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Did the WiiMote+ Really Affect You?


no text
Dec 16, 2011
Well did it?
I've read many reviews on Skyward Sword, that have moaned and moaned about the issues of re-calibrating the WiiMote to the central position. Yes i've had to do this a couple of times and it really didn't bother me that much, infact, I respect the fact that we can actually do that. This didn't bother me that much. The thing that did annoy me, in the reviews, was that they were saying that Link does a Skyward Strike automatically, without you even pointing the WiiMote up. They must have a faulty WiiMote or something because this has never happened to me. I feel the WiiMote + is a really good addition to Skyward Sword.

Because of Reviewers talking all this rubbish about the WiiMote+ issues, it has spread. People the read the reviews, and because of the idiotic reviewers nit picking antics, they change their mind about buying it. This may just be me, but it really grinds my gears.

Did the WiiMote+ really affect you?


Jun 20, 2011
In a tree house.
Hmm i thought there was a thread about this somwhere....o well

Anyways it did not affect me one bit. Im at the last battle and ive only re-calibrated the Wii-mote+ about 4 times throughout my entire playthrough. I dont see what the big deal about it is. either some people just dont like the game and is being nit-picky, or they are just really lazy...

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I only had to center my pointer a couple of times but I never had to calibrate it other than once or twice.It never really bothered me though.The only reason that people hate on SS is because they don't like nintendo.They find the smallest things and try to make it seem worse than it really is.
Dec 10, 2011
Bay Area
That is weird. I never had it do the skyward strike out of the blue. They are probably thinking of the vertical sword slash which I would occasionally do unintentionally. I think most of those control issue reviews are by people who don't like being proactive and using movement. Nintendo is trying to make it fun getting rid of lackadaisical playing for something more innovative so obviously some people aren't going to like the change. I never had calibration issues sans a couple of times and it was totally my fault as I would be aiming the Wii mote downward between scenes while grabbing a beer or something.
Dec 19, 2011
The only problem I had with the controls was during the mine cart mini game but I eventually figured out how to somewhat overcome my problem.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Link actually does do SStrikes without pointing the sword up, and whenever I DO point the Wiimote up he decides NOT to do the strike (i mean charging it, anyway). Calibrating it wasn't much of an issue with me; once you get the hang of centering and sheathing, you shouldn't have to calibrate too often. You also need to reposition your Wiimote when you DO sheathe your sword or else you'll have problems, but that's because of how the sensor bar reacts with the WiiM+.

All in all, I didn't have too many problems but the problems still existed.


Skyward Wiimote
Nov 21, 2011
Not at all. I never had to re-calibrate the Wiimote+, but I did had to center the pointer sometimes because I wasn't pointing the Wiimote+ forward whenever I took out the bow or the slingshot.

The Wiimote+ addition is perfect in my opinion and I want all future Zelda games to stay that way.


Talk Zelda, talk Zelda
Jul 1, 2011
Santa Fe, New Mexico
No not at all, I think the motion controls worked just grate for the game. I did have the problem with the pointing sometimes on the game, it seamed to move to the right when I had it in the middle. But that was fix able by pressing down on the + control pad thing. And some times I did have problems with I sword fallowing my every movement. But the teacher that teaches you how to us the sword said that if you cam to that problem then do a virtical slash. You do that and I work like I did not even have a problem. Nintendo made the game so that you did not have to celabrate it. Only the first time when you start the game. So for people to be hitting on the controls is just nonsense.

Kaori Locke

I never had problems of re-calibrating, but I would be annoyed at how many times I felt like I needed to re-center but I wasn't able to. I wouldn't be as willing because it was so convenient that the very button they say to center is also the button to talk to Fi, haha.
Other than that I really liked Motion+.
Dec 22, 2011
I actually enjoy this new feature of the game it was a really exciting experience and made the game a lot more interesting
Jun 25, 2011
Link actually does do SStrikes without pointing the sword up, and whenever I DO point the Wiimote up he decides NOT to do the strike (i mean charging it, anyway). Calibrating it wasn't much of an issue with me; once you get the hang of centering and sheathing, you shouldn't have to calibrate too often. You also need to reposition your Wiimote when you DO sheathe your sword or else you'll have problems, but that's because of how the sensor bar reacts with the WiiM+.

All in all, I didn't have too many problems but the problems still existed.

Hate to say it bro, but you're part of the problem and don't understand how the game works. WM+ doesn't use the sensor bar at all, and the "center" is all relative (not necessarily the center of the screen) to where you want it to be.

Also, what do you mean by sheathing your sword? That doesn't affect anything.


no text
Dec 16, 2011
Also, what do you mean by sheathing your sword? That doesn't affect anything.
By 'Sheathing' your sword, you take it out take it out of it's holder. So by doing that jolst movement to take your sword out it can mess with the alignment and such. I'm not really sure how it works, but that's what he meant, I think.

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