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Dreams thread.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Dreamt my dad wad invigilating an exam i was doing with a school friend...told my dad this morning he asked did you pass...dunno woke before getting results...


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I had a dream that I purchased a Kiesel K Series Headless guitar, waited the requisite time for delivery, and I started to play it.


Then I woke up, no such guitar in my hands. Now I'm sad. :(
had a dream about tears of the kingdom kind of? wasnt really about playing it but more like about me doing my theory acid trips and anyway... this is what i retained @Spiritual Mask Salesman

yes i compared it to the ancient cistern again in the dream but i like added more, about how there is a SEA of malice underground... like back about how the demons erupted from a fissure into the ground i talked about that before, but the cistern thing and calling it a sea really was the staircase i didnt know i wanted lmao. because it proceeded to talk about high and low tides... and you know what controls tides? the moon. the blood moon rises once again™

no i dont remember what else was in my dream i just wanted to document this nonsense before i forgot


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
This was a few nights ago, I was redoing the final battle of Portal, and it was actually really accurate and coherent for a dream, up until I had one hit to go and Glados says "Oh, you like missiles?" and hundreds of missile launchers came out of the wall and started shooting missiles everywhere, they completely destroyed Glados and turned Chell (player character) into a baby, then I had to run in there and grab her to save her, I went up a spiral staircase and was in this Sith temple, lots of evil looking people wandering around in cloaks, I handed the baby off and kept exploring,t he whole place had this polished wood aesthetic, then I was in this restaurant and it was in the infield of Darlington Raceway during the Southern 500, very close to the track, I watched the race for a bit then woke up. Iirc they were turning right instead of left lol.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Dreamed I was back working at Arby's, it was early in the day, about 10 or so, but there was only one employee still there from when I first worked there, and the new manager was pretty incompetent, had someone come through asking for some sweet tea and we barely had enough to fill the cup so I had to go back and make some because nobody else would, but I could barely remember how so I had to ask the guy that was still there from my previous time working there but he was busy too, I finally got the tea made and then saw that the floor had paper all over it and needed to be swept so I got on that then I woke up.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Seeing two totk dreams on this page is so funny actually because I had a dream about the game last night. It was kinda broken into 2 parts.

The first bit was in the central part of Hyrule where Hyrule castle was (I say was because it was just an open field at this point). I was playing as wolf Link fsr. There was no monsters and this blue border around the whole area so I figured I'd have to go to the border to trigger the opening cutscene. When I went there a cutscene started with a orange and blue twilight portal opening in the sky (dream me was flipping out like "OMG THE TWILI NO WAYYYY") and Midna herself appeared, very confused, and decided to join me on my adventure.

It skips ahead after that, I'm human Link. I'm still looking to find the first dungeon when I find Kakariko Village. It's absolutely ginormous, also beautiful graphically. It's shiny red tiled roofs as far as I can see. I start looking for Impa, stopping to enter every single building along the way because gamer. A giant enemy? Blimp? Overshadows the city so I catapult myself up there and have to do this whole infiltration mission climbing through rafters and fighting enemies. One of the main bad guys is on the blimp but before I reach him, I manage to destroy it and fall out of the sky. Link manages to break his fall on the broken blimp and is met by Impa, who is very happy to see him and apparently has some grim news. I woke up after that.
I think my brain probably wrote a much better plot than Nintendo tbh we'll have to wait and see.
Apr 20, 2023
I have lucid dreams often, and they are always random. Never bad, just random.

The one I had before waking this morning involved me decorating for New Years with someone I've never met, and they were apparently my boyfriend in the dream, so that was interesting.

I remember lots of balloons, lots of different colours, and they were bigger than normal, and I was teaching my boyfriend how to use the electric pump to blow them up.

Only strange thing is I don't remember what he looked like, as if his face was blank the entire time.

Fun, though.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
had a pretty in depth dream, the kind where once I woke up, had to actually take a few moments to realize what was a dream and what was real

well I guess the broad strokes of it was that it was the last week of school and I had to walk home each day, but the earth itself was departing the solar system and was headed to the center of the galaxy or something, so the sky is constantly night time and moving since the earth itself was traveling, but it was really picturesque and not pitch black like how it probably would be
and there was a thing w/ me being friends w/ 3 new people and bunch of random stuff happening each day
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
Recently, I had a "dream" where I was having a conversation with Buffy Summers. She had the same scary eyes (whitish gold) that she had when her watcher and friends cast that enjoining spell and she deafeted and killed Adam in the episode "Primeval" season 4.


But I wasn't scared, because I felt no evil or malevolent aura/energy emanating from her. Her voice sounded normal, not like it did in "primeval" when she destroyed Adam, but she had the same eyes as then. We were in a relatively dark room because outside the sky was grey and covered in dark clouds and it was raining. We were having a conversation. She told me that the dish soap was on the countertop and I was washing dishes. She then told me that to the Powers That Be, we are as mud or dirt and that they don't care about us. She sounded angry, bitter and disgusted. When I try to this discuss this topic further with her, she kept changing the subject and she kept saying "don't talk about that" or "later" and "go get some rest", as if she was trying to protect me from something or someone. She walked away and I knew that she was going to her bedroom to get some sleep and I was going to take a nap in the guest room after washing the last two dishes.

Also, I had a "dream" where I was packing a few things (I was forced to leave two or three things behind, and I took only a couple articles of clothing, a few bath towels, and one or two stuffed animals) and I ran from home because my mother and sister didn't care about me and were either verbally abusing me or acting as if I wasn't there, as if I didn't even exist. I ended up in a parallel universe somewhere in the multiverse and I packed my stuff there too and I run away again. As I ran out of the house with a handful of my stuff, I heard my sister ask me where I was going and my mother say "See? You're not neglected and mistreated here" as I ran out of the house and left. After sprinting away and standing near the park a little further away from my "home", it occurred to me that maybe in that parallel universe I was not neglected and mistreated by the only family I have left, but after thinking a little bit I realized that their behavior didn't match their words and I didn't want to chance it and end up in an abusive environment again. So I just ran away once again. I just ran and didn't look back, my heart was heavy and I just wanted to burst into sobs, but I was so sad that I couldn't cry (researchers have established that crying releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, also known as endorphins, these feel-good chemicals help ease both physical and emotional pain, since I couldn't cry there was no outlet or catharsis for my pain). Have you ever been so sad that you couldn't even cry because it hurt so bad? I have. I didn't want to be alone, but I just felt the urge to get as far away from them and that house as possible. I wanted to scream and cry. I was wondering in how many parallel universes in the multiverse did I have to experience this horrible situation, how many of my alternate selves went through this and would it ever stop, would I ever be loved and accepted one day, or would I forever be unwanted, ignored, neglected and mistreated, would I ever fit in somewhere?
Jun 7, 2023
Last night I had a dream where I was out walking at night, in the countryside, with a group of other people. Apparently we were a group of friends and there was a pet with us. To the right of the road was a hill with a bunch of houses in the distance, illuminated by street lamps (I think). Up on that hill, but below the houses, were a pack of wolves/coyotes or something. We were all very nervous, especially because of the pet we had with us. The pack noticed us and began moving down the hill and toward us. The whole feel was very tense and anxiety inducing, basically imagine being fearful for your dog and group in a situation like this.

Now was the first time where the dream actually portrayed the pet properly. It was Garfield. He morphed into a grotesque monstrous Garfield spider and began tearing our friend group apart. I remember shouting "God damn it Garfield, we were trying to protect you". I was more exasperated than scared at that point. Dream shifted into something else after.

Sounds like a ****post but this is literally how it went down lmao. For whatever reason, my subconscious always shifts would be nightmares into weird scenarios nowadays.
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