I just had the weirdest dream. I decided to take road trip with a friend I no longer see and a friend of hers that I'm pretty sure my mind made up, but was like a really convincing person. Like I can still remember what this girl looked and sounded like, and what her personality was, even though I've never actually seen her in real life.
So then I was all ready to leave but realized I had packed my stuff into the wrong bag. I tried to switch all my crap from one bag to another but it took me half an hour and they got tired of waiting for me so the taxi driver came to get me. Don't know why we were taking a taxi on a road trip, but whatever.........the driver was Jimmy Falon! My stuff is loaded, I'm finally in the car, then poof! In a blink of the eye we are at our destination which happened to be some random university.
We are laughing having a good time when I blink my eyes and poof! AGAIN ........I am now in the Attack on Titan series, but with a totally different setting!!!!
The Scouts are like using underground caverns to storm an old castle (and I had the distinctly vague impression that we actually knew where Titans came from and why they wanted to kill humanity) so we're all dodging creepy ass, giant, killer, naked, drunk people (Titans) in caves before we make it atop the ramparts/inner wall of the castle's courtyard. We are fighting, some people get eaten, there is some side story going on about a former Titan shifter gone traitor and is currently missing two arms that is trying to help us so that he can save himself (basically selfish asshole that just happens to be useful). Then I noticed some friends were hurt. Found out they were ok but dispirited. I made a big speech about fighting like hell to live, which felt very badass and dramatic at the moment. And then I went back over to the series character Eren Yeager.
Just as we were talking gestapo soldiers appeared on both sides of the walls at ther base ground level!? They opened fire with little vintage revolvers and we all dropped to the ground to avoid the spray of bullets. And there was this moment where Eren and I looked at eachother with absolute relief, since we managed not to get shot....BUT THEN! People started to disintegrate around us and we both started to panic! And just as Eren started to turn to stone? Ash? Idk. He pulled out a pack of playing cards and I realized it wasn't a strange bullet that was causing this, we hadn't unknowingly been shot, but that every Scout soldier had a deck of playing cards on them and that the unusual looking Joker card had somehow been a weapon of the enemy all along. Eren was now gone and I closed my eyes as I myself disintegrated.
Instead of it all being over I woke up in a really large classy bed and got taken to a mini carriage type thing inside the castle we had been trying to storm the other night. Apparently we somehow weren't dead after disintegrating!? Hell if I know. So I'm getting a ride through the castle and you know that convenient asshole from earlier, well, he has is arms back and is all dressed up and is really freaking tense. Apparently the Titans? Titan shifters? Evil ruler of all things awful in my mind yet still unseen bad dude? Had put the asshole to work before he dished out a punishment, which I got the impression would not be a kind punishment to a traitor.
Yada, yada there are a couple ladies in waiting on my carriage, one is pregnant, I'm apparently supposed to get really dolled up before I see the bad dude, which I also got the impression this was not how most of the other prisoners were being interrogated (THAT gave me a really bad feeling). There was some **** talk about fairies I think and then, you guessed it............POOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am now sitting in the kitchen of my freaking house!!!! I'm disoriented and discombobulated, and just as I'm trying to figure out how all of a sudden I'm back home and not in another city on my road trip with my friends I hear knocking on the garage door and someone works at the lock. I instantly know it's my mom, but for some reason I can't make my body get up to let her in like I normally would.
I have a moment where I'm convinced I'm having a long realistic dream that I can't wake up from and that when I do I'll be back on my road trip. Ironic.....huh?
So now the creepy part is that I actually am kinda awake at this point. Like my eyes are open and staring at my ceiling of my bedroom in real life, but I'm still hearing my mother's disembodied voice as she apparently gets passed the door to the kitchen in my dreams! And of all things she starts ranting about, she goes into, how dare I apply for a FAFSA without a freaking job! And at this point I'm like what the hell!? Because 1. I don't remember even applying for FAFSA and 2. I DO have a job!
This is where I finally snapped out of my waking dream and wondered what the hell I must've ate before bed to cause that mess of chaotic images and impressions while I slept.
Help me people, something is obviously, terribly wrong with my mind -_-;