-so is about to fall, Hyrule Captain is in danger" when you're completing another mission. I often found myself yelling shut up. I can't split myself in two or three pieces.
But having said that the game is a huge success for me.

I liked the mechanic of the keep takeovers just for the fact it stopped you from taking a keep then blindly running off, it forced you to slow your pace a bit, the only i hate is in the later missions that all it'd take is one dinolfos to take your keep easily.

The Cia/Lana story was a bit dull as it's been done alot, but i liked how they both went about it from two sides. Cia got all possessive and jealous but Lana just wanted Link to be happy no matter what.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I do think maybe some of the plot elements could have been revised a bit. I mean come on, i could never see Ghirahim serve ganondorf yes Demise but not G-dorf... in fact i think present day G-dorf (not Ganon but just the human) and Ghirahim would be on the same level.
Sep 21, 2014
My only grievance with this game is that often times in Adventure Mode, there is absolutely no way of knowing how strong the enemies on any given map are from the world map view. Some have arbitrary level numbers, but those don't seem to have any bearing. Even Network Battles don't make sense. I've had level 80 character just absolutely demolish enemies on maps that said level 167. If they were going to make some maps have ludicrously skewed damage output, the least they can do is warn you first.
Oct 14, 2013
The game's successes
  • Many great characters
  • Many varied and fun weapons
  • The ability to pay to level your alts
  • The potions
  • The way the DLC was handled
  • The game's looks and aesthetics
  • Fun

The game's failings
  • The badge system - The armour badges were useless because of no element stages
  • Heart pieces - Useless because of damage requirements for A rank
  • The game was a rather light on content on released. Not worth the full price I paid for it. I shouldn't have to wait for DLC to fix this.
  • The don't get hit stages (not the all attacks are devastating stages) were simply not fun
  • The harder "have to kill enemies at the same time" stages were also simply not fun.
  • The level difficulty numbers meant nothing. A Lv12 stage could be easier or harder than a Lv5 stage for example. There's zero way of knowing till the stage was played.
  • Enemies elemental weaknesses not really mentioned anywhere in the game.
Last edited:
Sep 21, 2014
I think so yes. The ones where you have to hit 2-3 enemies at the exact same time to register damage on them.
Yeah, not looking forward to trying to A-Rank some of those ones.

So I came up with another grievance: Being on a Friend's Network Link mission, using Slot+ and Stars+, potion to boost weapon slots/rank, get to "increased weapon rank" in Focus Spirit Mode 3 times in a battle, earn 6 or more weapons, all of them are 1-2 tier, few stars, barely any slots or none at all. What the ****, game? I know drops "need" to be random to force us keep playing, but really? Can you at least make it appear like the decisions we make actually have an affect on the game?
May 7, 2015

1. Finally able to play as many female characters from Legend of Zelda! (Even if one of them was just a reskin and another was...a weapon...sorta?)
2. The graphics and music were beautiful.
3. Tingle was actually somewhat fun...and it scares me to say that!
4. The blatant fanservice. Let's face it, that's why we're playing.
5. Fun to play, and addictive to completionists...like me.
6. Postman Link costume. It is made of comedy.


1. The story.
Well, let's put it this way... If my husband sees me playing this, and Lana or Cia show up on screen for any reason whatsoever, he somehow finds yet another bit of proof that Lana/Cia is the story of a fanfiction writer gone wrong, and that the entire game's plot is about her coming to terms with that. I will grant that I've often considered "official" characters exempt from claims of Mary Sue, but the guy does have a point, and a really big one.
2. Those "KO x number of enemies in x amount of time" quests on the Adventure map that have giant bosses swarming all over the place every time you get 100 KO. Those are a huge pain. Maybe I'm just not leveled enough yet, but those bug me more than anything else.

On a side note, the Great Fairy has officially out-creeped Tingle. We should ship them now. (So that they stay away from everyone else....)
Oct 14, 2013
2. Those "KO x number of enemies in x amount of time" quests on the Adventure map that have giant bosses swarming all over the place every time you get 100 KO. Those are a huge pain. Maybe I'm just not leveled enough yet, but those bug me more than anything else.
That's the whole challenge of the stage though. On the easier stages you just kill the bosses then hit the KO target. On the harder stages you need to use the right character set up to maximise your KOs, learn how to avoid the giant boss attacks and not take too much giant boss damage. For me the hardest part is when the giant bosses camp their asses right in a doorway, preventing you from getting to the hordes you need to kill for the KOs.
May 7, 2015
On the harder stages you need to use the right character set up to maximise your KOs, learn how to avoid the giant boss attacks and not take too much giant boss damage.

Which would be great and all, if the "right" character was the one who needed the dang heart piece hidden in the A rank.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
One thing I truly hate in this game is when the cutscenes show up just when you're in a fight! I was doing a Defeat the giant boss in 10 minutes thing. I locked on to Dodongo and tossed bombs in his mouth. He was eating them and ......the cutscene... Right after I chose to skip it, the game continued and yep....of course Dodongo had to spit fire at me while he should have fallen down. Thanks cutscene. This also happens a lot when I'm in the middle of a fight. Couldn't they just do the cutscenes right at the beginning instead of when you're fighting these suckers? Gosh, I loath that!!

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