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Dragons in Zelda


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
I'm sort of on the fence about dragons in Zelda. I think Zelda does need more depth to its dragons but at the same time, dragons shouldn't overshadow the iconic elements of Zelda, such as Link, Zelda, the Triforce, and so on. Considering Zelda's current dragons - Volvagia, Argarok, Valoo, Faron, Lanayru, and Eldin - and how well they're implemented, I would like more dragons in Zelda, especially as bosses or friendly characters. The idea of a dragon race seems interesting, but it should be balanced with familiar Zelda races such as the Gorons or Zoras. However, the idea of Link riding a dragon instead of Epona, for example, seems too cliche and generic to me. Again I stress that dragons should not be what define Zelda but they should supplement Zelda.
As for the eastern/western dragon debate, I'd be fine either way.
Aug 8, 2012
Well why dont we have some sort of province run by a Dragon and s/he has an army of Aeralfos at its command and you have to storm a castle in the mountains so where? and you could get a new item that is shaped like a dragon head or something? that would be cool. Riding them would be too much but they need to have more yes.
Apr 23, 2010
Well why dont we have some sort of province run by a Dragon and s/he has an army of Aeralfos at its command and you have to storm a castle in the mountains so where? and you could get a new item that is shaped like a dragon head or something? that would be cool. Riding them would be too much but they need to have more yes.

In Cardinal Kingdom, there's only one dragon ride and it's not some Eragon-styled bonding. It's more of a life or death kind of thing. Anyway, in regards to a dragon province, there is a land called the Dragon Grounds, with an island close by called the Forbidden Rock. There not only are you exposed to the good and bad dragons, but you learn how to slay them tactically so you can storm the fortress on the Forbidden Rock. And when I say dragons (plural), I mean 3 in that region alone. And another 2 or 3 elsewhere. No where near a lot.

But your idea of an Aeralfos army is interesting. I'll have to see how that works into the intrinsic game play.
Jun 14, 2011
Going full humanoid may be possible for a Zelda game, but it rings too close to a childish audience.

Not necessarily. Just because a Dragon/Human Hybrid is present, doesn't mean it appeals to a childish audience. When I said Humanoid Dragon, Drago from Jackie Chan Adventures popped into my head. That was what I was trying to get at. Now I'm not saying for a Zelda game these beings should look like Drago, they should use his image as inspiration and create their own Dragon/Human hybrid thus making an entire race, plus they should give them a kind yet serious, hot-headed personality. That will remove the childish appeal of these beings.
Apr 23, 2010
Not necessarily. Just because a Dragon/Human Hybrid is present, doesn't mean it appeals to a childish audience. When I said Humanoid Dragon, Drago from Jackie Chan Adventures popped into my head. That was what I was trying to get at. Now I'm not saying for a Zelda game these beings should look like Drago, they should use his image as inspiration and create their own Dragon/Human hybrid thus making an entire race, plus they should give them a kind yet serious, hot-headed personality. That will remove the childish appeal of these beings.

I see what you're getting at, and that could be a good template to use. Just when I first saw hybrid, I tried imagining the breeding process there and it just didn't seem entirely possible, given their more animalistic nature (in most renderings). As I was alluding to, it could be feasible to see a domesticated dragon, that would resemble a hybrid, but so much as Meowth resembles a human (in that he can speak). So a snout, and perhaps even size, unless you factor this domestic dragon is the runt in the pack?

Simply put, if they go with a Drago rendition (template inspiration, mind you), then I see this being more of an anomaly in the Zelda world as to say that this character would most likely be more closely associated with a demon than just a dragon, and possibly being a newly created villain? If you were to get a friendly version of Drago, for instance, the eyes might be softer and the color (knowing Zelda) would have more color. They could do the contrast thing, which would be a surprise and a good inclusion, but I'm just going off of Zelda's history here.

Eventually, what you get with the concept is something that would be the equivalent of what the Rito Tribe was in WW, but with dragons. And if you compare the Helmaroc King to the Rito, a humanoid form of the King is more menacing than a Rito. They're a cool concept, so I'm not bashing that at all. But for dragons, I see them as maintaining their massive, intimidating presence or in the very least be evil (which would make sense in humanoid form because human facial expressions are easier in depicting dark character).


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
Just when I first saw hybrid, I tried imagining the breeding process there and it just didn't seem entirely possible, given their more animalistic nature (in most renderings).
Lol yeah...dragons are reptilian in most cases, and humans arent. Impossible, unless of course the dragons take human form, which I have seen before...but I still prefer that humans and dragons don't get THAT close, and dragons without human forms. Most of the time anyway. Fire Emblem has a race of humans that transform into dragons, and they are badass.

I knew he meant more along the lines of an anthro dragon race, not a human/dragon hybrid.
Jan 2, 2012
Your concept of having dragons as a "race" reminds me of Eragon's saga a lot. And that's a marvelous idea, that would be very very cool.
Apr 23, 2010
Yeah Antho was what I meant when I said Dragon/Human Hybrid. I guess I forgot about that specific word. my bad.

Ahh, okay. I see, so would the dragons from SS be a suitable approach to this? I wasn't overly ecstatic about their design, but something tells me a few more steps in the right direction could get a sound image...

And just out of curiosity, how did you perceive these dragon-types to be in the game. Neutral/demonic/godly and plentiful/average/rare?


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
Eh. I want to see more of them but I wouldn't want them to get their own race, i feel that's a bit too much.

I'd prefer to see them as enemies, specifically bosses. I want a big badass scary as hell fire breathing dragon like we hear about and fear in mythology- Big, giant chompers huge claws and two massive wings. and a tail. The closest we got to what I want in the Zelda series for dragons was either Argorok though he was easy and a bit small, or Onox in dragon form. I did NOT like Faron the dragon, and we barely saw Eldin. Lanayru was cool though. Volvagia was fun, but more like a flying fire worm type thing ratehr than a dragon.

But i wouldn't mind a friendly dragon or two. Valoo would've been more badass if he wasnt a goofy looking fat lump
Jun 12, 2012
I would like to see a mixture of both eastern and western Dragons in Zelda. I think the Dragons in Zelda should be used more as bosses.


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
r2d93 said:
I did NOT like Faron the dragon, and we barely saw Eldin. Lanayru was cool though.
You don't like Faron? Why? She took matters into her own...claws, and flooded the forest to get rid of monsters. And she threatened to eat the kikwi hermit. She had the most character development among the dragons, she's awesome. But I agree, Eldin really got the short end of the stick. I feel sorry for him. Lanayru at least got to run a minigame...

rock said:
Ahh, okay. I see, so would the dragons from SS be a suitable approach to this? I wasn't overly ecstatic about their design, but something tells me a few more steps in the right direction could get a sound image...
I dont like their design either, I dont like the human faces. I redesigned them to be more eastern/chinese style:

Bottom row with Levias :D I was going to make sprites for most of the SS characters. Should probably start up on that project again.
Apr 23, 2010
You don't like Faron? Why? She took matters into her own...claws, and flooded the forest to get rid of monsters. And she threatened to eat the kikwi hermit. She had the most character development among the dragons, she's awesome. But I agree, Eldin really got the short end of the stick. I feel sorry for him. Lanayru at least got to run a minigame...

I dont like their design either, I dont like the human faces. I redesigned them to be more eastern/chinese style:

Bottom row with Levias :D I was going to make sprites for most of the SS characters. Should probably start up on that project again.

Yeah, see now that's a good rendering of facial structure for a Zelda dragon. Alligator or crocodile style might be too realistic (not to say it shouldn't have phenomenal appearance), but a gecko-like face (I say this, because if there was a green one, I'd imagine some similarities between Pokemon's Treecko, or Grovyle) looks perfect. That way, in the rendering of a design they can have all their massive badass bodies, but still warrant the possibility to talk and what not. Perhaps even, to satisfy whether they should be traditional dragon or a humanoid version, we could have two forms. I mean, being a dragon, you're super powerful so transforming (to some degree) wouldn't be totally out of line.

By the way, I've never seen these sprites before. Are they yours? You did an amazing job! I wouldn't have recognized them right off the bat (Levias being the only one I found familiar at first), but it's really cool. I'm not too adept with stuff like that, but always wished I could so I could put together some kind of "screen shot" of the game ideas I make.


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
Yup yup those are my sprites. Spliced from pokemon sprites, and some random battle sprite base for RPG Maker(humans) Notice that the Link is my avatar.

For a complete breakdown...

Loftwings: Pidgeot, pidgeotto, fearow
Levias: Wailord, gyarados
Faron: Dragonair, charmeleon, sceptile, meganium
Eldin: Dragonair, charmeleon, sceptile, charmander, feraligatr
Lanayru: Dragonair, charmeleon, sceptile, charizard

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