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Dreams thread.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Just dreamed that I won the Boonta Eve Classic (the podrace that Anikin Skywalker wins in Phanom Menace) using a lawn chair that I was able to make fly by grabbing the armrests and pulling up while sitting in it. Everyone was calling it the snowball derby tho, that's a real race, a big short track race in January. The course was way different too, it started in an average suburban neighborhood, and part of it went through this really big, fancy building with columns and such.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
for once, had a ghost/haunted dream that wasn't a nightmare

so, was home alone and house was haunted, the moment I saw the ghost I got the frick out of there and ran into my mom outside, and I was adamant of sleeping on the streets b/c I did not want to go back there, we ended up in some room to talk about the ghost until the ghost itself showed up, it was some woman and she started talking to me pretty casually about what she's doing there or something, either way the more she talked the more at ease I felt since I could actually see and talk to this ghost, just glad it wasn't yet another nightmare

Azure Sage

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From what I can remember of my dream last night, I was Fushi from To Your Eternity and I was running away from an abusive uncle in the street and it played out like a Persona 5 palace but whenever I got spotted by him or search lights I'd get fired on by automatic machine guns but since I was Fushi I didn't die. It was a weird kind of stealth mission thing and I discovered that if I just let the guns constantly fire at me they'd wear down their own health bars and since I couldn't die I just did that to win. Weird.


Sharpshooter for Hire
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Just dreamed that I won the Boonta Eve Classic (the podrace that Anikin Skywalker wins in Phanom Menace) using a lawn chair that I was able to make fly by grabbing the armrests and pulling up while sitting in it. Everyone was calling it the snowball derby tho, that's a real race, a big short track race in January. The course was way different too, it started in an average suburban neighborhood, and part of it went through this really big, fancy building with columns and such.
Dang, I wish I had dreams like that. Most of my dreams have to do about me going to places in my past.

Azure Sage

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Had a dream where I was at a party with my parents friends or something. In their basement was a mirror that was haunted and eats people. Think the house from Monster House but as a mirror. It inhaled like Kirby and ate people alive. Meanwhile, everyone at the party was like "oh yeah hahah whoops i forgot that evil man-eating mirror was down there, be careful!" and just going about their business. Like dude. It ate your brother. he's dead. It was alarming how unalarmed everyone was by it.
Apr 20, 2023
At a gathering/party/event thing and before my friends and I left, I started taking all these big balloons that were blown up everywhere, some floating or not, and had my friends take more and put them all in my van so I could take them home. They were lots of fun.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I was watching a games presentation stream of some sorts (something like an E3 livestream) and one of the games that came up was a Yakuza arena fighting game (similar to Power Stone) and it was really cool b/c of all the selectable Yakuza characters across the series, then there was a twist and it also featured Simpsons characters

dream or not, this game sounds freaking hype and I want it

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
I had a dream that I got a girl's phone number, and right before we had our first date, I went on the boat we were supposed to go on and the boat lost over 100 passengers, due to a storm. Then got raided by pirates, and I manage to survive by being the badass in shooting every one of them. Then the girl called me, and I was surprised thinking she was dead with the first 100. I explained what happened, and said it was the first time I shot someone with a gun in my life.
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Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I answered "crying" instead of "raining" in Barcelona. That made a Duo appear on my screen with an uncanny fusion with a teary eyed laughing emoji and a laughing audio. Hope this feature doesn't get added in the future.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I hate this dream, there was a museum in my college campus dedicated to resurrecting the most dangerous animals that have existed, they escaped and it became a survival horror thing where any which one could be hiding in an empty, ransacked room, and the main monster I remember was one that looked like a kabutops, a tall thing w/ sharp, sword-like arms

awful dream, but could make for an interesting horror film

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
I had a dream about Zelda. The funny thing is, I swear I've had this dream before. One of my favorite dreams. So Twilight Princess Link was walking down a corridor with epona. He gets off his horse to check two statues in the middle of the next room, the statues we're just about to clash swords and shields and as soon as they touch it immediately cuts to a scene in Faron Woods from Skyward Sword with Skyward Sword Link. Then the winds pick up and it cuts to Wind Waker Link trying to get to the center of a raging storm with the Deku Leaf in the middle of the Great Sea, next to one of the islands. But as soon as he gets in the huge waterspout, the shark from Jaws theme starts playing, and Link is struggling for his life. And after he gets to safety, He's about to try again, when the dream completely starts over again.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
Dreamt that I heard some weird noises inside the closet, and when I went to investigate I saw a wooden comb on the ground sliding around on its own. Then it started to levitate and slam into the wall and fall back down, and I was very freaked out, hah.

I ran into the kitchen, grabbed a trash bag, went back and threw the comb inside, tied it, and rushed outside to toss in the garbage can and slam the lid shut.

Then I was like, super paranoid and started praying because I thought there was some sort of dark entity controlling that comb and probably didn't leave yet. Don't recall how it ended :shrugs:

Azure Sage

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Last night I went to sleep thinking about the cinnamon bun I'll have for breakfast today, and I guess that influenced my dreams because I dreamt that I had to hunt and kill a living red velvet cinnamon bun by chasing it down and cooking it by poking it with a torch and it was fighting back so I had to dodge roll out of the way. It ended up with a lot of cold spots while I was eating and it wasn't satisfying.

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
I had a dream that I was playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent for the first time, I know was that game cuz I've seen a speed run of it, then My sister got fireworks for me, but I only saw the last one going off clearly. Then I woke up.

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