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Emote Suggestion Thread

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Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I personally don't see how it being named "sus" would work? the frowning expression make me think clearly of disapproval, and I find the name "ugh" quite fitting

just to clarify, when you all say side-eye do you mean something more like :err:?
not like that
think like someone makes a horrible horrible pun
and you can only think "did you really just do that"
if it was renamed sus we could also use it to properly react to every ketchup post


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
For the reaction emotes could we get just a generic heart react or something. I like the heart eyes we have now, but only in more lighthearted posts. I don't feel like we have a react for serious posts where we want to show our appreciation.
I've said before this would be nice, and make it a BotW heart container to keep the Zelda theme.


Staff member
ZD Champion
I think that anything new has to be held to strict standards. Nothing deliberately obnoxious like we had before. I think most of them should be no bigger than say, this :bear:. Some need to be edited, though. Like this one::zelda: See it has a lot of blank space in it that should be cropped out. You can do that in a couple minutes by loading it into GIMP. As far as anything bigger, I think those have to be reserved for very special cases that are held to even stricter standards. Like the Four Swords ones, unless we want those gone too. I think emotes that are bigger than two lines should be restricted to zelda only. So maybe :lemmy: has to go. The vast majority should not drag a line down and need to be in-line sized.

EDIT: Here I did it myself:

See, much better.


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