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Easiest Zelda?

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Jul 28, 2011
I need to know what the easiest Zelda is. mostly because I'm introducing my brother to Legend Of Zelda games, and he needs a easy, beginner starting point. so, if you want, tell me what Zelda game was easiest for you, and if you want, tell me, in your opinion, what Zelda would sort of "teach" a beginner.

I don't think any were "easy", but I'd go with the orginal LoZ, because it is the simplest game, where Link just goes from dungeon to dungeon.
Nov 29, 2010
I need to know what the easiest Zelda is. mostly because I'm introducing my brother to Legend Of Zelda games, and he needs a easy, beginner starting point. so, if you want, tell me what Zelda game was easiest for you, and if you want, tell me, in your opinion, what Zelda would sort of "teach" a beginner.

Id go with OoT and even though its a long game i think its the best for your brother.
Its not that confusing and the bosses are not to hard to beat in OoT in the first world.

Although Jabu Jabu's belly is the toughest of those levels in the first world.

I think this is the best Zelda game for a beginner.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The best Zelda game for a beginner, in my opinion would be Ocarina of Time. Give them that, then everything will be a cakewalk.

Now the easiest Zelda game for a beginner...I would say Phantom Hourglass. It is a breeze, almost literally. Once your bro completes PH, take a step back to TWW....then take another step back to Ocarina of Time (3D) and work your way from there. I WOULD say to give him Twilight Princess, but that could serve to confuse him as far as the plot goes. TP is probably the easiest gameplay wise, but overall PH is easier. :3
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Unfortunately, I would have to say Twilight Princess. It's on top of being my favorite game (tied with MM, really) and its gameplay is truly amazing to me. Hopefully by now you have a Gamecube or your cousin has learned Chinese ^^, because it's a great one to introduce the series with.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Minish Cap. Keystones+all extras+main storyline+3 deaths=about 150 minutes
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