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Dreams thread.

Feb 25, 2021
Might as well mention this too:

Back last year, around late summer, I had a dream where the Great Plateau Lynel was being kept in a closet in my (former) school.

That can’t be healthy!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
How about this one I had this week:
I was at Wal-Mart, well I knew it was Wal-Mart in my dream but it looked like a cross between a Hobby Lobby and a Bass Pro Shops. Anyway, I got taken to the back room. It was really a lot of rooms, and they had the carpeted wall vibe that the backroom of Wal-Mart tends to have in my dreams. At the end of the hall, there was a closed door, and I guess the employee, or whoever it was that was taking me there, said we needed to sneak through so she wouldn't get out. We go in, and it was @Dizzi in there. Well, it was a deaf cat that looked just like Theo, and that's what Dizzi was in my dream. I asked the guy "Who is it that manages her social media accounts?"
So basically, I had a dream where Dizzi is actually a cat and she lives in the back of Wal-Mart.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
How about this one I had this week:
I was at Wal-Mart, well I knew it was Wal-Mart in my dream but it looked like a cross between a Hobby Lobby and a Bass Pro Shops. Anyway, I got taken to the back room. It was really a lot of rooms, and they had the carpeted wall vibe that the backroom of Wal-Mart tends to have in my dreams. At the end of the hall, there was a closed door, and I guess the employee, or whoever it was that was taking me there, said we needed to sneak through so she wouldn't get out. We go in, and it was @Dizzi in there. Well, it was a deaf cat that looked just like Theo, and that's what Dizzi was in my dream. I asked the guy "Who is it that manages her social media accounts?"
So basically, I had a dream where Dizzi is actually a cat and she lives in the back of Wal-Mart.
Who manages my social accounts?? Haha do i get paid in your dream at wal-mart...
Feb 25, 2021
I had two dreams last night:

1 - I was in a boarding school and got in trouble for hiding under a table.

2 - I also had a dream about Metroid Prime.


Hum dee doo
Mar 30, 2020
I had a craZEE dream last night.
I was at this state park of some kind on this cliff. The cliff was kind of small and had another cliff like it across from it. I was on the left side and there was a path underneath. There was this large boulder on that side and there were some buckles with carribeaners and ropes attached. I had a rope in my hand that was kind of long and I was walking along the edge. Then my foot slipped and I was falling. I held onto the rope and it swung me through the in between space over people's heads, and then shot me up, up, upwards into the sky. I still held onto the rope and eventually I was so high I couldn't even see the boulder. Then as I came back down, it was going to slingshot me up again, but I was coming down near where I had fallen, so I jumped when I was close enough and closed my eyes, bracing for impact. The next thing I knew, I was standing by my mom and nobody had even noticed. Later we went to church and my dad kept cracking "Dancing with the clouds" jokes.

In hindsight, I probably would be at the hospital instead of church. And this hasn't helped my fear of heights one bit. (Technically, I don't have a fear of heights, I have a fear of falling from a great height.)
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wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
Not a recent dream but still
when I was at my aunt's place in france ( blah blah had to stay there to go to a plane to my least favorite place on the planet )
well I remember a dream had when I went to sleep :
I was Link and I was on a tall spiraling tower ( it was like a stone Chinese dragon ) it was in the middle of huge massive ocean and there was nothing in sight except the tower
so I trek up the tower and at the top is ganondorf ( oot design even tho I was like ss link )
I pushed him off the tower and he fell into the abyss that was the ocean
and it was a really long fall he wasn't screaming or anything he just sort of fell
and then there was a splash sound when he finally landed into the ocean
then my mum woke me up

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I feel like this thread is more of a public dream journal than anything but this is probably the best place to share anyway
I had a dream that I watched an entire first season of an anime because it was actually good but now that I've woken up I think my brain created an entire season's worth of story arc and now I'm sad that it's not a show I know because it was actually really good


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I feel like this thread is more of a public dream journal than anything but this is probably the best place to share anyway
I had a dream that I watched an entire first season of an anime because it was actually good but now that I've woken up I think my brain created an entire season's worth of story arc and now I'm sad that it's not a show I know because it was actually really good
Make ot your self??

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