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Game Thread Dragons of Lythan

Who would win in a fight

  • Monkey D Luffy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Naruto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ichiro

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Death The Kid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Asta

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Edward Elric

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Goku

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Batman

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
The Suit of armor puts down the cards in his hands as he was playing some 1 person game, and acknowledges the researcher. in a semi-feminine voice pretending to be heavily Maculine
"Ah! The Spirit Temple? In South Dock? you're looking in the wrong spot, sweet meal. you want the Necropolis in Liore. or the Desert Colossus deep in Lanayru Proper. Ihave travelled this land from South Dock to Sylva Haganenomatsu. from Kor Nia to Kor Iblishokan. care to share your hypothesis with this war Whor--Horse"
Bella walks by in a cockney accent dropping a bottle of Whiskey in front of her, rubbing the simple copper band on her finger.
"Murdol's taking a shine to you, dearie. compliments of the House"


The game is on!
"Oh uh, thank you very much, miss," Iki thanked the waitress. "That's very generous of him... Hang on, is he the owner of this establishment?" she asks and gestured toward Murdol.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Murdol gestures a toast to Iki in return
"Yes, Ol' Man Murdol built this place with our Dad." Bella says "It's one of the better places in Town, if you dont mind--"
Del flies down the stairs, hitting the wall about 4 feet from the floor, and falling down. a Guitar falls after him, then a pair of pants. Quickly Del goes to the Tall Pirate Captain and signs up quickly, and runs out the door before Lazulene comes down the stairs with a Battleaxe, swearing in Dwarvish
"Other people's stories. I'm Bella Mauve, and this is my Brother, Belo"
Belo Waves and looks in the general direction of Bella and Iki, kindly sitting and awaiting conversation
"My Shift ends in an hour if you want to talk more, but i got tables right now"
Bella walks away to wait on other Patrons. The pirate captains get other signatures from interested parties as the sun begins to set.
"My Sister is very nice, but she does love bumping into people's conversations"


The game is on!
By now Iki had a very genuine smile on her face. These seemed like very good people.

"You both seem to be very hospitable people," she said to Belo as she poured herself a glass from the whiskey bottle that Bella had gotten for her. "Would you like a glass as well? I suspect we may have plenty to discuss... Though please do send me off in case I should ramble too much!"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
"Ah, no. this Beer is more than enough for me"
The tankard of Beer remains untouched
"have a seat and we can" "discuss strategy"


The game is on!
Iki sat down opposite Belo and took a sip from her whiskey glass.

"Everyone keeps telling me to go to Liore, but I've already been there. In fact, it was at the Spirit Temple in Liore where I deciphered some runes that lead me to believe there was another temple of the spirit dragon around here somewhere... But I could quite easily have misinterpreted it. It wouldn't be the first time..." She scratched the back of her head. "Oh well, there's other dragons to research too. Plenty of leads to follow. I've been at this for about ten years, you see - researching the divine dragons of Lythan - but it's certainly a challenge a lot of the time."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
"They do tend to stay secluded and only come out when they feel it necessary, laying on their hordes and such. but you said you deciphered something? do you have a rubbing or something?" Belo inquires


The game is on!
"I do!" Iki confirms. "Although I haven't got it on me at the moment. It's in my bag over at the inn that I'm staying at. I'd be happy to show it to you though."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Belo Nods
"Go and get it real quick, I'll be here when you get back... dont talk to any lone children on your way though... you might not come back. Local thing"


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
I lone dwarf walked in and headed for his normal table. As he was getting comfortable a waitress approaches asking him what he wanted, after a moment of thinking, he finally piped up saying in his gruff thick voice/accent, "I'll 'ave yer strongest ale."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Bella heads to the table and gives the loud one a bottle of their strongest ale. somehow it's 400 Proof
"something to get your Alcohol-blood level down"


The game is on!
Iki was a bit confused about Belo's comment about lone children, but didn't bother asking about it. "Alright then, I'll be back soon!" she said as she got up and left the bar, leaving her glass and bottle on the table since she'd be back soon anyway.

The inn she stayed at wasn't far away, so it didn't take her long to enter her room and grab her bag containing all the belongings she brought with her.

Not too long after leaving the bar she was back with a pretty big backpack. She sat down opposite Belo again and started searching through the bag for the cloth containing the rubbing from the runes of the temple in Liore.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Belo looks over the rubbing
"I can not make head nor tail of this. Bella! care to take a look?"
Bella walks over to the table and looks over the Rubbing
"Some sort of Star Map from what I can gather. The Spirit Temples are labelled, as are the other temples. I see the Great Tree to the East labelled. as well as the Volcano and something far off the coast, but it does have something around this Area. but it's in Ancient Hylian. i do not know anyone that speaks or reads that. can you?"


The game is on!
"Afraid not," Iki answered her. "I'm sorry, I must have misread the runes and jumped to conclusion out of sheer excitement," she gave Bella and Belo an embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry to have bothered you for nothing. Well, I guess I'd better be off then. Wouldn't want to waste more of your time!"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
An Anikage walks up to the group, inebriated
"lemme look"
The Anikage examines the Paper
"Vae vobis, qui audetis ad oras Leviathan. Muri aurei tenent ipsum inane. Dentes strident et dilacerant carnes quaerentium pacem.... something about walls that eviscerate and a hollow place or something. i get where you're coming from thinking about a Temple of Life though. there is talk of a birth of something."
Bella looks at this Anikage
"Who are you?"
"I heard something about Hylian. I thought I'd help."
"well thanks... go back over there."
The Anikage staggers back to the bar
"So there you have it. there is something going on around here. Next step would be to find a way to it."

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