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Dumb comments you often see or hear


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
"I got over my saddness/depression by just choosing to be happy"

I have heard people say this so often, not just online, I've heard interactions between co-workers, or between people while I'm in passing where someone says this. I hate it so much.
yeah that’s, uh, not the way it works guys. it’s not that simple. no one “chooses” to be depressed.

on a similar note, when you have anxiety and someone says DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT! I get so irritated. like, aw man! you just instantly made my worries go away by saying that! wish I had thought of that idea first!

also, when people are asking for advice or recommendations and they end the sentence with something like “AAAAANNND GO!” like it’s a race to answer their question lol


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
yeah that’s, uh, not the way it works guys. it’s not that simple. no one “chooses” to be depressed.

on a similar note, when you have anxiety and someone says DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT! I get so irritated. like, aw man! you just instantly made my worries go away by saying that! wish I had thought of that idea first!

also, when people are asking for advice or recommendations and they end the sentence with something like “AAAAANNND GO!” like it’s a race to answer their question lol
Yeah, I have anxiety, and don't worry is one of the most unhelpful phrases ever. Grounding techniques and mindfulness I find are far more helpful and practical.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Something like "it's fiction so it doesn't matter."

9 times out of 10 it's just someone saying that to justify their creepy af interest/fixation.

B-b-b-but they are 6000 years old they are just drawn to look like children...

"JuSt Do YoUr ReSeArCh!"

*They say as they're blissfully unaware that their "research" is equivalent to just Googling for links that support their preconceived notions, and not looking into actual research on the subject they're ignorant of and have the balls to speak on.*

Sure, do your research, but research actually involves hard work, analyzing data, and coming to conclusions that may show that your preconceived notion was wrong.

Yes 'do your research' And 'Its not my job to educate you'

Translation 'I'm Too embarrassed to post a link to flatearthsociety.com where my knowledge base comes from' Or 'I watched a flashy slideshow on Instagram or Tik Tok produced by a teenager with little knowledge of the subject themselves in the first place and I can't out myself as recieving my education this way as I want to pretend to be credible '


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
One that always drives me crazy and I see in a lot of circles is "_______ isn't real art." Like people who will say you're not really making art because you work in a digital medium or you don't draw original characters. Like, art is art. It's so narrow minded and it annoys me because they're just not acknowledging the fact that someone put real work into it.

Yeah, I have anxiety, and don't worry is one of the most unhelpful phrases ever. Grounding techniques and mindfulness I find are far more helpful and practical.
Something on a similar vein as this is "stop crying". In my experience, people don't actively choose to start crying and thus embarrassing themselves. If they could stop they would. It's such a counter productive statement.


Southern Belle
Apr 16, 2021
One that always drives me crazy and I see in a lot of circles is "_______ isn't real art." Like people who will say you're not really making art because you work in a digital medium or you don't draw original characters. Like, art is art. It's so narrow minded and it annoys me because they're just not acknowledging the fact that someone put real work into it.
I agree with this for the most part, but lately i keep seeing it in relation to Ai art which is hilarious cus no one puts real work into it


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
One that always drives me crazy and I see in a lot of circles is "_______ isn't real art." Like people who will say you're not really making art because you work in a digital medium or you don't draw original characters. Like, art is art. It's so narrow minded and it annoys me because they're just not acknowledging the fact that someone put real work into it.
That one particularly irks me, it's like they're trying to justify their artistic preference as if it's something objective like science or mathematics.

But art... isn't really objective in that sense. How you feel about art, whether it's visual or musical is completely and totally subjective, and there's no need to justify why you feel that way. What's wrong with saying something just wasn't your thing? That's completely okay.

Like, in the Anime OP/ED thread, the pieces I rated were 100% based on how I felt about them, not necessarily that they were bad art in an objective sense, because they aren't. In fact, they were good pieces, I just have my opinions as do we all.

But my opinions aren't objective fact. It's just my personal feeling about them, and that's totally fine.


Goth catboy thingy
Oct 28, 2022
The middle of nowhere
I get plenty of dumb comments on the regular but it's usually a new one each time. There is one recurring dumb comment (or rather a question) that springs to mind for me:

"That's a cute cross! Are you a Christian?"
No madam, I'm just a big fan of crucifixion.

Now perhaps it's a bit harsh of me to call it "dumb" but it was the best I could come up with.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I personally hate "I do that for reps *yawn emoji*"
"That's my warmup set :crylaugh:" when someone posts a PR.
And of course this:

The worst of all is those slobs who type "roids". They've probably never lifted their entire lives with "its so unrealistic and I don't wanna pursue it" mentality, Fingers so fat that they can't type the whole word.
Some natty influencers actually see it as a compliment. Well that's how positive they can be


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
because someone always inevitably comes in and talks about how that thing was actually totally justified and works better than the thing you really want and you should feel bad for not liking it
Well, I have my opinions, I'll state why I personally like something or what I felt.

But if you don't like it, you don't like it. Ultimately, that's your feeling about it. I may disagree, but mileage will always vary. :shrug:

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