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Do You Ever Mistakenly Hear Sound Effects IRL?


Type to myself in silence
Nov 8, 2009
Washington, USA
Do you? A couple days ago I heard my father say "fire" and I heard the engineer from TF2 yell "FIRE". My father did say it in a weird way too.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Believe it or not, I've heard the Rupee sound (from OoT), gunshots (CoD MW3), and the Mario coin sound (Mario games) IRL. In my head, kinda, but IRL. Turns out a majority of the time was just my head, though I could've sworn it was real. O_O


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Yeah. It happens all the time with ringtones and text notifications. It hardly ever comes from inside my head, unless I'm remembering some moments of gameplay, such as when Link opens a chest to get an item, or Mario jumps up into a block to retrieve the coin(s). But there are very few instances where a real life noise gives off the exact tone of a sound effect.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
This happens to me all the time. It's nearly ridiculous. Whenever I approach a sewer I hear the pipe sound from Super Mario Bros. and have the urge to jump in. Banks are filled with treasure chests and the rupee sound comes to mind. The worst offender, however, is definitely the Portal franchise. Whenever I approach a machine it seems to hum and insist that it's still alive. Gets me every time.


Like a sir.
Apr 21, 2012
No, but now I wish I could. Maybe not mistakenly, but it'd be cool to open the Mailbox and hear the chest opening "Da na na na!" (Great, now I wanna rig my mailbox to do that XD)
Jul 14, 2012
Yeah. It happens all the time with ringtones and text notifications. It hardly ever comes from inside my head, unless I'm remembering some moments of gameplay, such as when Link opens a chest to get an item, or Mario jumps up into a block to retrieve the coin(s). But there are very few instances where a real life noise gives off the exact tone of a sound effect.

I think you just GONE crazy. :lol: Spyro the dragon boy. :lol:

I always hear my name. I swear I have a ghost following me. :lol:


The Blade of Evil's Bane
Dec 21, 2011
Temple of Time
I hear the sound of the Smash Ball breaking, and occasionally Link's grunts. "Heyaahhh." The scariest one was one time I saw some tall dude, kinda scary looking, and the first thing I thought of was Batman: "Don't lie to me, I just cleaned the blood from the last informant off my suit."
Well, there was one time in Health class last year that I heard Navi say, "Hey, listen!" But, I honestly think it was because I was wearing a Legend of Zelda shirt that day and it was probably just some kid messing with me. Because when I sat upright in response to it, there was snickering. ;/ It was most-likely a sound effect on a phone or something. Not very nice of them to do that, but... oh well.
Feb 23, 2011
There were times when I've gotten very little sleep where I'd hear sound effects in the distance. Most of them were nonsensical babble, but I distinctly hear a sound that goes "Tsssssssssst!" on a regular basis. I'd liken the sound to a cross between a bomb fuse and air being released from a soda can. I used to get so paranoid because of this, and I once thought I was entering the prodromal stage of schizophrenia. Luckily, that was not the case. Heh heh...

I've also heard loud whistles that were clearly directed at me on numerous occasions; although, I think I may have a secret admirer. (lol) Other than that, I normally hear videogame noises after extended gaming sessions, as if I were still playing.
May 5, 2012
Yeh at times, especially if am playing a certain game a lot. Whats worse in the first year or so of playing WoW i kept having dreams about WoW...so sad xD

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
There's only once I can remember this happening. My friends and I go to this Pokémon League for the card game every Saturday, and a while ago, I was buying a new pack of cards when I heard the Zelda puzzle-solved chime. I paused and looked around and asked my friends if they heard it, and no one seemed sure of what I was talking about. I have no idea what happened. XD It sounded pretty real, though, so I don't think it was in my head. Maybe someone was playing a DS Zelda nearby or something (since a lot of people play video games at our league), although I didn't hear any music...


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I usually hear the Coin sound effect (Super Mario), Extra Life sound effect (Super Mario), Ring sound effect (Sonic The Hedgehog), Rupee sound effect (The Legend of Zelda), and the Pokéball capture sequence ( (Pokémon) Starting from throwing a Pokéball to the music when a player captures a Pokémon).


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
I hear the Achievement Unlocked sound all the time. My mind adds in I guess when something looks like it would be achievement worthy. It actually bothers me a lot, because my gamerscore doesn't increase from it.

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