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Dragon's Dogma 2

Azure Sage

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This is a few days old now but I haven't really seen anyone here talk about it. The first game is 10 years old so this sequel was a long time coming. They ported the first game to the switch, which was how I was introduced. It was a lot of fun to play, though I thought some of the story and lore was pretty wacky. The sequel looks like more of the first game but better, and I can't really complain about that. I'm most excited to see the new classes. Too bad this isn't being developed for the switch... I plan to have a steam deck soon, though, I guess...

My main draw to it was the fact that you create two characters; the Arisen and the main pawn. Making my two main ocs together for this kept me going through four runs and 250+ hours. I hope to get the same out of the sequel.


"Dandori Issue"
Apr 2, 2011
Lake Hylia
I put a few hundred hours into the original release & now the Switch version, so I'm pretty excited- like, so much that it melted our original PS3 from overheating during Bitterblack Isle. I just didn't think to bring the game up here since it's somewhat obscure now. I do like that it seems to be a more realized version of the first game, personally. Ol Greg (Grigori) is looking FANTASTIC & it's what he deserves. I can't wait to fight him again. The revamped magic system in particular looks extremely fun to play around with, with a lot of new ways to use it beyond just standing there & shuffling around to cast something big.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I'm down for more Dragon's Dogma. The first game is one of my favorite bad games. I put a whole lot of time into both the PC version and the Switch port. One thing that worries me is what seems to be the return of Grigori. I'm not interested in just playing through that same storyline again. If they are then hopefully the meta rug gets pulled out from beneath our feet at some point.
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2009
I saw the release trailer but wasn't convinced fully. I liked DD a lot and had hoped that they had delivered a prequel or sequel sooner. Now that it has been confirmed, I will probably wait and see how it looks through more gameplay vids; if I see too much repetition I probably won't buy it.

Azure Sage

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Game's coming out soon. Instead of a demo, they gave us the full character creator and are allowing us to to bring characters from it into the full game. That's pretty neato. I don't think I've seen that done before. Naturally I'll be taking advantage of that.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013

Game's coming out soon. Instead of a demo, they gave us the full character creator and are allowing us to to bring characters from it into the full game. That's pretty neato. I don't think I've seen that done before. Naturally I'll be taking advantage of that.

I remember Saints Row 3 doing it before. I'd rather a proper demo, but the character creator is very in depth.

Azure Sage

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I was so bright-eyed and full of excitement Friday morning. Couldn't wait to get home from work and play it. Then I saw my friends talking about how bad people were saying the performance and optimization was. I was like, "hmmm, in my experience, most people who complain about that are just angry geeks that get mad when the performance dips from 60 FPS to 55 FPS for a few seconds. probably not a big deal." I looked at the steam reviews and saw one person say something on the lines of "game can barely maintain 56 FPS, not recommended." I scoffed at this, feeling validated. "Capcom said they were targeting a solid 30 FPS anyway, that's plenty. what a bunch of whiners.", I said to myself.

Then I actually played the game, and for the first time I actually noticed when performance was bad. Normally I can't even notice frame rate dips, in any game I play. Everyone keeps telling me how bad Age of Calamity runs and I never noticed anything wrong with that one. Well, I noticed this. Game ran like a powerpoint slideshow. Definitely not even hitting 20 FPS. Granted I'm playing on a new Steam Deck OLED and not a high end PC (I would rather die than play something that's not handheld after two decades of the 3DS and Switch, personally) but my deck runs Elden Ring perfectly fine as well as games that aren't even optimized for it, like Granblue Relink. Never saw any issues with those. But with this game I'm getting powerpoint slides a vast majority of the time.

And honestly... that, I could kind of put up with, if I had to. If it's that or play off handheld, I'll stick to handheld where I'm most comfortable. What I really, really can't deal with though is all the crashing and freezing. Sometimes I can get a good hour of stability, and then boom, it crashes six times in the span of ten minutes. The vocation guild and the area outside of vernworth is especially bad. I can hardly go into a vocation-related menu without instant crashes, which makes keeping my arisen and main pawn up to date almost impossible. I'm also getting a ton of crashes on startup, which makes it all the more frustrating to get back in the game, because when you crash, you naturally want to get back in there and do damage control on your progress, right? The one saving grace here is all the auto-saves. I've never lost a significant amount of progress, usually only having to walk back a few feet. But it's still extremely frustrating and makes the game more unplayable than the frame rate does.

It really sucks because the game is extremely fun when it works. It's very engaging and is the sort of game I can lose myself in for hours and hours at a time. Unfortunately all the crashes make that unrealistic. I really wanted to keep trying, but I could only stand to do so for so long. So I can't recommend this game to anyone until Capcom fixes all the crashing and touches up the performance. If you want this game, wait for such an update. (I haven't even mentioned the ridiculousness of being unable to remake your character without buying a voucher with real money, not even through ng+, but that's a whole other can of worms.)

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