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Dreams thread.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
I had a weird and kinky dream last night:oops:. In the dream was Twilight Princess Link and some woman, I think she looks like that healing lady from Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, but in 3d form. She ask Link if he wants her to heal him and he agreed. Then she got on top of him in an cowgirl position, after that the whole background became purple with them having a white line image of themselves, (basically like a drawing) spreading outward while an dark silhouette of them was inward having sexual intercourse.

Man, I never eating Taco Bell before bed ever again:confused:.

Soooooo, where were you?

Nov 14, 2015
Extremely weird dream.

I bought a rabbit that could turn into a person but instead of turning into a person it turned into a pidgey and it flew under my desk, and when I went to get it out a bunch of spiders ran out from every side while more spiders came out from the walls. I ran out my door, and giant, four-legged spiders that looked more like headcrabs ran through my hallway, while the walls tore away to reveal bits of space with a giant hole at the bottom. I didn't want to take any chances, so I jumped in the hole (which turned out to be an even bigger spider's mouth.) I woke up in a hotel room, and my mom had adopted a little girl from Africa so I had a new sister (she was a *****) and I went down to the hotel lobby. For some reason, we used escalators to go from floor to floor instead of elevators, and I got in a fight with two people on it. One of them pulled out a serrated knife and cut my arm, to which I took the knife and stabbed him in the chest and threw him over the railing. I ran up the escalators and went back to my room. My adopted sister and mom yelled at me and we packed and drove away immediately. On the way home we bought a rabbit, where I then woke up. I guess the second part of my dream was like a sequel to the first part.

(Sorry if this is phrased badly phone keyboard is annoying)
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I dreamt I went into my room only to find a pair of cats had gotten into it. I went to play with them but they grabbed on to my arm so I had to take them around with me.

I think I dreampt of cats because a new cat has moved into my street. I found it asleep under the car yesterday, it is very friendy and often comes to my house, almost on a daily basis as it likes sitting outside our front door for some reason.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I dreampt I was watching a play at the theatre and decided I would change from my current direction in life and become a stage actor. Then some of the creatures in the play actually started to attack the actors and the audience. So I got out my silver sword and started dealing with the problem. One of the creatures escaped and i tracked it down but I saw a spiders thread in my path attached to a sack of baby spiders. I couldnt cut it with my sword so I used some hairspray on it. That did nothing either so I set off to find somwone else to try and remove it. Then I woke up.

Triforce King

Pathfinder for life
Jul 10, 2011
I had a dream last night that it was the end of the world(revelation). When I found that out in my dream, I prayed the lord's prayer so hard, but it was too late:kawaii:.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I had a terrible dream last night I was in the supermarket and there were no pumpkins left for me to take home and carve on Halloween. I have been looking forward to doing another one for a long time now after last years pugkin. In the supermarket their pumpkins were either rotten or tiny. There were also a load of unusual items such as 7ft long marrows, square watermelons and big balls of grit being labelled as fruit to deceive customers.
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Feb 14, 2016
The Sea
I had a terrible dream last night I was in the supermarket and there were no pumpkins left for me to take home and carve on Halloween. I have been looking forward to doing another one for a long time now after last years pugkin. In the supermarket apl their pumpkins were either rotten or tiny. There were also a load of unusual items such as 7ft long marrows, square watermelons and big balls of grit being labelled as fruit to deceive customers.

But what happened in your dream though?


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I had a nightmare that my mum was coming towards me to talk to me but her face kept changing into the faces of dead family members- my uncle, my nan, my great-uncle. It was awful :(


I am the very model of a modern major-general
Oct 1, 2012
Exactly where you would expect.
Attack Helicopter
When I dream, I can only remember the framework of a story, not the story itself. (that also really helps when I want to write)

So there's a princess, and she's dying. The only thing that can save her is an elixir with 8 ingredients, and there is only one of each in the world. seven of them are with her advisers in case of something like this happening. I have the 8th. I am a regular villager with no knowledge of the importance of what I have. Also, each ingredient has a unique property to them. Each one instantly kills the one who puts it into the elixir.
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Oct 2, 2016
The dreams that I have are relatively vivid and long. But here is one of my recent ones. I think I was playing too much Killing Floor 2 the night before..
*WARNING* Block of text/intense dream. :D Also, I was trying to jot this down very quickly so there might be a few grammatical mistakes. Ah well.
So I was playing a "game". Specifically, a survival game in real life where we all had real guns killing monsters. I was already with friends and all that and we were all winning and were the last ones standing. Maybe there were about 40 of us. We had a counter on the top right that we could see and the number didn't go down anymore ... I realized...those 40 something were us....we had to apparently eliminate each other... I told one of my good friends standing next to me to shoot me. She obviously objected immediately. I said it's okay, once the round ends, we'll just respawn and I'd rather have you do it than someone else.

She cried but she did shoot me in the shoulder which hurt like hell. I fell on my knees and then fell on my face to the grassy ground and I really felt my consciousness leaving from me. I heard yells and screams and was slowly fading out. My body was fighting itself. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to die. But at the same time that warm numbing sensation was lulling me to just let go.

People ran over and were shouting/talking to me. I mustered up the energy to open my eyes blearily and smile and say I'm okay.

Suddenly I was in a room on a bed with many of my friends. I was in the middle of about 10 or so. They took it upon themselves to just let someone else kill them. A girl our age was standing at the foot of the bed and she was rearranging us to positions. I didn't want to feel anymore bullets. I was actually frightened. I got up and told her I will die soon because of my previous injury but don't want to partake in this. She said okay.

I jumped off the bed and hid behind it. Seconds later, I heard the sound of an assault rifle just hammering out bullets. I heard all my friends scream in pain and I felt some of their bodies (that were sticking over the sides of the bed) writhe and spaz out at the impact of the bullets. Many of them did die immediately. As soon as it was over, I got back up and went to my place on the bed to just pass out. The girl came over to where I was and I saw her holding a curved butcher's knife.

She slashed my left shoulder three times and I cried outloud. I remember thinking, this is the last time I'll ever see my friends. I didn't tell them how much I loved being around them, how much I miss them, what will they think/do once they find out I have died?....I don't want to die...I don't want to die!!

I put my right forearm over my eyes to not cry and pretended to sleep. I took the curved butcher's knife out of my shoulder and held it in my right hand. I looked to my left and right and saw the dead faces of my friends. Some on the end were actually still alive but barely.

The girl who cut me walked away for a bit but came back to check on me. As soon as she came back, I swung out that knife with a crazed look in my eyes and got up. I was in a tight lock with her as she struggled not to be cut. I was bleeding and my shoulder was killing me but the adrenaline was keeping me alive. I wanted to kill this person. She was a thorn in my side and I was intent on killing her.

A few of those remaining alive slowly got up and tried to help me. The last thing I remember after she struggled and eventually ran, was me getting an actual butcher's knife in all it's silver glory.... and smiling at her.

Azure Sage

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I had a dream that Breath of the Wild was revealed to be a direct sequel to Twilight Princess in a new demo where someone discovered this by talking to Moana (yes, the Disney princess) who was in the game replacing Zelda as the identity of the mysterious voice and as Midna's granddaughter.

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