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Do You Care to Earn Achievements/Trophies?

Do You Care to Earn Achievements/Trophies?

  • Yes!

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  • No.

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  • I don't care either way.

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Nanomachines, son.
Apr 12, 2012
That just depends on the game really. If it's a game I really do like, and the trophies/achievements aren't too tedious, then yes I more than likely will go for them to get more out of the game. Otherwise if it's a game I don't particularly care for, I'll just go through the story once and just about leave it at that.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
I've never really cared about them all that much. Some of the objectives are usually so ridiculous or outlandish, I just don't even try to Platinum a game.

I did attempt to Platinum Final Fantasy XIII-2, however. And Final Fantasy X is going to have added trophies, right? I actually legitimately 100%'d that game so many years ago, after much frustration with the Celestial Weapons and that god-forsaken monster hunting side-quest. Don't know if I'll ever try to do it all again, or if I'll even have time, but that would probably be the game that I finally Platinum.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Achievements? Trophies? Back in my day we beat games to gloat about beating them, not to get virtual trophies (which didn't even exist at the time)
Aug 21, 2012
...turn around
When I first start the game I'll get excited about getting them all, but then I'll finish the game and decide it's not worht it, I have other games to be finished

but currently I'm trying to catch all the pokemon (I even made an organized list and everything). This is also something i can so while trying to beat the games so..


Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
Meh, I think they're great little fun additions, ya know a little extra challenge to do. But it's not why I play games, I mean I try and get them sometimes, but I really don't care either way
Aug 18, 2009
Yes! Earning achievements or trophies is what actually makes a game a little more fun to play in this era. If I get the trophies, awards, etc, it means I conquered the game, or certain challenges within it, which in the end leaves me feeling proud of myself for having done that. I play games for fun, though, so earning these trophies comes on its own, mostly. If I can't seem to get a hard-to-get trophy I don't waste my time doing that, though. In the XBOX there's been three games that I conquered by getting all achievements, but I had a blast playing the games, I didn't play them just to get the achievements.

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