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Breath of the Wild Do you like BotW’s durability mechanic?

Do you like the durability mechanic?

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I hear thunder, pitter patter..
Feb 9, 2021
I personally think that these weapons should last a good while. It shouldn’t take a whole Royal broadsword to take out a gold bokoblin.
Jan 30, 2021
Jedi master/ master of thee high ground
I am not saying that but I like the idea of durability how you have to get new wepon to progress

Azure Sage

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I've never had an issue with it. I kind of enjoy the strategy and the resource management. It also encourages thinking creatively with the physics engine to succeed in fights, which is one of the game's strongest points. I understand others not liking it, but theres nothing wrong with it mechanically and I have fun with it.


I hear thunder, pitter patter..
Feb 9, 2021
I've never had an issue with it. I kind of enjoy the strategy and the resource management. It also encourages thinking creatively with the physics engine to succeed in fights, which is one of the game's strongest points. I understand others not liking it, but theres nothing wrong with it mechanically and I have fun with it.
The “taking physics to your advantage” kinda becomes ineffective when you reach the point where black bokoblins spawn


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
It's a nice bit of preparation to keep in mind before engaging with enemies, so I like it quite a bit. Having the powered-up MS kind of kills the point of it if you beat the Trial of the Sword, but I'm still glad weapon durability was included. I've done the sword trials once and don't plan on doing them again, so on repeat playthroughs the item management will be more important overall.
Jan 1, 2021
Yes. It worked well. It made every weapon you find something that may have value and made you consider how you go about things. Simply going slashy slashy isn't going to work here. You're surviving in the wild. You have to be smarter than that.

Maybe some weapons could have lasted a wee bit longer though.

Not really. You can use spin attacks to send them flying off cliffs, for example. I just did that to a gold bokoblin yesterday. Using the physics to your advantage never stops.

Or the korok leaf, the MVP of master mode.


you are not immune to propaganda
Nov 3, 2020
The problem is that I want to conserve all the good weapons, so my inventory is crammed full at all times. Having a traditional item system would negate this. In Minecraft, a game that it seems Breath of the Wild took inspiration from, this isn't a problem, with there being chests and larger inventory space, and also that the weapons are crafted by the player, meaning there's less of them and also less reluctance to use them.


I hear thunder, pitter patter..
Feb 9, 2021
The problem is that I want to conserve all the good weapons, so my inventory is crammed full at all times. Having a traditional item system would negate this. In Minecraft, a game that it seems Breath of the Wild took inspiration from, this isn't a problem, with there being chests and larger inventory space, and also that the weapons are crafted by the player, meaning there's less of them and also less reluctance to use them.
Not to mention that a wooden sword has a higher durability than the Royal Claymore

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