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Ears and Link's hometown in TP


This Guy Are Sick
Feb 16, 2015
Link has pointed ears. Of course! It's his trademark. So, obviously he has them in TP. As you know, TP is set 100 years after Ocarina of Time. And, in OoT, all humans had pointed Hylian ears. However, as we skip 100 years into the future, it seems that the only people with pointy ears are the ones in Castle Town. And Link. The rest of the people have normal, rounded ears. First of all, where did this race of rounded-eared people come from, since we see no variation of the sort in OoT. And wherever did Link come from, as his ears are those of the people in Castle Town?
Your thoughts below...
Feb 23, 2011
Well, for starters, Ordona is said not to be part of 'Hyrule proper' (Shad)—whatever that means. Not much, but it may provide a suitable foundation on which to base a theory.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Still, 100 years is a pretty short time for one couple to populate two towns and many more others.

Not really, considering how small Ordon and Kakariko are.

I don't really have a good explanation for the Kakariko one, but Ordon is not really considered a part of Hyrule, and only the Hylians have pointed ears iirc. Link is an exception since, as the descendant of the hero, he is a Hylian. The Ordonians aren't.

It's hard to say whether the people in Kakariko had pointed ears or not, since we only see three, and those three could have come to Hyrule from a distant land for all we know. If everybody who ever lived in the town had round ears, then it would be harder to find a reasonable explanation.
Feb 23, 2011
Not really, considering how small Ordon and Kakariko are.

I don't really have a good explanation for the Kakariko one, but Ordon is not really considered a part of Hyrule, and only the Hylians have pointed ears iirc. Link is an exception since, as the descendant of the hero, he is a Hylian. The Ordonians aren't.

It's hard to say whether the people in Kakariko had pointed ears or not, since we only see three, and those three could have come to Hyrule from a distant land for all we know. If everybody who ever lived in the town had round ears, then it would be harder to find a reasonable explanation.
Not to mention that the Kakariko Village in Twilight Princess is hinted not to be the same Kakariko from Ocarina of Time's era. The original Kakariko Village is believed to be the Hidden Village. As you touched upon, very little is known of the origins of the inhabitants of 'New Kakariko Village.'


The Diplomatic Dinosaur
Jul 1, 2012
Early Cretaceous North America
There is one thing that we need to consider when thinking about this problem, we don't know how long it has been between OoT and TP. The OP assumes that there is a hundred year gap between TP and OoT and this is a common assumption (the assumption that TWW or TP are only one Hundred years apart from OoT) but there is no evidence that this is the case.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
TP takes place the same time after OOT that WW does which is hundreds of years after if not close to a thousand. There is plenty of time for the pointy ears to all but vanish due to round ears being a dominant mutation.
May 4, 2014
What about Renado and his daughter Luda? Luta? Something? They have round ears. Hey wait! So do the Gerudo! Maybe those round eared people have Gerudo blood?


Feb 16, 2015
Hyrule isn't the whole world, it's just a kingdom. Maybe races from other kingdoms moved there and bred with the locals.

Retro Ganon

Mar 2, 2010
Gannon-Banned Island
Demon Theorist
I always liked this topic, but it almost seems somewhat nostalgic ever since Nintendo started making the whole 'ear type' be noted by paying attention to the NPCs in-game. OoT has only ever paid homage to the long ear tradition which had only been elaborated on in the ALttP magna, since then.

Man on Market Upper Ledge

They say we Hylians have big ears in order to hear the voices of the gods...but I've never heard them!

Running Man:

In old times, I heard there were many wild rabbits in the land of Hyrule. Not anymore, though, because of excessive hunting. I want to become a rabbit... Listen to the wind with those ears, hop across the ground with those legs... Even if I can only pretend.

Running Man (Link with Bunny Hood on):
I bet with those long ears you can hear the voices...
Oh, these are genuine rabbit ears from the animal of legend!
I don't care how expensive it is! Please sell it to me!

While its not entirely on the subject of this thread, I always wondered where that myth originated amongst Hylian culture considering we only have SS, TMC, and TP to look at for direct clues.

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