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Dreams thread.


The one and only.
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Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Dreamed that Corey LaJoie, one of my favorite NASCAR drivers, was doing an interview or sumn at my house, and I was scrambling around trying to figure out what I wanted to ask him to autograph, because while I do have a Corey LaJoie diecast, when I got it was autographed, so I had no idea what to do. I finally got this red Corvette diecast that doesn't actually exist, and went back downstairs to ask him to sign it. Then he did some slight of hand or sumn and actually signed a diecast of one of his cars, actually the same one I already have, so now I had two of basically the same thing, but since it was just me and him sitting in the living room, he really went ham with it, he was basically drawing on it with the sharpie. The rest of the dream was me trying to figure out how to handle and store it because he didn't bother giving me the box for it.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Ok this one was weird.

So I went to some restaurant for a birthday dinner that a bunch of friends and family were throwing for me. I walk in and find where everyone is at, try to sit down, and everyone is like "oh no, you can't sit down, x, y, and z friends/relatives are coming and they are going to sit there, so you'll have to stand." Then they tell me they already ordered my food, and I'm like staring at the food they ordered me, looking at the empty seats, and thinking "there are other tables and seats too that we could pull up to solve this issue, so why are they making me stand at my own birthday dinner?"

When that realization hit I was like, "Well it has been nice seeing you all for these last two minutes, I'm going to go get my own dinner elsewhere where I can actually sit down and order what I want for myself."

And then I just left, lol.

I'm glad the dream me has the same respect for himself that I would, I would totally do the exact same thing in a situation like that.


Apr 16, 2021
had a really weird dream that botw 2 came out and that my sis and i were playing it together. we were exploring in the woods, picking up mushrooms and stuff, when we saw something odd in the grass. we inspected it and it turned out to be a plastic straw- like the kind you get at fast food places. I was really weirded out by this, cus theres no plastic in hyrule, so we were like, "what the hell why is this here." well then these 2 men came up behind Link, one was a generic gangster dude with a backwards cap and a skateboard over his shoulder, and the other was a businessman. they muttered something to each other about link being "the perfect specimen" or something while we just stood there, then the businessman put a gun to link's forehead and shot him. then they dragged him through a portal in the wall like the ones in mario sunshine, which went to the modern world, where they sold his body because they were poachers and hylians were considered to be some sort of exotic creature... kind of a disturbing dream but it was funny as hell when i woke up


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I had a weird one where ned's declassified school survival guide came back and its a continuation with the characters in 9th grade, but most of the actors are the same as they are now, just playing younger versions of themselves, like actual 30 year olds playing high schoolers

and one of the new characters was arlo's stupid puppet but wearing pants [yes, that arlo], and its as awkward looking as you might imagine

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Not my dream, but I found it hilarious. My sister just told me that last night I was a hippy in her dream. I had dreads for some reason, and she came into my room to ask me a question or something but I was like "Oh heyyy, I was wondering if you got any dreadules" and she was like, "Uh, what" and I was like "You know, stuff I can put in my dreads to stylize!". She said no and then left because she forgot what she was even going to ask me, but then went into her room and found some hair clips, a pink cat one and a butterfly one. So then she went back into my room and was like "I found these" and I was like "Whoaaaa these are awesoommeee!" And she responded "but they are girly" and then I apparently went on this rant about what the clips symbolize as I put them in my hair.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I had a really weird dream the other day where I had an internet friend over
Usually I struggle to keep dreams and memories separate but this one was so weird I knew instantly it was a dream
Jan 10, 2022
Had a dream last night where I was either living in or visiting some sort of southern US not-quite-marshland with some big fancy house and lots of weeping willows. It was sort of sunsety, dusk. There was a river or maybe a lake I was looking out upon, and someone explained to me about one tree nearby that some woman hung herself there ages ago, and I remember looking at the rope that was left hanging there and wondering if she felt the view of the water was as peaceful as I did.

I walked around as a lot of the land seemed almost like a park, with benches and all. Talked to a few people I somehow seemed to know about some job I used to have I guess, and then after it got dark we went inside the house. This is where things get a bit fuzzy until the explosions start happening.

At first we just think they’re fireworks, but soon enough it’s quite evident that they’re bombs dropping. My first thought is nukes but it wouldn’t make sense with how close they seem to be and how many, but then it didn’t make sense that the building we were in could withstand them to begin with, so who knows. All I know is we all took cover and waited til morning to go out and see there was pretty much just endless wasteland now. And I guess that’s where my dream ended.

Usually my dreams end up really weird, to the point where I’m not even sure I’d call some nightmares or not, but this is one of few where it felt like there was an immediate danger, which is kind of odd in itself for me.

I try to decipher them and often do try and see what some common meanings there are believed to be, however I do take those with a grain of salt. Ultimately I believe it’s just regurgitating information, especially stuff gone unprocessed by the subconscious, though I don’t think that means meaning can’t be derived from them altogether.

For this one in particular, I definitely equate the explosion to both watching a lot of Fallout videos recently and the Megaton nuke being quite memorable, and my last 4th of July here in New Mexico being way louder with illegal fireworks everywhere compared to back in New England.

Some of the visuals themselves with the hazy sunset and setting, probably being disturbed watching someone on YouTube play this’Mothered’ horror game with such a surreal aesthetic. Everything else, well, probably me thinking a lot about what I’m doing with my life and career and whether I really want to be out here or move somewhere back on the east coast. It’s a bit heavy for here, but I used to have some suicidal tendencies, thankfully not for many years now, but I think that’s part of why it was in this dream.


The one and only.
Forum Volunteer
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Dreamed that Nacho's fur had changed color from yellow to gray/white and that he was fatter or sumn so his head seemed smaller, but it was definitely still Nacho.

Also had a lot of dreams involving hotels, this happens occasionally and I'm wondering now if it means something about my mental state.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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I forgot to share the dream I had last night, it was pretty weird, but I think it's from all the anime I've been watching.

I was in the pool my uncle used to have in his backyard before they filled it in a few years ago. And suddenly this ninja guy appeared out of thin air and was standing by the pool, staring at me. I knew I was going to have to fight him because we locked eyes and I just got that feeling. I got out of the pool and was suddenly in my own ninja outfit.

And here is where the dream glitched like it was a game. I stopped looking at the guy to grab a stick to use as a weapon, and when I looked back at him he was closer to me than before, was crouching, and had a shield he was balancing on his head, lol. Fsr I crouched too and we both did snarky smiles as taunts, and then we did like a ninja run that was so fast we clashed instantly, it was like instant transmission in a way from DBZ. My stick had turned into a flame sword fsr and I just sword dueled him, it was very epic and awesome. All I know is we were pretty even matched at first, but the general vibe was we were just toying with each other before the true battle began.

I woke up before the battle got serious.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Torrential downpour wher we coul see the fish floating above pond then trevor Mcdonald qnd my mums friend were in our garden then there were dead rats and that in our garden then my dad grabbed heron around neck and started spinning...


I got a key! Let me find a door!
Oct 2, 2021
i had a dream where me and my family were huddled up on a couch, watching a live countdown to the end of the world. the announcer said, ¨10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,!¨ then the entire world rumbled and then there was a big bang noise, and everything went yellow, then black as all of humanity died. i woke up in a small steel room, with two staircases and a small banister, leading to two tunnels. i woke up then. it had been a weird dream, so i tried to continue it, no such luck.

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